Obrázky stránek

July, 1909.

(2) That they will continue to take a benevolent interest in the Cretan question but they consider it indispensable not to leave. any one in ignorance of the fact that it is their duty to watch over the maintenance of order and the safety of Mussulmans in Crete, reserving to themselves to that end the right of taking such steps as they may consider necessary for reestablishing order should disturbances arise and the local authorities find themselves unable to suppress them. Times, July 14.



National forces enter Teheran. Times, July 14.

PERSIA. Russia hands Turkey a note pointing out that the advance of Turkish troops in Western Azerbaijan was contrary not only to the spirit of the Anglo-Russian agreement whereby the British and Russian governments undertook to preserve the integrity of Persia, but also to the assurances given to these governments by the Porte at the time of the Turco-Persian frontier dispute. The note concluded with a request that the Porte should check any further advance of the troops.

14 GERMANY-UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged at Washington of agreement signed at Washington February 23, 1909, to effect a more operative reciprocal protection of patents, working patterns, designs and models. Reichs-G., 1909, No. 47. Ratification advised by the Senate, April 15, 1909; ratified by the President, April 20, 1909; ratified by Germany, June 15, 1909; proclaimed by the President, August 1, 1909. U. S. Treaty ser., No. 521.

14 FRANCE-UNITED STATES. French law approving extradition convention signed at Paris January 6, 1909. J. O., July 15.

16 FRANCE-MEXICO. French law approving convention signed at Mexico, June 3, 1908. Validity of marriages celebrated before diplomatic and consular agents. J. O., July 18.

PERSIA. At a meeting of the National Committee, the Shah Mahomed Ali was formally deposed and his son Sultan Ahmed Mirza was unanimously chosen Shah, under the regency of Azad-ulMulk, pending convocation of parliament. The deposed Shah had earlier in the day sought sanctuary in the Russian legation. Times July 17, 21. Mahomed Ali Shah, born June 21, 1872, succeeded his father, Muzzaffar-ed-dîn, January 8, 1907.


July, 1909.

18 MOROCCO-SPAIN. Moors attacked Spanish lines, which extended from the Atalayon promontory towards Mount Gurugu. Times, July 31, 27. The trouble originated in murder of four workmen employed on the railway near Melilla.

20 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF NURSES at London. Times, June 5. 20 CANADA-FRANCE. French law approving commercial convention

signed at Paris, September 19, 1907, and the supplementary convention signed at Paris, January 23, 1909. J. O., July 24. See September 19, 1907. The supplementary convention admits Canadian cattle at the minimum rate of duty, but excludes such animals when fattened and in condition for slaughter.

20 COSTA RICA-UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged at Washington of arbitration convention signed at Washington, January 13, 1909; ratification advised by the Senate, January 20, 1909; ratified by the President, March 1, 1909; ratified by Costa Rica, June 28, 1909; proclaimed by the President July 21, 1909. U. S. Treaty ser., No. 530.

21 FRANCE GERMANY. French law authorizing ratification of tele

graphic convention signed at Lisbon, June 2, 1908. J. O., July 31. 21 FRANCE. Law approving regulations signed by the international telegraphic conference at Lisbon, June 11, 1908. J. O., July 31. These regulations were signed by representatives in behalf of Germany, Argentine Republic, Australia, Austria, Hungary, BosniaHerzegovina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, Chili, Portuguese colonies, Crete, Denmark, Egypt, Erythea, Spain, France, Great Britain, Greece, British Indies, Dutch Indies, French Indo-China, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Madagascar, Montenegro, Natal, Norway, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Orange River Colony, Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Senegal, Servia, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Transvaal, Tunis, Turkey and Uruguay. See June 11, 1908. PERU-UNITED STATES. Ratifications exchanged at Lima of naturalization convention signed at Lima, October 15, 1907; ratification advised by the Senate, February 19, 1908; ratified by the President, March 9, 1908; ratified by Peru, July 23, 1909; proclaimed, September 2, 1909. U. S. Treaty ser.. No. 532.


26 MEXICO. Adhesion to arrangement signed at Madrid April, 1891, respecting international registration of trade marks. J. O., July


July, 1909.

26 CRETE. France, Great Britain, Italy and Russia evacuate Crete.

Times, July 27.

29 FRANCE-GREAT BRITAIN. Ratifications exchanged at Paris of the additional extradition convention signed at Paris, October 17, 1908. J. O., July 31. French law approving July 14. J. O., July 15.

30 PARAGUAY-UNITED STATES. Ratification by United States Senate of arbitration convention signed at Asuncion March 13, 1909. HENRY G. CROCKER.




American historical association, Annual report of the, 1907. 2 vols. Cloth, 75c. per vol. (Vol. 2 contains diplomatic correspondence of the Republic of Texas, pt. 1.)

Continental congress, Journals of the, 1774-89. v. 13, 14, 15. Library of Congress. Price, cloth, $1.00 per vol.

Dominican Republic, Extradition treaty between the United States and the, signed at Santo Domingo June 19, 1909. 8 p. Dept. of state. (Confidential S. ex. doc. C.)

Federal and state constitutions, colonial charters and other organic laws of states, territories and colonies; by Francis Newton Thorpe. 1909. 7 vols. Price, cloth, $5.25.

Foreign relations of the United States, Papers relating to the, 1906. 2 pts. Dept. of state. Cloth, pt. 1, $1.00; pt. 2, 90c.

German manufactures furnished by the German government to the United States, Correspondence between the Dept. of State and the German government having relation to. 1909. Dept. of state. (S. doc. 99.) Paper, 5c.

Hague conference, 1907, Instructions to the American delegates to the. 12 p. Dept. of state.

Hague conference. Letter [to the representatives of the United States accredited to the governments signatories to the acts of the Hague conference, 1899.] October 21, 1904. 9 p. Dept. of state.

Hague peace

conference, Proposal for calling the. 1906. (Confidential.) 3 p. Dept. of state.

Immigration laws and regulations of July 1, 1907. 6th ed. 1909. 86 p. Bureau of immigration and naturalization. Price, paper, 10c. Information for immigrants. 1909. 26 p. 26 p. Bureau of immigration

and naturalization.

International anti-alcohol congress. Statement as to the representation of the United States to the. 1909. 2 p. (H. doc. 30.)

1 When prices are given, the document in question may be obtained for the amount mentioned from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

Judge-advocates general of the army, Digest of opinions of the. Rev. ed. War dept. Sheep, $1.50.

Maritime warfare, The laws and usages of. The second peace conference (paragraph 3 of programme.) Working memoranda by Brigadier-General George B. Davis and Rear-Admiral Charles S. Sperry. (Confidential for the United States delegates.) 1907. 60 p. Dept. of state.

Pan-American conference to be held at Buenos Aires, Argentina, May, 1910, Tentative programme for the 4th. 36 p. 36 p. Bureau of American republics.

Pan-American scientific congress, Report of the delegates of the United States to the, held at Santiago, Chile, 1908-9. 65 p. (S. doc. 64.) Paper, 20c.

Paraguay, Arbitration convention between the United States and, signed at Asuncion, March 13, 1909. 3 p. Dept. of state. (Confidential S. ex. doc. B.)

Reduction of armaments. [Letter from the Italian ambassador to the Secretary of State, April 5, 1907.] 2 p. Dept. of state.

Second Hague peace conference. [Correspondence, 1906.] 3 p. Dept. of state.

Second Hague peace conference, Correspondence concerning a. (Confidential.) 1907. 36 p. Dept. of state.

Second Hague peace conference. Note verbale from the Russian ambassador to the Secretary of State. March 22, April 4, 1907. 3 p. Dept. of state.

Supreme Court of the United States, List of works relating to the. 1909. 124 p. Library of Congress. Price, paper, 20c.

Union for the protection of industrial property, Letters from the acting Secretary of State and the Commissioner of Patents recommending appropriation to defray expenses of the conference of the international. 1909. 4 p. Dept. of state. (S. doc. 136.)

Venezuela, Protocol of agreement between the United States and, for the decision and adjustment of claims. Signed at Caracas, February 13, 1909. 13 p. Dept. of state.

War on land, The rules of. The second peace conference (paragraph 2 of programme.) Working memoranda by Brigadier-General George B. Davis. (Confidential for the United States delegates.) 1907. 68 p. Dept. of state.


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