Shakspere, Personal RecollectionsDigiCat, 21. 11. 2022 - Počet stran: 182 This interesting book is a biography of William Shakespeare and of the author's life, as he reflects on the Bard's importance in his life—and parallels their experiences in different stages in life. The fascinating part that is included in this book is several handwritten notes of Shakespeare's that the author managed to collect. |
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... wonders and runs on the reefs of his understanding, to be wrecked in their vain calculation of his divine wisdom. Leaving the beaten paths of oriental and middle age writers, he dashed deep into the forest of nature and surveyed for ...
... wonders and runs on the reefs of his understanding, to be wrecked in their vain calculation of his divine wisdom. Leaving the beaten paths of oriental and middle age writers, he dashed deep into the forest of nature and surveyed for ...
... his unconscious genius. Will was a constant source of anxiety and wonder to the teacher, who often marked him as the scapegoat to carry off the surface sins of sneaking and cowardly pupils. Corporal punishment was part of school.
... his unconscious genius. Will was a constant source of anxiety and wonder to the teacher, who often marked him as the scapegoat to carry off the surface sins of sneaking and cowardly pupils. Corporal punishment was part of school.
... wonder, vieing with the stars in an effort to do universal honor to the "Virgin Queen!" That's what they called "Bess." William and myself took part in several of the joint circus and theatrical performances, and at the conclusion of ...
... wonder, vieing with the stars in an effort to do universal honor to the "Virgin Queen!" That's what they called "Bess." William and myself took part in several of the joint circus and theatrical performances, and at the conclusion of ...
... wonder to the yeomanry of Warwickshire and the surrounding counties, and when he had occasion to rest for the night at farm houses or taverns, he was the prime favorite of the rural flames or bouncing, beaming barmaid. The girls went ...
... wonder to the yeomanry of Warwickshire and the surrounding counties, and when he had occasion to rest for the night at farm houses or taverns, he was the prime favorite of the rural flames or bouncing, beaming barmaid. The girls went ...
... wonders to perform, He plants His footsteps in the sea And rides upon the storm." On the first of September, 1586, the lord high sheriff of Coventry invited the people to an archery and drinking contest. Representatives from twenty-five ...
... wonders to perform, He plants His footsteps in the sea And rides upon the storm." On the first of September, 1586, the lord high sheriff of Coventry invited the people to an archery and drinking contest. Representatives from twenty-five ...
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actors Anne Hathaway Antonio Arden audience Avon Bacon Bard beauty behold Blackfriars blood bohemians boys Brutus Burbage Cæsar Cassius castle cheers church crown daughter death Dick Dick Field divine doth dramatic Earl earth Edmund Spenser eloquence eternal exclaims eyes fame father Field flash flowers fool forest girls glory grand Hamlet hath Hathaway head heart heaven hills honor hour immortal Jo Taylor John Shakspere Juliet Julius Cæsar Kenilworth King King Claudius ladies Laertes land light live lofty London lords Love's Labor's Lost mankind Marlowe midnight morning murder Nature never night o'clock Oxford passion Petrarch philosopher play poet Portia Prince Queen Elizabeth realm replies Romeo royal says Shakspere Shottery Shylock sleep Snitterfield soul Spenser stars Stratford sweet Table of Contents tavern theatres theatrical thee Theseus Thomas Lucy thou thought thousand Titania town variegated Virgin Queen Warwickshire wife wild wonder young