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THIS book which we now offer you is emphatically a manual for the guidance of any and every man in business transactions, in a manner prescribed by law and the usage of trade. But in addition to this, it embodies an array of practical information which makes it a most valuable referencebook to the business man; and we assume that there is no other work equal to it in point of FULLNESS and CORRECTNESS. It has been prepared by a lawyer of high character and standing, whose professional reputation is a sufficient guaranty for its accuracy, assisted by a business-man well acquainted with the wants of the community on the points which this volume is intended to supply.

In presenting its claims to public favor, we do not address ourselves as is usual "to the Reader," but "to the Purchaser," for we do not expect any man to read it through, but to use it as a reference-book, not only that his business may be done in a form that shall secure his legal right, but also to ascertain what protection the laws of the states afford him in the prosecution of his business. When we ask the business-man to purchase it, we expect him to inquire, "WILL IT PAY?" We answer—

IT WILL PAY THE CITY WHOLESALE MERCHANT. Your customers are scattered throughout the country, and it is important for you to know the laws of the various States for the Collection of Debts, the kinds of Property exempt from Attachment, Customhouse Regulations, Foreign Weights and Measures, Liabilities of Common Carriers, Forms of Power of Attorney and of revoking the same, Agreements, and many other things which the index will show.


We give Forms of Articles of Copartnership, of Leases, Assignment of Policy of Insurance, Notes, Orders, Receipts, Value of Coins, &c.; besides important information on various subjects.


We give you Forms for Bills of Sale, Contracts, Letters of Credit, Agreement for Sale of Personal Property, Bonds, Book-Keeping, Chattel Mortgages, and a large number of other items adapted to your daily wants.


Our book, emanating from one whose legal acumen will not be questioned, gives the profession the State Laws for the Collection of Debts, Laws Regulating Conveyances, the Limitation of Actions, Property Exemptions, Rates of Interest, Acknowledgments of Deeds, Statutes of Fraud, Wills, &c., which have been verified by lawyers residing in the different states, and a long array of Forms for drafting business papers.


We give you Forms for Deeds, Mortgages, Satisfaction of Mortgages, Bills of Sale, Cultivation of Land, Sale of Animals with Warranty, Homestead and other Exemptions, Instructions for obtaining Public Lands of the government, and numerous other forms and information which might be as important to a farmer as his plough.


Turn to the Lien Laws for the benefit of Mechanics, Liabilities of Minors, Indentures for an Apprentice, Articles of Partnership, forms and rules rescribed for securing Patents, Contracts, Assignments: the Index will exhibit other subjects equally useful to you.


We give you the Laws and Forms regulating Naturalization, Right of settling on United States Public Lands, Homestead and other Property Exempt from Sale for Debts in the different States, Rates of Postage to Foreign Countries, Value of Gold and Silver Coins, Business Forms, &c.


Look at the array of forms and subjects already mentioned, also Promissory Notes, Landlord and Tenant's Agreements, Rights of Married Women, Dower, Rights of Military Bounty Land, Interest Tables, &c., together with another item giving great interest to this work, being a well-delineated MAP OF EACH STATE IN THE UNION, AND A MAP OF THE U. S., which Maps alone are worth three times what is asked for the whole work. If we have now made it plain that it will be a valuable book to you, wo ask you to buy it, not simply to promote our interests, but because we give you in return that information which every man ought to have at his command. THE PUBLISHERS.

JANUARY 1, 1851.


THE extensive patronage bestowed on the AMERICAN LAWYER since its first publication, is the most satisfactory evidence that the publishers were right in supposing that such a work was required for the guidance of all classes of our citizens, and were successful in their efforts to fill the vacuum. Alterations were made from time to time to meet the changes in the statute laws of the several states, but no thorough revision of the work has before been undertaken.

A number of the states having recently reorganized their Code, the publishers determined to revise the work, and make the Special Laws as complete and reliable as labor and experience could do it. To accomplish this purpose, the pages devoted to the different states were severally submitted to an able and distinguished practitioner resident in each state, for critical examination and careful comparison with the Revised Statutes and latest enactments of the state, who has verified or modified the law on the subjects included in the volume, to make them conform to the statutes at the present time. This has involved more or less changes in all the states, and in some of them an almost entire modification of the statutes previously published. Several of the maps have been re-engraved, and the laws and map of Minnesota are now given for the first time.

This revised and enlarged edition of the LAWYER is now submitted to the public, with the full confidence that those who have tested the intrinsic merits of the old edition, will purchase the new one, and find its value greatly enhanced. THE PUBLISHERS.

NEW YORK, January, 1856.

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Chattel Mortgages, Laws Regulating in-
Maine, 165; New Hampshire, 174;
Massachusetts, 188; Rhode Island, 196;
Connecticut, 200; New York, 209;
Maryland, 234; North Carolina, 243;
South Carolina, 247; Georgia, 255;
Florida, 261; Alabama, 267; Missis-
sippi, 274; Texas, 284; Arkansas, 290;
Tennessee, 293; Kentucky, 299; Ohio,
308; Michigan, 314; Indiana, 321;
Illinois. 328; Missouri, 334; Iowa,
340; Wisconsin, 345; Minnesota, 353;
California, 360.

Check or Draft on Bank..........




Collection of Debts (see Debts, Collection

Common Carriers, Liabilities of......... 123
Connecticut, Map of....

Special Laws of...

Award of......

Arkansas, Map of...


288, 289

Special Laws of...

[blocks in formation]

287 Clerk, Agreement for Hire of.
Coins, Table of.....


General Form of..


[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Of a Debt..


[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

198, 199




Contracts (see Agreements).
Contracts, Law Regulating..
Contracts, Laws Regulating, in-Maine,
165; New Hampshire, 174; Vermont,
179; Massachusetts, 188; Rhode Is-
land, 196; Connecticut, 201; New
York, 209; New Jersey, 217; Penn-
sylvania, 224; Delaware, 227; Vir-
ginia, 237: North Carolina, 243; South
Carolina, 250; Georgia, 255; Florida,
261; Alabama, 267; Mississippi, 274;
Louisiana, 277; Texas, 284; Arkan-
sas, 290; Tennessee, 293; Kentucky,
299; Ohio, 308; Michigan, 315; Indi-
ana, 321; Illinois, 328; Missouri, 334;
Iowa, 340; Wisconsin, 345; Minne-
sota, 353; California, 361.
Conveyances (see Deeds).



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51 Copyright, Law Regulating.



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Creditors, Composition with..



[ocr errors]

Corporation, Bond of....

Assignment, for Equal Benefit of.... 32

Assignment for Benefit of Preferred. 33

Customhouse Power of Attorney........ 110

Customhouse Regulations..

Fees Receivable by Law at.




Day-Book, Form of...
Debt, Assignment of...

PAGE 374 | Florida, Map of..

Power of Attorney to Collect.
Debtor, Agreement not to Sue..
Debts, Laws Regulating Collection of, in-
Maine, 167; New Hampshire, 173;
Vermont, 181; Massachusetts, 190 ;
Rhode Island, 196; Connecticut, 201;
New York, 210; New Jersey, 218;
Pennsylvania, 224; Delaware, 230;
Maryland, 234; Virginia, 240; North
Carolina, 246; South Carolina, 250;
Georgia, 256; Florida, 262; Alabama,
267; Mississippi, 275; Louisiana, 280;
Texas, 285; Arkansas, 290; Tennes-
see. 296; Kentucky, 302; Ohio, 309;
Michigan, 316; Indiana, 322; Illinois,
329; Missouri, 335; Iowa, 340; Wis-
consin, 346; Minnesota, 354; Califor-
nia, 362.


Forms of Warranty.

Simple, without Warranty.

By Executors.

Of Trust.....
Bond for....

[ocr errors]




Special Laws of...

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Fraud, Statutes of (see Laws Regulating

Fruit-Trees, Agreement for Sale of....... 18

Georgia, Map of.....

Special Laws of...........

252, 253

Goods in Store, Agreement for Sale of.. 16
Goods, Order to deliver..

Horse, Agreement for Sale of.

Bill of Sale of, with Warranty..
Homestead Exemption, Laws Regula-
ting, in-Maine, 164; New Hamp-
shire, 172; Vermont, 178; Massachu-
setts, 186; New York, 206; New Jer
sey, 220; South Carolina, 247; Geor-
gia, 254, Florida, 260; Alabama, 266;
Mississippi, 272; Texas, 284; Arkan-
sas, 287; Tennessee, 298; Ohio, 307;
Michigan, 311; Indiana, 320; Illinois,
328; Iowa, 337; Wisconsin, 344; Min-
nesota, 349; California, 365.








[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Quit-Claim, by Husband and Wife..
Warranty, by Husband and Wife....

Acknowledgment of (see State Laws).
Deeds, Laws Regulating, in-Maine, 168;
New Hampshire, 175; Vermont, 182;
Massachusetts, 191; Rhode Island, 197;
Connecticut, 202; New York, 211;
New Jersey, 218; Pennsylvania, 225;
Delaware, 231; Maryland, 238; Vir-
ginia, 241: North Carolina, 246; South
Carolina, 250; Georgia, 256; Florida,
262, Alabama, 268; Mississippi, 275;
Louisiana, 280; Texas, 285; Arkan-
sas, 291; Tennessee, 296; Kentucky,
303; Ohio, 309; Michigan, 316; Indi
ana, 323; Illinois, 329; Missouri, 338;
Iowa, 340; Wisconsin, 347, Minneso-
ta, 355; California, 363.

Delaware, Map of....

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Iowa, Map of..............

Special Laws of.............

Insurance Policy, Assignment of..

Table of, at Six per cent

Table of, at Seven per cent..
Calculation of..

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]



[ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Table of Banking and Equation.
Bond for securing Payment of...
Interest, Laws Regulating Rates of, in-
Maine, 168; New Hampshire, 175;
Vermont, 183; Massachusetts, 192;
Rhode Island, 197; Connecticut, 202;
New York, 213; New Jersey, 220;
Pennsylvania, 226; Delaware, 231;
Maryland, 236; Virginia, 242; North
Carolina, 246; South Carolina, 251;
Georgia, 257; Florida, 263; Alabama,
269; Mississippi, 276; Louisiana, 281;
Texas, 286; Arkansas, 292; Tennes-
see, 297; Kentucky, 303; Ohio, 310;
Michigan, 317; Indiana, 324; Illinois,
Missouri, 336; Iowa, 340; Wis-
consin, 348; Minnesota, 356; Califor-
nia, 368.

102 Judgment, Assignment of....

Judgment-Note, Form of..



Kentucky, Map of.............


Special Laws of...........

Exemption, Homestead (see Homestead

Exemptions, Household, Laws Regula-

ting, in-Maine, 161; New Hamp-
shire, 169; Vermont, 178; Massachu-
setts, 186; Rhode Island, 193; Con-
necticut, 200; New York, 203; New
Jersey, 216; Pennsylvania, 221; Del-
aware, 230; Maryland, 234; Virginia,
237; North Carolina, 243; South Car-
olina, 247; Georgia, 254; Florida, 260;
Alabama, 266; Mississippi, 272; Lou-
isiana, 277; Texas. 284; Arkansas,
287; Tennessee, 293; Kentucky, 299;
Ohio, 306; Michigan, 311; Indiana,
820: Illinois, 325; Missouri, 331; Io-
wa, 337; Wisconsin, 244; Minnesota,
349; California, 365.

[ocr errors][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Land, Agreement for Sale of....
Agreement to Cultivate on Shares...
Lands, Public, Form for Pre-empting. 151-156
Land-Warrants, Soldiers entitled to.. 159, 160
Landlord and Tenant....

Tenant's Agreement
Landlord's Agreement
Lease, Assignment of....
Mortgage of....

Short Form of.

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[ocr errors]








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122 | Merchandise, Order for
Michigan, Map of....

Liabilities of Common Carriers.... PAGE 123
Liabilities of Minors........
Lien, Mechanics', Laws Regulating, in
Maine, 164; New Hampshire, 169;
Vermont, 179; Massachusetts, 187
Rhode Island, 193; Connecticut, 200;
New York, 207; New Jersey, 216
Pennsylvania, 221; Maryland, 234
Virginia, 237; South Carolina, 247
Georgia, 254; Florida, 260; Alabama,
266; Mississippi, 273; Louisiana, 277;
Texas, 284; Arkansas, 287; Tennes-
see, 293; Kentucky, 299; Ohio, 308;
Michigan, 314; Indiana, 324; Illinois,
325; Missouri, 331; lowa, 337; Wis-
consin, 345; Minnesota, 352; Califor-
nia, 357.

Limitation of Actions, Laws Regulating
the, in-Maine, 166; New Hampshire,
Vermont, 180; Massachusetts,
189; Rhode Island, 196; Connecticut,
201; New York, 209; New Jersey, 217;
Pennsylvania, 224; Delaware, 227;
Maryland, 234; Virginia, 240; North
Carolina, 243; South Carolina, 250;
Georgia, 255; Florida, 262; Alabama,
266; Mississippi, 274; Louisiana, 277;
Texas, 284; Arkansas, 290; Tennes-
see, 296; Kentucky, 302; Ohio, 308;
Michigan, 315; Indiana, 321; Illinois,
329; Missouri, 334; Iowa, 340'; Wis-
consin, 346; Minnesota, 353; Califor-
nia, 361.

Louisiana, Map of......

Special Laws of...

Manufacturing, Agreement for....
Maine, Map of...

Special Laws of...........

Special Laws of.....
Military Bounty Lands....
Minnesota, Map of.......

Special Laws of...
Minors, Liabilities of..
Mississippi, Map of.

Special Laws of.
Missouri, Map of...

[ocr errors]

Special Laws of.....
Money, Bond for Payment of............
Order for......


Mortgages, Forms of-

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Of Chattels (see Chattel Mortgages). 49
With Power of Sale........

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[blocks in formation]

Maps of the States-Maine, 162; N. Hamp-
shire, 170; Vermont, 176; Massachu-
setts, 184; Rhode Island, 194; Con-
necticut, 198; New York, 204; New
Jersey, 214; Pennsylvania, 222; Del-
aware, 228; Maryland, 232; Virginia,
238; North Carolina, 244; South Car-
olina, 248; Georgia, 252; Florida, 258;
Alabama, 264; Mississippi, 270; Lou-
isiana, 278; Texas, 282; Arkansas,
288; Tennessee, 294; Kentucky, 300;
Ohio, 304; Michigan, 312; Indiana,
318: Illinois, 326; Missouri, 332; Io-
wa, 338; Wisconsin, 342; Minnesota,
350; California, 358; U. States, 366.
Marriage, Form of..

Certificate, Form of...
Married Women, Laws Regulating Rights
of, in-Maine, 168; New Hampshire,
175; Vermont, 182; Massachusetts,
191; Rhode Island, 197; Connecticut,
202; New York, 213; New Jersey,
220; Pennsylvania, 225; Delaware,
231; Maryland, 235; Virginia, 242;
North Carolina, 246; South Carolina,
251; Georgia, 257; Florida, 263; Ala-
bama, 269; Mississippi, 276; Louisi-
ana, 280; Texas, 286; Arkansas, 292;
Tennessee, 297; Kentucky, 803; Ohio,
310; Michigan, 317; Indiana, 323;
Illinois, 330, Missouri, 336; Iowa,
340; Wisconsin, 348; Minnesota, 356;
California, 364.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Endorsement of Assignment on...
Endorsement, when intended as Col-

lateral Security.......................

Of Vessel, to be recorded..

Affidavit of one who arrived under 18 134
Affidavit to prove Intention...
Proof of Residence, &c.....
Oath to support Constitution...
Certificate of Citizenship..
New Hampshire, Map of...
Special Laws of....

New Jersey, Map of..

Special Laws of....
New York, Map of...

Special Laws of...
North Carolina, Map of...
Special Laws of.....
Note, Mortgage to secure...
Notes, Promissory..
Notes, Promissory, Forms of-
Not Negotiable..


Negotiable by Endorsement..





170, 171


214, 215

204, 205

244, 245








Negotiable without Endorsement... 100
Joint negotiable, payable at a Bank.. 101
Negotiable, payable in Merchandise. 101
Negotiable on Demand....


On Demand with Interest, not Nego-


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Renewal of, Endorsement of..
Dissolution of, Endorsement of...... 103
Property, Assignment of, to close... 36
Patents, Regulations for securing... 138
For what Patents may be granted... 138
To whom Patents may be granted... 138
What will prevent the granting of... 188
Mode of proceeding to obtain Patents 139

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