An Arsenal for Democracy: Media Accountability Systems

Přední strana obálky
Claude Jean Bertrand
Hampton Press, 2003 - Počet stran: 420
'Everyone agress that news media cannot be rued solely by the profit motive and that government regulation on media is extremely dangerous. How then can we obtain good service from news media? As far as ethics is concerned, can we depend on the moral conscience of the professionals to insure good service? The answer is M*A*S, nongovernmental media accountability systems. This book concentrates on M*A*S as one of the three pillars of good news media, together with free enterprise and state regulation. It presents general information about the major media accountability systems and their usefulness (press council, ombudsman, journalism review, etc.).--COVER.

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A Predicament and Three Solutions¹
The Arsenal of the MAS 17 133
Right to Communicate in the Internet
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