Obrázky stránek

Notices that lands are required, 153.

that a warrant will be issued to sheriff, 159.

that arbitrators are required, 159, 161.

that claimant requires a warrant to be issued to sheriff, 161.

that compensation is demanded from the Company, 161.

that owner requires lands wanted for temporary purposes, to be pur-

chased, 173.

that lands are required for temporary purposes, 167.

that owners or occupiers object to lands being used for temporary

purposes, 169.

that existing roads are required to be used, 177.

that owners or occupiers object to roads being used, 178.

that owner is desirous of working mines near the railway, 187.

to pay off mortgage on lands, 149.

to pay off money borrowed, 138.

to tenants from year to year, 183.

contents of, 158, 244.

cannot be revoked, 158, 241, 242, 243.

may be waived, 159, 133, 245.

of calls, 128, 130.

of meetings of shareholders, 113.

in case of joint proprietors, to be given to first named in the register,
App. 109.

previous to issuing execution against shareholder, 143.

given by carriers, 444.

Nuisance, Company liable to consequences of, in certain cases, 167.

removal of, 387.

when excused, 389.

Oath to include affirmation, see "INTERPRETATION CLAUSE."
Obstructing works, penalties for, 339.

officer, 89, 428.

Occupation of lands for temporary purposes, 166.

of roads for temporary purposes, 179.

Occupiers may object to lands being taken for temporary purposes, 169.
entitled to compensation, 182.

Offenders may be apprehended without warrant, 426.

Office of registrar, hours of, 3.

Officers, names of, under provisional registration to be registered, 5.
directors must take security from, 119.

must render accounts, 119.

police, 426.

Omission in Parliamentary plans may be amended, 340.

Opening of railway, 88.

Opposition before Examiners as to standing orders, 21.

Opposition before Committee on bill, 25, 31.

Option to have compensation assessed by jury, or arbitrators, 287.

to compel company to purchase lands required for spoil banks, 173.
Orchard may not be entered on in certain cases, 166.

Ornamental grounds, when protected, 97, 166.

Owner, meaning of word, see "INTERPRETATION CLAUSE."

Owners, lessees, and occupiers, list of, to be deposited, 21, 30.

may object to lands being taken for temporary purposes, 169.
may require lands required for temporary purposes to be purchased,

Overseers, return to be made to, 119.

Parish clerks, deposit of plans with, 19, 29.
Park protected in certain cases, 166.

Parliament, practice of, 16.

Parliamentary subscription contract, 2.

agents, duties of, 16.

form of, App. 253.

Particulars of claims for compensation to be sent, 155.

form of, see "FORMS."

Partners, liability of promoters as, 688.

Party-wall, injury to, 198.

Passages, general power to make, 145, 346.
required to be made, 356.

Passenger railway, definition of, 90.

Passengers, returns of, must be made, 98.

may be conveyed by company, 432.
liable to penalties, &c., 430, 442, 467.
luggage belonging to, 462.

injuries to, compensation for, 463, 465.
bye-laws, as to, 95, 430, 466.

Penalty on promoters and directors for neglecting to register, 6.

on solicitor, 6.

for opening railway without notice, 88.

on clerk not permitting inspection of books, 119.

for disobeying bye-laws, see "BYE-LAWS."

for not making returns, 98.

for issuing illegal securities, 142.

for illegal entry on lands, 165.

for neglecting to provide a substituted road, 179.

may be recovered before two justices, 8 Vict. c. 16, s. 142, App. 110.

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8 Vict. c. 18, s. 136, App. 152.

8 Vict. c. 20, s. 140, App. 192.

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Pensions to retiring officers, 108.

Perjury, see "WITNESSES."

Personal property not liable to the poor-rate, 469.
Petition for railway bill, when made, 20.

to whom referred, 21.

for non-compliance with standing orders, 22, 29.
against a bill when preferred (Commons), 24.
when preferred (Lords), 31.

Piers, general powers to make, 145.

Place of business to be registered, 5.

Planes, inclined, general powers to make, 145, 346.
Plans, how to be made, 18, 29.

where to be deposited, 18, 29.

of deviations to be deposited, 340.

are referred to in notices to treat, 158.
Plantation protected in certain cases, 166.
Pleading in actions to recover calls, 129.

form of, see


in actions relating to the forfeiture of shares, 136.

Pleadings, form of, see "FORMS."

Police, conveyance of, by railway, 409.

regulations for railways, 426.

powers of, 426.

Poor's rate, liability of railway to, 468.

mode of assessing it, 469.

decided cases relating to, considered, 472, 484.

appeal against, 482.

certain annual accounts required for purposes of, 483.

made payable whilst the railway is constructing, 425, 482.
Postmaster-general, his authority over railways, 99, 401.
Powers to sell and convey lands, 147.

to make all necessary works, 145.

to make deviations, 341.

to take lands, 146.

to take temporary occupation of lands and roads, 165, 176.
Preamble of bill, proof of, 27.

opposition to, 27.

Precept to the sheriff to assess compensation, requisites of, 243.
Private Bill Office, 17.

deposit of plans at, 19, 21.

Private bills, practice on, 16.

register of, 17.

Prison, offenders may be committed to, 426.

Privileged communications to Commissioners of Railways, 99.

Privileges of company on provisional registration, 7.

Privileges of company on complete registration, 9.

Probate, grant of, 128.

Progress of bill through the Commons, 16.

the Lords, 29.

Promoters to register particulars, 4.

on appointing solicitors relieved from penalty, 6.

on provisional registration may act for twelve months from the

liabilities of, 688.

Proprietorship, certificate of, 121.

date of the certificate, 7.

may open subscription lists and allot
shares, 7.

Prospectus not to be issued before provisional registration, 4, 5.
copies to be registered, 5.

care in preparation of, recommended, 677.

forms used on, App. 234.

return as to the business of the company, 4.

name of company, 4.

promoters of the company, 5.

place of business of the company, 5.

provisional committee or directors, 5.

consent to act as directors, and agreement to

take shares, 5.

provisional officers, 5.

subscribers, 5.

list of the titles of documents returned, 6.
acceptance of office by the solicitor, 6.

resignation of office by the solicitor, App. 6.

Proviso in Joint-stock Companies Act, 12, 15.

Proxy, form of, 113.

stamp on, 114.

vote by, 113.

Public safety, regulations for, 88.

Purchase of railway by Lords of the Treasury, 417.

of lands by agreement, 146.

of lands by compulsion, 153.

of part of a house, 165, 191, 193.

of mines, 152, 187. See Mines.

money to be paid or deposited before entry, 162.

may be compelled when lands are required for temporary pur-

poses, 173.

of intersected lands, 165.

of copyhold lands, 148.

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