Committed Journalism: An Ethic for the ProfessionIndiana University Press, 1986 - Počet stran: 208 |
Vyhledávání v knize
Pro výraz role byly v této knize nalezeny stránky v počtu 31.
Strana 206
Výsledky 1-3 z 31
The Journalist and Classical Ethical Theory | 12 |
Toward an Eclectic System of Journalism Ethics | 27 |
Applying Principles to Cases | 40 |
Autorská práva | |
Další části 7 nejsou zobrazeny.
Další vydání - Zobrazit všechny
Běžně se vyskytující výrazy a sousloví
act utilitarian adversary Amendment American argue Bagdikian Ben Bagdikian called Calley Chapter Chicago classical classical liberal Columbia Journalism Review commitment coverage Davis debate deceptive means deontologist developed Earnest Editor & Publisher ethical dialogue ethical theories fact fairness framework of principles free expression freedom greatest number groups harm Hersh human Ibid identified individual institutions interpretation investigative journalism investigative reporting issues Janet Cooke John Rawls jour journalism ethics journalists judgment justice Kant Kohlberg libel major maximize media criticism ment moral reasoning nalism National News Council newsroom obligation officials ombudsman organizations Pentagon Papers percent persons political practice problems profession professional protect public interest published Pulitzer Pulitzer Prize questions readers relationship reporters and editors role rule rule utilitarian Schorr Society of Newspaper stewardship story Sun-Times Supreme Court Tavoulareas tion tradition truth telling University utilitarian values Washington Post William writing York
Odkazy na tuto knihu
An Arsenal for Democracy: Media Accountability Systems Claude Jean Bertrand Zobrazení fragmentů - 2003 |
Media Freedom and Accountability Everette E. Dennis,Donald M. Gillmor,Theodore L. Glasser Zobrazení fragmentů - 1989 |