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CHAP. XXIII.-An Act supplementary to an Act entitled "An Act to regulate Fees and Compensation for Official and other services in the State of Nevada," approved March 9, 1865.

[Approved February 15, 1866.]

The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

tion of Com


SECTION 1. Commissioners of Deeds, appointed by the Gov- Compensaernors of any of the States of the United States of America, missioners of or any of the Territories thereof, to reside in the State of Nevada, may receive for services rendered in this State the compensation hereinafter expressed, and none other that is to say For drawing an affidavit, deposition or other paper, for each folio, thirty cents. For administering an oath or affidavit, twenty-five cents. For putting his seal to such instrument,, fifty cents. For taking an acknowledgment or proof of a deed or other instrument, to include the seal and the writing of the certificate, for the first signature, one dollar, and for each additional signature, fifty cents.

SEC. 2. Each Commissioner of Deeds residing in this State Pains and shall be subject to all the pains and penalties for official delin- penalties. quency, or extortions, as is provided in the Act to which this is supplemental.

SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

CHAP. XXIV.-An Act concerning the Liabilities of Joint Debtors.

[Approved February 15, 1866.]

The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


SECTION 1. Any one of two or more joint debtors, or parties Joint debtor jointly, or jointly and severally bound by any contract or judg- may be ment, may be released from his, her or its liability upon such from contract or judgment by the creditor or creditors, and such liability. release shall not operate, nor be held to operate, in law as a release to the other debtor or debtors upon such contract or judgment, except as to the released debtor's proportion of such liability or debt, estimated upon the basis of the number of such debtors. But such release shall operate only as a release of all liability of such debtor to the creditor in such contract or judgment, and as a credit upon the same of such proportionate sum as herein provided.

debtor not

SEC. 2. It shall not be necessary to make the party released, Released as provided in the foregoing section, a party to any action upon necessary to such contract, but the creditor or creditors aforesaid may pur- action.

Credit to be made on judgment.

sue the remaining debtors for the remaining portion of such debt, the same as though no such release had been made.

SEC. 3. In case a release, as aforesaid, be made to any judg ment debtor by the judgment creditor, the Judge or Justice shall order the proper credit, as aforesaid, made upon such judgment, and that such debtor be released from liability upon the same.





CHAP. XXV.-An Act to provide for the Payment of Certain

[Approved February 15, 1866.]

The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The Controller of State is hereby directed to required to draw his warrant on the Legislative Fund, in favor of the perwarrants for sons, and for the amounts as hereinafter set forth, to wit: In favor of E. B. Rail, or his assigns, for the sum of one hundred and twenty-three ninety one-hundredths dollars. In favor of Munckton and Warner, or their assigns, for the sum of fiftyfive eighty-three one-hundredth dollars. In favor of C. N. Noteware, or his assigns, for the sum of two dollars. In favor of Noland and Vandike, or their assigns, for the sum of eleven seventy-five one-hundredth dollars. In favor of William E. Skein, or his assigns, for the sum of one hundred and seven dollars. In favor of D. L. Fargo, or his assigns, for the sum of thirty-nine seventy-five one-hundredth dollars. In favor of John G. Fox, or his assigns, for the sum of thirty dollars. In favor of John A. Fisk, or his assigns, for the sum of two hundred and nine seventy-five one-hundredth dollars. In favor of Amiraux and Bowie, or their assigns, for the sum of two hundred and forty-one thirty-seven one-hundredth dollars. In favor of Fleischacker and Myer, or their assigns, for the sum of twenty-two sixty-six one-hundredth dollars. In favor of M. D. Judkins, or his assigns, for the sum of eighty-eight dollars.

County Commissioners

required to purchase building.

CHAP. XXVI.—An Act to provide for the Purchase of a County
Building by the County of Storey.

[Approved February 16, 1866.]

The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The County Commissioners of the county of
Storey are authorized and required, and it is hereby made their

be drawn on

fund, upon

duty, to purchase, for county purposes, the building on "B" street, in the city of Virginia, known as the Odd Fellows' Building, with the lot upon which the same is situated, for any sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars. The County Auditor Warrant to is authorized and required to draw his warrant on the "build- building ing fund" of said county, for the amount of purchase money very of agreed upon, not exceeding said sum of twenty thousand dollars, deed, etc. in favor of the owner or owners, or his or their accredited agent, upon delivery to him of a deed conveying to the county of Storey a perfect and complete title in and to said building and lot, to be approved by the District Attorney, and upon the cancellation and delivery to him of the lease now existing between the county of Storey and the owner or owners of the same, and upon the transfer to said county of any other lease or leases now existing, of or to any part of said building or lot.

CHAP. XXVII.-An Act concerning the Collection of Taxes on
Personal Property.

[Approved February 17, 1866.]

The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

When the

may collect

SECTION 1. The County Assessor, in the several counties in this State, when he assesses the property of any person or persons, company or corporation, liable to taxation, who do not taxes. own real estate within the county of sufficient value, in the Assessor's judgment, to pay the taxes on both his or their real and personal property, shall proceed immediately to collect the taxes on the personal property so assessed; and if such person When to or persons, company or corporation, shall neglect or refuse to seize pay such taxes, the Assessor, or his deputy, shall seize sufficient personal of the personal property of the person or persons, company or corporation, so neglecting or refusing to pay, to satisfy the taxes and costs, and shall proceed to collect the same as in the case of the collection of taxes on personal property where no real estate is assessed, as now provided by law.


SEC. 2. All Acts and parts of Acts, in conflict with the pro- Repeal. visions of this Act, are hereby repealed.




CHAP. XXVIII.-An Act for the Relief of Benj. Curler, District
Attorney of Churchill County.

[Approved February 17, 1866.]

The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The County Auditor of Churchill county is heredirected to by authorized and directed to draw his warrant on the County Treasurer, of said county, for six hundred and forty dollars, in favor of Benj. Curler, for salary as District Attorney during the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of the general


Assessment legalized.

CHAP. XXIX.-An Act to legalize the Assessment of Real and
Personal Property, as made by the County Commissioners of
Humboldt County, for the year one thousand eight hundred and

[Approved February 17, 1866.]

The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

SEC. 1. The assessment of the real and personal property which was made by the Board of County Commissioners of Humboldt county, by the passage of an order dated June sixth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, which is in the words and figures following, to wit: "Ordered in accordance with the Act of the Legislature, approved February twentieth, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, that a tax of thirty cents on each one hundred dollars value of taxable property, be levied for Territorial purposes;" also, in accordance with the same Act of the Legislature, "Ordered that a tax of eighty cents on each one hundred dollars value of taxable property, be levied for county purposes;" also, further, "Ordered in accordance with an Act of the Legislature, approved February twentieth, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, that a tax of twenty cents on each one hundred dollars value of taxable property, be levied for the purpose of encouraging enlistments and to give bounties and extra pay to our volunteer soldiers;" also, further, "Ordered in accordance with an Act of the Legislature, approved February eighteenth, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, that a tax of thirty cents on each one hundred dollars value of taxable property, be levied for school purposes, which tax shall be added to the county tax, and collected and disbursed in the same manner as other school fund money; and the Clerk is hereby directed to notify the Auditor, Treasu


rer, Tax Collector and Assessor of the foregoing order," is legalized and made valid; and the Tax Collector and District Tax collector Attorney of said county are hereby authorized to collect the and District same, as though said order had been made according to, and as authorized authorized by law; and no sale of real or personal property, sold for the collection of said taxes assessed by said Board as aforesaid, shall be rendered invalid by reason of the illegality of said assessment.

to collect.

CHAP. XXX.-An Act in relation to the Collection of Certain
Fees heretofore collected by the Governor's Private Secretary.

[Approved February 17, 1866.]

The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

Secretary of

required to

SECTION 1. After the passage of this Act it shall be lawful for the Secretary of State, and he is hereby required to collect State the fees now provided by law to be paid to the Private Secre- collect tary of the Governor;, and he shall pay the same into the State certain fees. Treasury for the use and benefit of the State Library Fund, as other fees collected by the Secretary of State are paid into said State Treasury.

SEC 2. All laws, and parts of laws, so far only as they con⚫ Repeal. flict with the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed."

CHAP. XXXI.—An Act to repeal an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Incorporation of the Town of Aurora to the City of Aurora," approved February 9, 1864, and to provide for the payment of the Indebtedness thereof.

[Approved February 17, 1866.]

The People of the State of Nevada, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. An Act entitled "An Act to authorize the incor- Act repealed poration of the town of Aurora to the city of Aurora," approved February 9, 1864, is hereby repealed; provided, that the Proviso. repeal of said Act shall not invalidate or affect any right, penalty or forfeiture accruing to said corporation, or invalidate or affect any liability or contract entered into or imposed upon said corporation.


SEC. 2. The Board of County Commissioners of Esmeralda county are hereby authorized and empowered to levy and authorized collect, annually, until the entire debt of the city of Aurora is

to be levied.

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