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64. Montana is very mountainous in the western part, while the eastern part consists of rolling plains. The mountains contain rich mines of gold, silver, lead, zinc, coal, and copper. In the eastern part, the grazing lands are excellent and much livestock is raised.

Boundary.-North, Canada; east, North Dakota and South Dakota; south, Wyoming and Idaho; west, Idaho. Capital. Helena.

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65. The chief industry of Utah is farming, which is carried on principally by irrigation; wheat, oats, barley, corn, hay, potatoes, and fruit are the chief products. Stock-raising is extensively carried on. The state contains rich silver mines; some gold, copper, and coal are also mined.

Boundary. North, Idaho and Wyoming; east, Wyoming and Colorado; south, Arizona; west, Nevada.

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66. Arizona has some excellent grazing land, so that cattle raising has become a leading industry. Farming is carried on in the river valleys by means of irrigation. Gold, silver, copper, and lead are plentiful; the mining of gold and silver is an important occupation. The famous cañons of the Colorado River are in the northern part of the state. Boundary.-North, Utah; east, New Mexico; south, Mexico; west, California and Nevada.

Capital.-Phoenix on the Salt River.
Boundary River. Colorado.




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67. Mining is the principal industry in Nevada, large quantities of silver and some gold being obtained. Farming is carried on in the river valleys, but it is necessary to irrigate the land to produce crops; barley, oats, some wheat, potatoes, and vegetables are raised. Stock raising is becoming an important industry.

Boundary.-North, Oregon and Idaho; east, Utah and Arizona; south, Arizona and California; west, California.

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Colorado has the greatest altitude of any state in the Union. It is famed for its healthful climate and is a great resort for tourists and invalids. Large quantities of gold and silver are mined, while coal, iron, copper, and lead are plentiful. Manufacturing and cattle and sheep raising are extensively carried on.

Boundary.-North, Wyoming and Nebraska; east, Nebraska and Kansas; south, Oklahoma and New Mexico, west, Utah. Capital.-Denver on the South Platte River.

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69. Mining is the most important industry in New Mexico, for gold, silver, iron, copper, lead, and zinc are abundant. Cattle-raising and wool-growing are also important industries. Agriculture is developing owing to irrigation, and the river valleys produce wheat, corn, barley, oats, fruit, and vegetables.

Boundary. North, Colorado; east, Oklahoma and Texas; south, Texas and Mexico; west, Arizona.

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1. (a) What ocean forms the western boundary of this section? (b) What two mountain systems extend through it? (c) What are the principal rivers? (d) What country is north of it?

2. Name and locate the capital of each state and territory in this


3. (a) Bound Washington. (b) What sound is in the northwestern part of the state? (c) Name and locate the largest city in Washington.

4. What river partly separates Oregon from Washington?

5. What mountains form the boundary between Montana and


6. Name two rivers in each of the following states: (a) California; (b) Arizona; (c) New Mexico; (d) Montana; (e) Wyoming; (f) Utah.

7. Name: (a) three mountain peaks in Colorado; (b) two ranges in Wyoming; (c) two ranges in California.

8. Where is Yellowstone National Park?

9. (a) What large lake is in Utah? (b) Name three cities near this lake.

10. Where is the Grand Cañon of the Colorado River?

11. Locate Yosemite Valley and Death Valley.

12. Where is San Francisco?

13. What three cities are situated on or near the southwestern coast of California?

14. Locate: (a) Walla Walla; (b) Provo; (c) Lewiston; (d) Laramie; (e) Cañon City; (f) Delamar; (g) Virginia City; (h) Oakland; (i) San Jose; (f) San Carlos; (k) Albuquerque.



70. The territories of the United States are Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands. The possessions are Guam and the Philippine Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Porto Rico in the Atlantic, and the Canal Zone on the Isthmus of Panama.


71. Alaska, a map of which is shown in Fig. 2, has an area of about half a million square miles, the greater part of which lies in the North Frigid Zone. It is about twice the size of Texas, the largest state in the Union. The rivers supply much fish and the canning of salmon is a valuable industry. The most valuable whale and seal fisheries in the world are off the coasts of Alaska. Gold and silver are mined extensively, and large deposits of lead, coal, tin, oil, and marble are found. Alaska produces valuable woods, such as spruce, fir, hemlock, cypress, and yellow cedar.

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