REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Reports from the Committee on Foreign Relations. Memorial of Alexander J. Atocha-S. bill 504............. the executors of General John Armstrong Auton L. C. Portman-S. bill 573.... John H. Wheeler-S. bill 514.. Resolution of the Senate and papers relating to the claim of John P. Brown-S. bill 559 Memorial of Charles S. Todd-S. bill 627.... Petition of Frederick A. Beelen-S. bill 641. Petition of J. C. Tucker... Reports from the Committee on Commerce. Memorial of the Board of Trade of the city of Pittsburg, for an appropriation of public lands to a company to be chartered by the States bordering on the Ohio river, to improve its navigation; as also the bill offered by Mr. Pugh, to procure topographical and hydrographical surveys, with a view to a system of reservoirs to retain water when abundant and supply the channel during the dry season-S. bill 470 No. 304 308 315 316 359 420 432 444 319 Petition of S. G. Tinkham and others, owners of the fishing schooner St. Lawrence. Memorial of the city council of Burlington, Iowa, for a custom house, United States court, and post office.... 377 382 Petition of citizens of Castine, for a custom-house 383 the Board of Trade of Portland, Maine, for a steam revenue cutter.... 384 398 Atkins Eldridge ... 399 400 Resolution of the general assembly of the State of Iowa, in relation to the establishment of a custom-house and marine hospital at the city of Keokuk.... Report from the Committee on Manufactures. On resolution of the Senate inquiring as to the practicability and expediency of using iron as a building material in the construction of public buildings ... Reports from the Committee on Military Affairs. 408 Memorial of Mrs. Eliza E. Ogden, widow of Captain E. A. Ogden.. Petitions of Lieutenant James G. Benton and Brevet Majors E. B. Babbitt and James Longstreet-S. bill 539.. 341 Memorial of William F. Russell-S. bill 547. Petition of William W. Belden, heir of Ebenezer Belden-S. bill 563................... Memorial of John T. Wright-S. bill 564.... Reports from the Committee on Naval Affairs. Memorial of James D. Johnston-S. bill 496.... S. bill 350, for the relief of Dr. Charles D. Maxwell... Memorial and papers of Captain Hiram Paulding-S. bill 524. House bill 405, for the relief of Commander John L. Saunders... Memorial of Captain F. Buchanan Petition of Lieutenant J. W. A. Nicholson... Memorial of Dr. Lewis G. Williams.. Petition of Algernon S. Taylor. James McDonnell.... Thomas J. Page-S. bill 526. No. 347 360 361 366 367 385 416 301 307 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 338 342 343 344 357 365 petty officers and seamen on board the United States steamer Missouri, destroyed by fire at Gibraltar-S. bill 527.. Thomas J. Page-S. bill 529. Memorial of Jedediah H. Lathrop-S. bill 533..... Petition of E. Lloyd Winder-S. bill 540.. Daniel Ammen-8. bill 540 Joshua D. Todd-S. bill 541. Memorial of J. Wilcox Jenkins-S. bill 555... Petition of Lieutenant William F. Lovell-S. R. 32, amended.... Senate bill 577, authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to ascertain and pay the balance due on a tract of land heretofore ceded for the purposes of a marine Memorials of the Boston Board of Underwriters and the Chamber of Commerce 369 370 378 379 Commander Thomas J. Page, in behalf of himself and other officers 380 Lieutenants J. M. Brooke, Thomas Scott Fillebrown, and J. H. 381 Petition of H. W. Benham, administrator of the estate of John McNiel, deceased- 345 Memorial of Mrs. Jane Smith-S. bill 546 ....... 346 Senate bill 521, granting bounty land to Mary Felch, widow of Rev. Cheever 358 Petition of Theresa Dardenne-S. bill 615 404 S. bill 620, granting lands for the construction of a certain railroad in the State of 428 Petition of George S. Seton-S. bill 643.... Reports from the Committee on Private Land Claims. Petition of the administrator of John F. Wray, deceased-S. bill 592...... 391 350 House bill 355, for the relief of Napoleon B. Gill of Perry county, Missouri, and 351 Petition of John H. Chevis and others for a certain tract of land in Louisiana-S. 362 Senate bill 473, to provide for the location of certain private land claims in the 363 House bill 656, for the relief of Joseph Irish, William Sturgis, and Bartholomew 372 House bill 538, for the relief of the inhabitants of the parish of Ascension, in the 373 Petition of F. A. Underwood and H. A. Crane, heirs of Jehu Underwood-S. bill 406 Senate bill 603, to authorize the purchase of a certain tract of land belonging to 407 Memorial of Joseph Ménard S. bill 623 410 S. bill 595, for the relief of Daniel Whitney.... 429 Petition of Royal Phelps, attorney in fact of James, Earl of Selkirk.. Petition of William Nason and others-S. bill 508. Memorial of Joseph C. G. Kennedy-S. bill 510... Memorial of George M. Weston-S. bill 523 Report of the Court of Claims in the case of Nahum Ward-S. bill 575...... and Lucretia A. Brodie-S. bill 581.... Report of the Court of Claims in the case of O. H. Berryman---S. bill 582.... John R. Nourse-S. bill 694. Alfred G. Benson-S. bill 606... Report of the Court of Claims in the case of Jane Smith-S. bill 612 . non of Samuel Holgate-S. bill 613... Report of the Court of Claims in the case of Lucinda Robinson-S. bill 614...... Petition of John B. and Thomas Johnson-S. bill 637.... Reports from the Committee on Revolutionary Claims. Petition of the heirs of Colonel Ethan Allen.... William L. Davidson, heir of General William Davidson-S. bill 512.. No. 310 312 321 323 368 374 375 386 387 392 397 401 402 403 405 431 442 313 314 317 House resolution 438, for the relief of the heirs of Captain Thomas Gill.... Credentials of Hon. James Harlan and protest of the senate of Iowa against his right to a seat in the Senate of the United States...... 300 senator in Congress from the State of Indiana. (Special session. ) - - - - - - . *2 427 433 Statement of the President of the Senate pro tempore, submitting questions of con- struction as to the compensation of members of Congress... 438 On the protests of certain members of the legislature of Pennsylvania against the *1 Reports from the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. On S. bill 487, to provide for the transportation of the United States mails upon Memorial of Marshall O. Roberts and others, trustees, &c.-S. bill 644.. Report from the Committee on Roads and Canals. Resolutions of the legislature of the State of Ohio, the city council of Cincinnati, Reports from the Committee on Pensions. Petition of John Mitchell--S. bill 486 No. 306 440 371 296 Mrs. Minerva Catlett, widow of Dr. Hanson Catlett-S. bill 488 .. 298 299 Eliza Henly... 303 On Senate resolution 43, for the relief of Mary W. Thomson-adverse.---- 305 335 citizens of Sandusky, Ohio, in behalf of a pension for Jonathan 336 Resolution of the Senate as to granting a pension to William W. Spencer-S. bill House bill 533, directing the pension due James Huey, deceased, and Jane Huey, Georgia-adverse _. 409 Petition of Nancy Fisher, one of the heirs and children of John and Sarah Chisom. 413 House bill 597, for the relief of Elizabeth Martin-adverse. - - - 419 Petition of Sarah A. Watson, widow of Lieutenant Colonel William H. Watson- 421 House bill 768, for the relief of John Duncan-adverse-. 422 House bill 470, for the relief of Letty Griggs, widow of Simeon Griggs—adverse - - - 423 House bill 369, for the relief of Albro Tripp-adverse ---. 424 House bill 488, for the relief of Isaac Langley-adverse.. 425 |