Obrázky stránek

Egypt, 62, 124, 201, 418.
Elderkin, J., 352.

Eldon, Ld. Chancellor, 256.
Election reports, 89.
Electrotype, 235.

Eliot v. Jones (1910), 85.
Ellis v. Hurst (1910), 98.
Ellis v. Marshall (1895), 239.
Ellis v. Ogden (1894), 239.

Embroideries noncopr., 72, 223; R. § 12, 498.
Employer, 78, 80, 95, 97, 99, 104, 111, 115,
137, 188, 193, 238, 271, 378, 393, 404,
443; § 23, 474; § 62, 488; R. § 30, 503; E.
§ 5, 521; C. § 4 (2), 559; § 7, 560; § 13,
562; Au. § 21, 587; §§ 38-40, 591. See also
Author, Proprietor.

Encyclopædia Britannica, 454. See also
Cyclopædic works.

Encyclopædia Britannica Co. v. Tribune

Assoc. (1904), 261; other cases, 261.
Engineering work, designs for, 224; R. § 14,

England. See British.

English, W. E., bill (1885), 358.

Everett, E: 347.

Everson v. Young (1889), 72, 96.
Evidence, certified, C. § 36, § 37, 574; prima
facie, 83, 100, 137, 150, 300, 304, 305, 378;
§ 55, 484; § 56, 485; E. § 6, 523; § 17, 529;
Au. § 69, 599. See also Certificate, Name.
Exchange of copr. deposits, 298, 305; § 59,

Exchange Telegraph v. Gregory (1895), 89.
Execution, copr. not subject to, 47. See also

Executor of author, 23, 95, 102, 104, 115,
116; § 8, 469; § 23, 474; § 24, 475; R. § 2,
495; § 46, 509; C. § 2, 555. See also Heirs.
Exhibition, 42, 45, 222, 224, 231, 235, 238,
239, 250, 322, 327, 376, 404; E. § 1 (3),
518; 11, 524; C. § 2, 556; § 4, 559; § 11,
524; I. 608, 618; P. 640, 652. See also
Artistic work.

Existing copr., 116, 319, 320, 329, 377; § 24,
475; E. § 3, 520; § 19 (7), 532, (8), 533;

29, 539, 545; C. § 33, 571, 577; I. 619,
620. See also Extension, Rights, Schedules.
Expositions, exhibits at, 29, 38.

Engraver as author, 239; Au. § 40, 590. See Extension of copr., 116, 117, 140, 141; § 23,
also Author.

Engravings, 11, 14, 36, 67, 73, 76, 113, 150,
223, 234, 240, 244, 247, 248, 250, 288, 315,
326, 332, 376; R. § 13, 498; E. § 1 (3), § 2,
518; § 5, 521; C. § 2, 555, § 3 (2), 557; § 4,
558; § 7, 560; § 26, 568; Au. § 4, 580; I.
603; P. 634, 637, 649; copr. acts, 27, 28,
36, 238, 240, 246. See also Prints; Photo-

Enoch v. Société des phonographes et gramo-
phones (1903), 212.

Entertainment. See Dramatic work.
Entry. See Application, Registration.
Epitome. See Abridgment.

Equity, principles of, 44, 86, 100, 178, 253,
258; § 2, 467. See also Common law.
Errors in affidavit, 157; R. § 33, 505; in copr.
notice, 128; common proof by, see In-

Esperson, Pietro, 461.

Estes v. Williams (1884), 83.

Estes v. Worthington (1887), 84, 261.
Etchings. See Engravings.
Evarts, W. M., 50, 353.

475; 24, 475; § 61, 487; R. § 46–48, 509.
See also Renewal, Term.

Extracts, use of, 198, 211, 264, 319, 328, 334,
337, 377, 404, 438; E. § 2, 519; I. 613; P.
639, 651. See also Quotation.
Extraterritorial notice, 133.
Eyre v. Walker (1735), 24.

Fabrics, woven, noncopr., 72, 223; R. § 12,

Failure to deposit, translate, etc. See De-
posit, Translate, etc.

"Fair use," 91, 173, 174, 190, 251-64; Au.
§ 28, 587; P. 640, 651. See also Infringe-
ment, Quotation.

Falk v. Brett (1891), 241.

Falk v. Curtis Pub. Co. (1900), 273.
Falk v. Donaldson Lith. Co. (1893), 244.
Falk v. Gast (1891, '93), 235, 236, 241.
Falk v. Heffron (1893), 271.

False affidavit, entry, notice. See Affidavit,

Farce. See Dramatic work.

Farrer license plan, 51, 449.

Fees, 141, 147, 207, 241, 299, 302, 306, 309,
389, 391, 403; 49, 483; § 61, 487; R. § 3,
496; 838,840, 507; § 42, § 43, 508; § 48,
509; 8 49, 510; C. § 7, 561; § 22, 567; 8 39,
574; Au. § 63, 598; § 70, 599; § 71, 600;
P. 645.

Felice, Fra, of Prato, 17.
Fell, Bishop, 19.

Fiji Islands, 395.

Fillmore, President, 347.

Film. See Moving pictures.

Fine arts copr. act, 29, 33, 240, 246, 378,

Fines. See Penalties.
Finland, 200, 409.

Finnian v. Columba (567), 9.

First publication, 16, 108, 109, 120, 127,
150, 151, 182, 184, 185, 199, 200, 321, 327,
373, 375, 388, 393, 416, 418; R. § 2, 495;
E. § 1, 517; § 3, 520; § 17, 529; § 23, 534;
§ 26 (3), 537; § 27, 538; § 29, 539; § 35 (3),
543; C. § 5, 559; Au. § 5, 581; §§ 13-15,
584; I. 609, 610; P. 638, 650. See also
Simultaneous publication.

Fishburn . Hollingshead (1891), 313.
Fishel v. Lueckel (1892), 244.

Fisher Act (1900), 295, 385.

Florence, 17.

of countries and conspectus preceding


Foreign laws, list of, 366, 456; reprints act,
27, 29, 294; subjects (artistic), 154, 156;
228; § 15, 471; R. § 27, 502.

Foreign texts, exc. from manuf. clause, 156,
284; § 15, 471.

Foreign works (in U. S.), 29, 30, 79, 133,
138, 139, 146–50, 153, 154, 156, 202, 228,
278-96; § 1 (e), 465; § 15, 471; § 31 (c),
479, 513-16; R. § 28, 502; § 38, 507. See
also Interim, Residence.

Forfeiture of copr., 15, 121, 131, 132, 144,

150, 152, 158, 196, 235, 245; § 13, 470;
§ 17, 472; § 32, 480. See also Seizure.
Formalities, 35, 39, 125-52, 166-68, 178, 189,
236, 313, 511, 512; §§ 9-22, 469-474; R.
§§ 17-48, 499-509; British, 29, 150, 373-
397; E. § 15, 527; § 29 (1), 539; C. § 3, 557;
§§ 22-27, 567-569; § 35, 573; Au. §§ 64-
76, 599-601; in other countries, 16, 18, 21,
146, 150-52, 199, 398–429; I. 606, 611,
613, 617; P. 649. See specifically Affida-
vit, Application, Assignment, Certificate,
Deposit, Fees, Notice, Publication, Regis-
tration, etc.; also Artistic work, Book,
Dramatic work, Musical works, etc.
Forms, C. § 41, 575. See also Application.

"Fly by night" dramatic companies, 194, Forms copr., 69, 70; R. § 4, 496; noncopr. 71,


Folders, 71; R. § 4, 492.

Folsom v. Marsh (1841), 92, 252.

Foreign assignment, 105; § 43, 482; R. § 41,

Foreign author, 19, 37, 79, 107-12, 138,

72; R. § 5, 496.

Formulæ, noncopr., 71; R. § 5, 496.

Fragments not depositable, 143. See also

Extracts, Parts, Quotation.

France, 62, 111, 118, 124, 151, 248, 295, 310,
316-23, 330, 331, 340, 398, 460, 489;
history, 10, 17, 114, 311, 312, 398; me-
chanical reproduction, 212.

Francis I, 18.

Frankfort, 11, 12, 13.

139, 373, 375, 387, 388, 389, 390, 404; § 8,
469; R. § 2, 495; § 29, 502; § 30, 503; § 35,
506; E. § 29, 539; C. § 35, 573; Au. § 62,
§ 63, 598; I. 609, 620; P. 638,650. See also
Foreign countries copr., 398–429; scope,
62; subject-matter, 94; ownership, 113;
term, 124; formalities, 151, 313; manu-
facturing provisions, 160; dramatic and
musical works, 178, 197, 199; mechanical
reproduction, 210-14; artistic work, 248;
importation, 295; copr. office, 310; inter-
national conventions, 111, 311-40, 489.
See also International, Pan Amer., names | Free transmission. See Mails.

Franking labels, 145; R. § 39, 507.
Franklin Square Library, 262.
Fraser v. Edwardes (1905), 176.
Fraser v. Yack (1902), 110.
Fraud, 11, 84, 85, 87, 100, 135, 260, 422. See
also Affidavit, Imitation, Intent, Notice,


Fraudulent works. See Seizure.
Frederick III, 11.

Freeman v. Trade Register (1909), 131.
Frelinghuysen, F. T., 357.

French colonies. See France.

French v. Day, Gregory, et al. (1893), 193.
French v. Kreling (1894), 181.
Frohman v. Ferris (1909), 181.

Frohman v. Weber (1903), 192.
Froude, Jas. A., 351.

Frye, Senator, 363.

Fuller v. Bemis (1892), 177.

Government publications, 12, 37, 65, 98,

123, 377, 398, 403, 407, 410, 412, 420; § 7,
468; E. § 18, 529.

Governmental libraries, transfer to, 306;
59, 486. See also Library.

Gramophone. See Mechanical instruments.
Grant, 2, 10, 11, 13, 27, 38, 46, 48, 49, 189,
190, 204, 236, 377, 437; § 42, 482; E. § 5,
521; 24, 535; C. § 7, 560. See also As-
signment, License.

Fuller v. Blackpool Winter Gardens Co. Granville, Lord, 351, 355.

Fust, 10.

(1895), 176.

[blocks in formation]

Gratuitous circulation 53, 404. See also

Graves v. Gorrie (1903), 246.

Great Britain. See British.

Greece, 124, 152, 323, 414.

Green v. Irish Independent (1899), 236, 253.
Green v. Luby (1909), 136.

Games, noncopr., 71, 72, 223, 224; R. § 5, Griffith v. Tower (1896), 451.

496; § 12, 498; § 16, 499.

Gannet v. Rupert (1904), 84, 274.

Garfield, President, 255, 356.

Guatemala, 112, 124, 323, 332, 334, 336,
340, 421, 643, 652.

Guernsey. See Channel Islands.

Garments, noncopr., 72, 223; R. § 12, 498. Guggenheim v. Leng (1896), 236.

Garofalo y Morales, D. F. G., 462.

Guide books copr., 69.

Gazetteers, 63, 69, 71, 81; § 5 (a), 467; R. § Guilds, 9, 15, 21.

4, 496.

Geographical work. See Maps.
Georgia copr. legislation, 35.
Georgian period, 27.

Germany, 112, 124, 151, 161, 198, 199, 295,
296, 316-20, 322, 323, 330, 340, 368, 402,
460, 489; history, 10, 311, 312, 402; me-

Gyles v. Wilcox (1740). See Hale case, 80.

Haiti, 124, 316, 317, 318, 320, 322, 330, 332,
424, 643, 652.

Hale's "Pleas of the crown" case, 80.
Hale, E: Everett, 41, 118.
Half-tones, 224; R. § 15, 498.

chanical reproduction, 210, 340, 490; pub- | Hamlin, Arthur S., 455.
lishing law, 430.

Gibraltar, 397.

Gibson t. Carruthers (1841), 452.
Gilbert v. Star (1894), 186.

Gilbert v. Workman (1910), 100.
Gilder, R: W., 356.

Gilmore v. Anderson (1889), 255.

Giustiniani, 14.

Glaser v. St. Elmo Co. (1909), 192.

Glassware noncorp., 72, 223; R. § 12, 498.
Globe Newspaper Co. v. Walker (1908), 272.
Globes, 333; P. 637, 649.

Godson, R: 457.

Gold Coast, 397.

Gottsberger v. Estes (1888), 136.

Gounod's "Redemption" case, 187.

Hanfstaengl v. Amer. Tobacco Co. (1894),


Hanfstaengl v. Baines (1894), 242.

Hanfstaengl v. Holloway (1893), 313.

Hansard's Parliamentary debates, 456.
Hardwicke, Ld., 80.

Harmony. See Musical work.

Harper v. Donohue (1905), 47, 133.

Harper v. Franklin Sq. Lib. Co. (1887), 262.

Harper v. Ganthony (1895), 82, 171.

Harper v. Kalem Co. (1908, '09, '11), 77,

176, 237, 242.

Harper v. Ranous (1895), 170.

Harper v. Shoppell (1886), 235.

Harper proposals, 349, 352, 353, 355, 357-
Harrison, President, 361, 364.

Hartford Printing Co. v. Hartford Dir. Co. | Hoyt v. Bates (1897), 268.

(1906), 275.

Havana. See Bureaus, Pan Amer.
Hawaii, 38, 39, 108, 270; § 34, 481.
Hawkers, protection against, E. 550, 551.
Hawkesworth's "Voyages" case, 81.
Hawley, Senator, bill (1885), 358, 361.
Hazard, Egbert, 348.
Hearings. See Congressional hearings.
Hegeman v. Springer (1901), 274.
Hein v. Harris (1910), 170.

Heinemann v. Smart Set Pub. Co. (1909),

Heirs, 11, 14, 27, 36, 46, 49, 102, 104, 113,

114, 115, 116, 123, 124, 378, 402, 410, 422,
429, 433, 452; § 23, 474; § 24, 475; R. § 46,
509; E. § 5 (2), 521; C. § 2, 555; § 25, 568;
Au. § 4, 580. See also Administrator,
Executor, Renewal, Term.

Hroswitha, II.

Huard & Mack, 460.

Huard, Gustave, 460.
Hubbard, Gardiner G., 361.
Hungary, 124, 198, 200, 405.
Hunter v. Clifford (1909), 247.

Ideas, copying of, 176, 187, 240, 257.
Ignorance. See Infringement, Innocent.
Illustrations, 64, 73, 77, 127, 131, 138, 140,

153, 154, 156, 223, 224, 225, 228, 230, 235,
236, 237, 248, 250, 402, 403, 439; § 5 (k),
468; § 15, 471; § 18, 472; R. § 16, 499; § 25,
501; § 27, 502; Au. § 4, 580; I. 603. See
also Artistic, Engravings, etc.
Imitation, 11, 12, 30, 84, 190, 254, 260, 263,
264, 286, 376; E. § 2, 519; § 35 (1), 543.
See also Adaptations, Infringement.

Helmuth, W: Tod, private copr. grant, 38. Immoral and seditious works, 86; Au. § 6,

Henderson v. Tompkins (1894), 177.

Henry II, III, 18.

Henry VIII, 19, 20, 21.

Herndon, private copr. grant, 38.
Herne v. Liebler (1902), 187.
Hervieu v. Ogilvie (1909), 155, 168.
Hills v. Hoover (1905), 128.
Hire, work for. See Employer.
History of copr., 1-41, 311-429, 453-62;
America, 35-41, 341-72; British, 19-34,
373-97; early, 8-23; in other countries,
398-429; international, 311-429; litera-
ture, 453-62.

Hoar, Senator, 361.
Hogarth, 27.

Hole v. Bradbury (1879), 445.

Holland, 17, 112, 124, 152, 160, 200, 316,
317, 323, 401.

Holloway v. Bradley (1886), 100.
Holmes v. Hurst (1899), 67.

[blocks in formation]

582; P. 635.

Imperial Copr. Conference, 32, 460; juris-
diction, 12. See also British.

Impersonal works. See Corporate work,
Government publications, etc.
Importation, 278-96; foreign practice, 295;
foreign rebinding, 159, 287, 514; forfeiture
279, 282, 283; § 32, 480; Au. § 61, 597; I.
618; in British Empire, 24, 27, 31, 292-95,
310, 378, 383-87, 389, 392, 395; E. § 2 (2),
520; 14, 525; § 25 (2), 536; § 35, 543;
C. § 2, 556; § 4, 559; § 13, 562; § 16-21,
565-67; 35, 573; Au. § 50, 592; § 61,
597; innocent, 286; library, 279, 281, 290,
293, 387; § 31 (d), 479; C. § 17, 565; manu-
facturing provisions, 156, 159, 283, 284; on
annulment of copr., 121; periodicals, 88,
286; permitted exceptions, 156, 186, 229,
279, 281, 289, 290, 291; § 31, 478; post-
cards, 229; prohibition of, 12, 13, 18, 19,
21, 31, 134, 135, 278-96, 389, 513; § 30,
31, 478; § 33, 480; E. § 14, 525; C. § 21,
566; Au. § 50, 592; § 61, 597; I. 616; regu-
lations, 279, 282, 513; § 33, 480; re-im-
portation, 229; retroactive effect, 283;
return of copies, 279, 282, 514, 515; § 32,
480; tariff, 288, 291; translations, 80, 288;
C. § 35, 573,

Imprint date, 129; "Venetia" protected, 16.

Imprisonment. See Punishment.

Incidents, combination of, 170, 178, 186,
191; E. § 35 (1), 542.

Incunabula, 10.

Indecent matter. See Immoral works.
Index expurgatorius, 17, 160.

Index of registrations, 300, 304; § 56, 485;
C. § 22, 567.

India, 248, 321, 382, 395.
Indians, American, 41.
Indo-China. See France.

Industrial art, works, 93, 223, 326, 386; R.
§ 12, 498; C. § 32, 570; I. 605. See also
Designs, Trade-mark.

Infringement, 5, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 251-64,

376, 380, 404; E. § 2, 518; § 35, 543, 547,
551, 553; C. § 2, 556; § 4, § 5, 558; § 30,
569; Au. § 4, 581; § 28, 587; § 45-61, 591-
98; I. 614; P. 634, 635, 639, 651; piratical
work, newspaper or periodical, C. § 14 (6),
564; artistic, 245, 266, 267,378; § 25, (b),
476; E. § 9, 523; Au. § 45, 591; dramatic,
172-74, 190-92, 195, 241, 266, 267; § 25 (b),
476; E. § 2, 520; C. § 4, 559; Au. § 32, 588;
§ 45, 591; § 51, 593; indirect, 243, 254;
innocent, 130, 378; § 20, 473; E. § 2 (2),
(3), 520; § 8, 523; C. § 4 (3), 559; § 13, 562;
Au. § 50, 592; § 51, 593; musical, 192, 195,
206, 266, 267, 268; § 25 (b), 476, (e), 477;
E. § 19 (2), 530, 551-54; Au. § 45, 591;
§ 51, 593; oral work, 266, 267; § 25 (b), 476;
E. § 20, 533; Au. § 45, 591; party liable,
193, 240, 253, 394; E. § 2 (3), 520; § 6 (3),
522; C. § 4, 559; Au. § 51, 593; previous
to formalities, 143, 275; § 12, 470; R. § 3,
495; Au. § 74, 600; proof by common
errors, 257; remedies and procedure, 195,
206, 245, 265-77, 404; §§ 25-28, 475-78;
E. §§ 6-10, 522-24; §§ 11-13, 524-25, 548;
C. §§ 8-15, 561-65; Au. §§ 45-61, 591-98;
I. 618; separation of inf. parts, 256. See
also Destruction, Importation, Intent,
Knowledge, Remedies, Seizure, Suits;
also Chronological table of cases.
Inglis, Ld. President, 75.

Inherent right, 4, 5. See also Common

Injunction, 11, 46, 130, 194, 195, 196, 206,

475, 477; § 27, 477; § 36, § 37, 481; E. § 6,
512; 89, 524; C. § 8, 561.

Inkus, II.

Innocence. See Infringement, Knowledge.
Inspection of records, 305; § 58, 486.
Instruments noncopr., 72, 223; R. § 12, 498.
See also Mechanical instruments.
Insurance policy, copr., 72.

Intent, in infringement, 60, 85, 135, 195,
252, 260, 275, 276; § 28, § 29, 478. See
also Fraud, Infringement, Knowledge.
Interest tables copr., 70; R. § 4, 496.
Interim copr., 38, 126, 135, 138, 139, 146,
154, 155, 366; § 9, 469; § 15, 471; § 21, 22,
474; R. § 26, 501; § 28, 502; § 35, 506; § 38,
507. See also Temporary copr.
International conventions, 311-40; Berne
(1886), 318; Paris (1896), 321; Berlin
(1908), 326; Montevideo, 331; Mexico
City, 332; Rio de Janeiro, 334; Buenos
Aires, 336; texts, 603-52; scope, 62; sub-
ject-matter, 94; term, 118, 124, 188; for-
malities, 152; dramatic and musical works,
197, 198, 201; mechanical reproduction,
209, 221; artistic work, 248; infringement,
255; importation, 296; reservations, 185,
323, 330, 375, 381, 399, 408, 415, 416. See
also names of cities.
International copr., 17, 107, 341-72; § 8,
469; R. § 2, 495; E. § 23, 534; § 29, 539;
$30, 540; C. § 35, 573; Au. § 62, § 63, 598;
acts, 28, 29, 30, 31, 37, 109, 184, 246,
292, 311, 312, 313, 341-64, 373, 379, 381,
383, 386, 388; literature, 330, 454, 456,
461; proclamations, 111, 202, 213, 214,
212, 339, 489; prophecy, 344; trade-mark,
84; translations, 79. See also Interim, In-
ternational conventions, names of cities,
names of countries.
International Copr. Assoc., 348, 351. See
also Amer. copr. leagues.
International Copr. Union. See Internat.

International lit. assocs., 356.
International lit. and art. assoc. See Assoc.
International literary congresses. See Assoc.,
also names of cities.
Interpretation. See Definition.

245, 266-68, 271; § 20, 473; § 25, (a), (e), | Interstate Commerce Commission, 207.

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