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under the same sense of injury, and withholding their patronage in like manner, still cling to the Society, and demand of it a support for their feeble churches, even should all the others in their connection "contribute the whole of their Home Missionary funds elsewhere!"

There is no room for doubting "whereunto this will grow." It marks the near approach of a formal disruption of all cooperative ties between Presbyterians and Congregationalists in the work of Home Missions. When or how the connection will be dissolved may as yet be a matter of conjecture; but that there has been for some years a steady progress towards it, and that the inauguration of the Presbyterian Church Extension Committee, in 1855, will hereafter be viewed as "the beginning of the end," is beyond all conjecture. The development since that time has been wonderfully rapid. From the simple and artless office of relieving a few exceptional cases," the functions of that Committee have been so enlarged as to embrace the entire field of the American Home Missionary Society, so far, at least, as the wants of that denomination are concerned. The Old School Board of Domestic Missions is not projected on a larger scale, nor endued with more efficiency. This fact, in connection with the newly invented claims of the Alton and other Presbyteries, on which the whole New School Church, through its General Assembly, has taken a stand, is evidence enough of what is coming. Should these extraordinary claims continue to be refused by the Executive Committee, after all the resolutions passed and the logic expended in their enforcement, as we cannot doubt they will, it would seem

1 This issue has been deplored and withstood by the mass of New England Congregationalists, and by none more sincerely than by the writer of these pages. But the course of events is against us. Every meeting of the General Assembly, and every Presbyterian movement outside of it—even when originating among the friends of co-operation and with a view to promote it frays away some thread, before unbroken, in the silken cord that unites the two denomniations in evangelical labors.


that the Presbyterians must break off their connection with the Society in full, as they have already done in part, if resolutions and logic have any force or meaning. They do indeed express tender feelings, as we have seen, at the thought of leaving the Society; but if either must quit, it hardly stands to reason that those who have no fault to find should be the to go The Congregationalists, though the largest contributors to its funds, are satisfied, as yet, with the administratration of its affairs. We are glad that this fact is so fully recognized by Presbyterians; though we regret to see a fact, so harmless in itself, turned into a new accusation against the Society. The writer of long articles in the Evangelist, a'rendy referred to, complainingly says, in that paper for July 20, "The Home Missionary Society has been so administered as to have arrayed in its favor, on every question, almost the whole Congregational denomination, and against its procedure, in important respects, every decided Presbyterian in the land who is fully acquainted with its doings." All this, while it proves nothing against the Society, does prove an irreconcilable variance of judgment between these two denominations, as to its policy. It is impossible that they should work together with advantage much longer, if this is indeed the position in which they stand to each other and to the Society in which they once co-operated so harmoniously, and with such happy effect.

2 Mr. A. W. Corey, already referred to, lends the following strong confirmation to the views here, and elsewhere in this article, advanced ;-"The action of the Alton Presbytery in regard to Voluntary Associations, is virtually the same as that taken by the Old School party in 1831, and which led to the great schism in 1-37. If, after an experience of some twenty odd years, the New School churches have suddenly discovered that the Voluntary and Union principle for the management of our benevolent operations is wrong, and that our Old School brethren were right in placing everything under the management of Ecclesiastical Boards, would it not be wise for those churches to transfer their relations at once from the New School to the Old School body, where they can be accommodated, and leave those who are satisfied with the present arrangements undisturbed?"

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pitch sharply, so that the back seat is as of Health for August, has an excellent pleasant as the front. The chancel is article on Impure Air," in which he very wide, the platform broad and only says: "The men who worked in the four feet above the floor, and the pulpit Thames Tunnel suffered severely by low, with sliding shelf for the Bible and emaciation, low fevers, and even death notes. The ceiling is not arched, and all from breathing the deleterious gas of the unnecessary angles and curves were care- place; where by the most critical chemifully avoided to prevent eddies and ech- cal tests there was but one part of bad oes. It challenges comparison with any air to a hundred thousand. . . . . An other of its proportions, in its acoustic pro- atmosphere containing only two parts of visions. A clear conversational tone will carbonic acid gas in a hundred of comreach every part of the auditory, however mon air, killed a puppy in two minutes full. When the house is empty, conver- and a half; and a dog which breathed an sation in a whisper has been carried on atmosphere containing only a quarter of from its remotest corners. Its vestry ar- one per cent. of the same gas, died in ten rangements are very convenient. The hours." But this deadly gas is an invarialargest is 40×62. The Ladies' Room ble product of respiration every where, 35×32- the small vestry 35 × 25, and and should never be re-inhaled. there is also a small kitchen, which has pump, sink, boiler and closet for the convenience of the Ladies' Benevolent Circle. Both these small vestries connect with the largest by wide folding doors.

The audience room seats over one thousand adults, not including the orchestra. It is perhaps enough to say of the convenience and attractiveness of this structure, that within three years after its completion eighteen churches had adopt ed it essentially as a model. The entire cost, including organ, carpeting and cushioning throughout, gas fixtures and furnaces, was twenty thousand dollars. J. D. Towle, Esq., of Boston, was the architect. From this brief sketch, we pass to the main purpose of this article.

VENTILATION is not a science, but a study. Few points are so understood and settled as to be always and invariably reliable. Yet such is the practical importance of the subject, that it must not be let alone; and whoever can contribute even a little, must not withhold it, and if the experience of any one has given one ray of light, that light ought to shine out. It is in this way only that the end all desire can ever he reached. Bad air is a fearful health destroyer, and but very little impurity exposes to the worst results. Dr. Hall, of N. Y., in his Journal

Our readers will not complain, therefore, if their attention is again called to the subject, and a little addendum is here made to the very able and excellent article in our last; especially in connection with the accompanying elevation of the house of worship just described.

Ventilation is pretty well secured in this building in a way very simple and inexpensive. There are two chimnies, one flue in each. They are in the two corners of the auditory opposite the pulpit. The plastering and the sides of the building are at distances varying from two to eight inches from the walls of the chimnies on each side, and open thus into the attic through the ceiling. Into this space around each chimney, at the floor of the auditory a door about twelve by sixteen inches opens. On either side of the chancel, in the mop-board, a slide is made six inches by ten which opens into the space between the plastering and boarding of the building and thus into the attic.

The trap-door in the bell deck is made about six inches larger on three sides than the opening, and a flange, some six inches deep is secured to the outer edges, which rests upon the floor of the deck when the door is shut, and which—with a flange of like depth around the openingprevents the beating in of rain or snow

when the door is raised. To this door a cord is attached and passing over pullies drops down behind the organ from which place it is in the easy command of the


In the center of the ceiling is a window of stained glass, six feet in diameter, which can be raised eight inches, opening also directly into the attic.

The vestries, which are all well above ground, but under the auditory, are twelve feet in the clear, and are furnished with openings twelve inches square in the sides of the rooms, protected by rolling blinds or slats; and thus behind the plastering they connect with the attic.

This simple process for ventilation was adopted on the supposition that where air could get in, it could get out, and that it would go in the direction which the "balance in exchange " might happen to favor; and thus circulation would be secured, hence ventilation. No ventiducts, ejectors or injectors, therefore, were made. Experience has proved the correctness of the above theory. There is always immediate relief when the six ventilators of the large vestry are opened, and unques tionably it would be greater were they at the floor, instead of being eight feet from the floor.

The large window in the ceiling of the auditory, opening directly into the attic, is subject to counter currents, and sometimes seriously incommodes those who sit nearly under it. It should have a ventiduct to the bell-deck, if opened at all. But the openings around the chimnies and on either side of the pulpit are always operative, efficient, and always in the right direction-a downward current never being known. And though the passage is somewhat zigzag and very rough, and varying much in dimensions, a heavy linen handkerchief is always turned up the chimney ventilators in winter; and with more force if the door in the bell-deck is raised. And strange as it may seem, this current is but a little less effective in summer, when doors and windows are closed,

and indeed is upward when windows and doors are open. It is always upward also when the attic and tower only are the recipients; and these spaces, in very cold weather, are generally quite sufficient for all needed ventilation. Unquestionably it were more complete if there were straight, smooth and lubricated ventiducts to each opening, and lighted fires were kept burning in their centers, well towards their tops, and properly constructed ejectors capped each of them; therefore let whoever can, avail themselves of these best means to secure an end so desirable, and they may not grudge a large outlay, in consideration of the benefits to be thus realized. And yet let not those who cannot have gas, nor furnaces, nor steeples, nor towers, nor money, despair of securing very good and very satisfactory ventilation in their churches; and dwellings too, where indeed it is not less needed, especially in sleeping apartments.

Make your opening at the floor of the apartment to be ventilated equivalent to six inches or two feet square; being larger or smaller, according to the number of them and the dimensions of the room. Let the passage-ways or vent.ducts be as direct. straight and uniform in size as may be convenient, diminishing, if at all, at their outlet. But do not hesitate a moment to use your passage-ways, though they must go quite round your building in their course, and be never so indirect or unequal or rough, provided only there are OPENINGS, and each successive one is higher than the last. Always have their outlet, whether many in common or singly, AT THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE POINT. It may be in or by the side of the chimney, or through the tower or turrets, or up ventilating tubes through ejectors made for the purpose. They may go up between studdings or in the spandrel of the stairs into the space in the entablature, and out through apertures cut in the plancier. Create the openings, and be sure that the outlets are as much as possible above the inlets, and a circulation, and thus ventila

tion is certain. The current will be upward and hence outward; and as a vacuum is impossible in rooms as ordinarily constructed, there will be an abundant supply from without, even though no injectors are made. The air taken from its lower stratum will be forced up these, even rough and circuitous, passages by the super-incumbent pressure, which creates a circulation where it is wanted, taking away the coldest air in winter, thus greatly facilitating the warming of the room; and in like manner, taking away the foulest air in the summer, as that which is breathed in so warm an atmosphere rises very slowly, if at all, above the heads of the respirants. Ventilators in the ceiling are hence of little worth, except to cool an overheated room in winter. It is better not to overheat, or quite as well, for the moment, to raise or drop a window. And this leads to the suggestion that windows should in all cases be protected by rolling blinds, and these should always be on the outside; both for the purpose of keeping out the heat of the sun, and for the convenience of regulating the drafts of air. By a proper adjustment of the blinds alone, when thus constructed, very good summer ventilation can be secured and cool air preserved, by keeping the blinds snugly closed, and the windows a little open at top and bottom, night and day, when the room is unoccupied. A

very little attention in this direction would save much discomfort during the hours of religious service, and would save the worshipper from many nodding assents to truths he does not hear. To construct windows in such form or of such materials as t, preclude the use of outside, rolling blinds, is not good economy, and cannot be justified as a matter of fancy or taste, since it must be purchased so dearly. The great object of the sanctuary is too high and holy to be periled in the least for such a trifle.

A sure and cheap mode of ventilating churches is to make the flue or flues of the chimney, of cast-iron pipes or of brick, round, as suggested in the valuable article above alluded to,-build the chimney around it square-leaving a greater or less space, as needed, bringing the two, near the top, together, giving them a common outlet;-then opening at the floor into this air-chamber, a door, with coarse wire-netting to protect the passage; or put in a register, and depend on this or them-winter and summer-and know that you have very good ventilation. If this cannot be secured in this form, realize it in other ways as nearly as may be. If planned for in the beginning, scarce a dollar's additional expense is called for to realize the great object sought, viz: fresh, living, wakeful air to breathe in the house of the Lord.

THE CREEDS OF the World.-The following classification of the inhabitants of the earth, according to creeds, is made by Dieterice, a very thorough and careful statistician of Berlin. Taking the number 1,300,000,000 as the total population of the earth, he classifies them as follows:

Christians, 335,000,000, or 25.77 per cent.
Jews, 5,000,000, or 0.38 per cent.

Asiatic religions, 600.000,000, or 46.15 per cent.
Mohammedan. 160,000,000, or 12.31 per cent.
Pagans, 200 000,000, or 15.39 per cent.

Total, 1,300,000,000, or 100 per cent.

The 335,000,000 of Christians are again divided into

170,000,000 Roman Catholics, 50.7 per cent.

89,000,000 Protestants, 26.6 per cent.

76,000,000 Greek Catholics, 22.7 per cent.

Total, 353,000,000, 100 per cent.

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