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and the Section of Classification, the chairman of which is a geologist. As indicated by its title, this division classifies public lands with relation to their water resources.

Publication Branch. The Publication Branch edits, prepares for printing and engraving, and reads the proof of all publications—including text, maps and illustrations-issued by the Survey. It operates the Survey's engraving and printing plant and distributes all the publications of the Survey. It also develops, prints and prepares either for publication or for filing all photographs taken by members of the Survey.

The branch is organized in four divisions, each in charge of a chief who reports directly to the Director, namely:

1. Division of Book Publication

2. Division of Map Editing

3. Division of Engraving and Printing

4. Division of Distribution

Of the 934 permanent employees of the Survey on June 30, 1917, 174 constituted the personnel of the Publication Branch. Division of Book Publication. The Division of Book Publication, in charge of an editor, includes the section of texts, in which all manuscripts are edited and all proofs are read, and the section of illustrations, in which drawings and engravings used to illustrate official publications are prepared for this purpose.

Division of Map Editing. The Division of Map Editing is charged with the maintenance of the accepted Survey standard in all maps, geologic and topographic, issued by the Survey. It includes a section of geologic maps and a section of topographic maps. These sections are regarded as a part of the Publication Branch, but their work is so intimately associated with the work performed in the Geologic and Topographic Branches that they are in fact administered as parts of those branches.

Division of Engraving and Printing. The Division of Engraving and Printing, administered by the chief engraver, is charged with all mechanical work involved in the reproduction of official maps or other illustrations published directly by the Survey. It includes an engraving and printing plant, an instrument shop and a photographic laboratory. It has been organized on a scale that permits it not only to do the work of this character required by the Survey but also to obtain from the Public Printer, by bidding in competition with private firms, work for other branches of the government.

Plant. The headquarters of the United States Geological Survey are in the Interior Department building, on the block. bounded by E and F and 18th and 19th Streets, N. W., at Washington.

The chemical laboratory, in which is performed the analytical work necessary for the completion of geologic field investigations and some other researches in chemical geology, has equipment valued at $22,000. The equipment in the physical laboratory is valued at $5,000. The equipment used in the engraving and printing plant is valued at over $1,000,000. This equipment includes 10 power presses and 13 hand presses. The library contains about 120,000 volumes, 100,000 pamphlets and 25,000 maps.

The Survey maintains branch offices at Denver, Salt Lake City, San Francisco and other places, most of them in government buildings.




The Outlines of Organization have for their purpose to make known in detail the organization and personnel possessed by the several services of the national government to which they relate. They have been prepared in accordance with the plan followed by the President's Commission on Economy and Efficiency in the preparation of its outlines of the organization of the United States government.1 They differ from those outlines, however, in that while the commission's report showed only organization units, the presentation herein has been carried far enough to show the personnel embraced in each organization unit.

These outlines are of value not merely as an effective means of making known the organization of the several services. If kept revised to date by the services they constitute exceedingly important tools of administration. They permit the directing personnel to see at a glance the organization and personnel at their disposition. They establish definitely the line of administrative authority and enable each employee to know his place in the system. They furnish the essential basis for making plans for determining costs by organization division and subdivision. They afford the data for a consideration of the problem of classifying and standardizing personnel and compensation. Collectively, they make it possible to determine the number and location of organization divisions of any particular kind, as for example-laboratories, libraries, blueprint rooms, or any other kind of plant possessed by the na

1 House Doc. 458, 62d Cong., 2d Sess. 1912-2 vols.

tional government, to what services they are attached and where they are located, or to determine what services are maintaining stations at any city or point in the United States.

As regards individual positions, changes are of course constantly taking place, both as to character and compensation. This is of course especially true at the present time, owing to the abnormal conditions resulting from the war.

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'The personnel of the several units is being constantly changed. As occasion demands, employees are transferred from one division to another.

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