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Texts of the Peace Conferences at The Hague. By James Brown Scott, editor. Boston: Ginn & Co. 1908.

Under this title is presented a work of 410 pages, containing the texts of both of the Hague conferences, together with tables showing the signatures, adhesions, and reservations made by the nations of the world to the various conventions and acts. The last 70 pages are taken up with an appendix containing such related conventions and documents as the various Geneva conventions, instructions to the armies of the United States, the Brussels project for laws of war, the declarations of Paris and St. Petersburg, the Oxford Manual, and the convention of 1904 regarding hospital ships. The book is furnished with a 30-page "index-digest" which should prove convenient in searching for the various references in conventional international law to any given doctrine.

The work is prefaced by a brief note from Mr. Elihu Root, Secretary of State, the keynote of which is that "The question about each international conference is not merely what it has accomplished, but also what it has begun, and what it has moved forward."

The preface is followed by an introduction by the editor dealing with the growth of the conference idea, and especially with the work of the two Hague conferences. This necessary historical background is briefly set forth to aid the student in his use of the texts.


(For table of abbreviations used, see Chronicle of International Events, p. 195.)

Aerial navigation. La navigation aérienne en droit international. Analyzed and translated from the German by J. Bonnecase. J. de dr. int. privé et de la jurisprudence comparée, 35:1054. Anglo-German relations. The policy of the clean slate" towards Germany. Archibald Hurd. Fortnightly R., N. S. 84:913.

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Arctic lands. La question de la souveraineté des terres arctiques: la question du passage du Nord-Est: conclusion. R. Waultrin. R. générale de dr. int. public, 15:401.

Asylum. Le droit d'asile dans les légations et les consulats étrangers et les négociations pour sa suppression en Haïti. R. Rolin. R. générale de dr. int. public, 15:461.

Austria. The power behind the Austrian throne. Edith Sellers. Fortnightly R., N. S. 84:925.

Austria-Hungary. La condition internationale de l'Autriche-Hongrie et le nouveau Compromis douanier et commercial. J. Blociszewski. R. générale de dr. int. public, 15:509.

Congrès de Berlin, Le. II. Gabriel Hanotaur. R. de Deux Mondes, 47:481. Berlin treaty, Austria and the. Rowland Blennerhassett. Fortnightly R., N. S. 84:751.

Berlin, Bulgaria and the treaty of. Svetozar Tonjoroff. North American R.,


See under Eastern question.

Bulgaria. La situation diplomatique de la Bulgarie avant la proclamation de son indépendance le 5 octobre 1908. G. Scelle. R. générale de dr. int. public, 15:524.

See under Eastern question.

China. The dawning of a wiser Chinese policy. Stephen W. Nickerson. North American R., 188:918.

Congo question and the "Belgian solution," The. John Daniels. North

American R., 188:891.

Contraband of war, History of. II. H. J. Randall. Law Quarterly R., 24:449. Domicile in countries granting extraterritorial privileges to foreigners. Charles Henry Huberich. Law Quarterly R., 24:440.

England and Japan. Angleterre et Japon. Mylès. Ann. des sc. pol., 23:731. Eastern question. Austria-Hungary and the near east. Britannicus. North American R., 188:823.

La crise orientale. A. Gauvain. Q. dipl., 26:461.

Eastern question (continued).

The crisis in the near east. Nineteenth Century, 64:705.
1. The Austro-Hungarian case. Emil Reich.

2. The Bulgarian point of view. Percy H. H. Massy.

3. Europe and the Turkish constitution. An independent view. A. Vambéry.

Les deux conflits balkaniques. Jacques Dorobantz. Q. dipl., 26:605. La jeune Turquie et les Balkans. Le correspondant, Dec. 10, 1908. Once more the torch is lit in the Balkans. A. Maurice Low. Forum, 40:422.

The problem of the near east. Calchas. Fortnightly R., N. S. 84:735. Roumania the deciding factor in the near east. Alfred Stead. Fortnightly R., N. S. 84:808.

The secret treaty of Reichstadt. Diplomaticus. Fortnightly R., N. S. 84:828.


Les slaves du sud et le drame d'Orient. René Henry. Q. dipl., 26:541,

The truth about Bosnia and Herzegovina. Viator. Fortnightly R., N. S. 84:1007.

See under Berlin treaty and Bulgaria.

Florida. La cesión de las Floridas. Jerónimo Becker. España Moderna, Dec., 1908.

Foreign law, Limits of. Über die Begrenzung der Autorität ausländischer Gesetze und die Bestimmung der Gesetze der öffentlichen Rechtsordnung. Pasquale Fiore. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht, 3:1. France as the keystone of Europe. Calchas. Fortnightly R., N. S. 84:897. Franco-British commercial treaty of 1786, The. J. Holland Rose. English Historical R., 23:709.

Great Britain and Germany. Harold Spender. Contemporary R., 94:385. Hague Peace Conference. Die Zweite Haager Friedenskonferenz. Otfried Nippold. Zeitschrift für internationales privat- und öffentliches Recht. 18:199.

La segunda conferencia de la paz. Cte. de Saint Maurice. Revista de la facultad de derecho y ciencias sociales. (Universidad Nacional de Buenos Ayres.) 1908, No. 3.

International law. Das alte und das neue Völkerrecht. Sigmund Cybichowski. Arch. für öffentliches Recht, 23:586.

La physionomie moderne du droit international. Alberico Pincitore. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht, 3:42.

Japan in Manchuria. K. Asakawa. Yale R., 17:268.

Maritime salvage and chartered freight. M. A. Rundell. Law Quarterly R.. 24:385.

Mines. La question des mines à la conférence de la Haye. Revue Maritime, 178:639.

Morocco. Again Morocco causes a scare. A. Maurice Low. Forum, 40:307. Cinq ans de politique marocaine. André Tardieu. R. politique et parlementaire, 58:225.

Morocco (continued).

German policy in Morocco. Rowland Blenner hassett. Fortnightly R., N. S. 84:537.

Nationality. De la nationalité et des diverses manières dont elle s'acquiert dans les principaux états du globe. Étude de législation comparée. (fin) Ernest Lehr. R. de dr. int. et de législation comparée, 10:525.

Newfoundland, The coercion of. Thomas Hodgins. Canadian Law Times and R., 28:867.

Penny postage, The fight for universal. J. Henniker Heaton. Nineteenth Century, 64:588.

Revocation of treaty privileges to alien-subjects, The. Thomas Hodgins. Canada Law J., 44:633. Nineteenth Century, 64:653.

Russo-Japanese war. The Causes of Russia's Defeat by Japan. General Kuropatkin. McClure's, 32:213.

The treaty at Portsmouth. General Kuropatkin. McClure's, 32:237. Siam, De la condition juridique des étrangers au. G. Padoux. J. de dr. int. privé et de la jurisprudence comparée, 35:1037.

Sovereignty. La souveraineté et le droit. Louis le Fur. R. de dr. public et de la sci. pol., 25:389.

Story of the peace movement, The. Benjamin F. Trueblood. Chatauquan, 52:336.

Turkey. The future of Turkey. J. Ellis Barker. Fortnightly R., N. S. 84:547., Jeune Turquie. Alfred Berl. R. de Paris, Nov. 15, Dec. 1, 1908.

La justice ottomane dans ses rapports avec les puissances étrangères. A. Mandelstam. R. générale de dr. int. public, 15:329.

La penetrazione della Germania in Turchia. E. Insabato. R. d'Italia, 2:337.

United States as a peace power, The. Amos S. Hershey. World Today, 15:1254 L'Uruguay, sa situation économique et ses relations avec la France. Q. dipl., 26:397.

Venezuela. Le différend entre la Hollande et le Vénézuela. C.-G. de Haseth Cz. Q. dipl., 26:407.

Vested rights and change of sovereignty. La définition des droits acquis, sa portée genérale et son application en matière de succession d'état à état. R. générale de dr. int. public, 15:385.

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