Burlington, Iowa. Erection of certain public buildings in... 382 430 Chamber of Commerce of New York, in relation to trade with China........... 370 Compensation of members of Congress. Construction of the act respecting the... 389 438 406 Hermitage, a proposed branch of West Point Military Academy------ 385 Iowa, Senate of. Protest against Mr. Harlan's right to a seat in the Senate.... 300 371 Iron. Use of that material in the construction of public edifices.... 408 Keokuk, Iowa. Relating to custom-house and marine hospital at.................... 400 376 Lathrop, Jedediah H.. No. 338 Le Case, James. Frederick Vincent, administrator of...... 349 Meteorological observations, to promote the interests of agriculture............. 292 Military Asylum at Harrodsburg, Kentucky. 416 Minge, Collier A., and others 374 Missouri, United States steamer. Seamen on board of....... 533 Ogden, Eliza E., widow of Captain Ogden...... Ohio river and its tributaries. Improvement of the navigation of................... 310 291 291 328 392 302 309 293 319 364 439 415 396 380 Pay or compensation of members of Congress. Construction of the act fixing.... 438 Portland, Maine. Steam revenue cutter to be stationed there ... Porterfield, Charles. Legal representatives of................... Protests against the election of Hon. Graham N. Fitch, (special sesssion)....... 384 315 356 *2 *1 Sandusky, Ohio. Citizens of, in behalf of pension for Jonathan Painter 536 Saunders, John L....... 325 Selkirk, Earl of. Attorney in fact of James...... 441 Senate. Amendment of the thirty-fourth rule of the Seton, George S................. Senators or representatives. Construction of the act to regulate the compensation 395 438 434 Tennessee. Legislature of, in behalf of the purchase of the Hermitage Tinkham, S. G., and others.... Thompson, Mary W.... Todd, Joshua D Todd, Charles S Tripp, Albro.... Trueheart, Daniel. Heirs of.... Tucker, J. C........... No. 530 394 385 377 305 344 420 424 412 444 U. Underwood, F. A. and H. A. Crane, heirs of Jehu Underwood... |