Obrázky stránek

Chronological Table

1845 Texas admitted into the Union. Florida admitted.


1846 War with Mexico. Battle of Palo Alto. Wilmot's Proviso introduced and
defeated. Iowa admitted. Treaty with Great Britain (Oregon).

1847 Battle of Buena Vista. Occupation of Mexico. Calhoun's resolutions

1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo cedes New Mexico, California, and Texas to the
United States. Wisconsin admitted. "Hunkers" and "Barn-burners."
Free-soil party formed.

Discovery of gold in California. Taylor elected President.

1850 Clay's Plan of Compromise passed. "Squatter Sovereignty" proclaimed.

Death of Calhoun. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.

Death of President Taylor. Fillmore becomes President.

1852 Rise of the "Know-Nothing Party. Pierce elected President. Defeat of the
Whigs. Deaths of Clay and Webster.

1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act passed, providing for creation of territories of Kansas and
Nebraska. Struggle in Kansas. New Republican party formed.

1856 Buchanan elected President.

1857 The "Dred Scott" decision.

1859 John Brown's Raid.

1860 Abraham Lincoln elected President. Republicans in power till 1884. The
Southern States, led by South Carolina, secede from the Union.

1861 First blow in the Civil War struck at Fort Sumter.

Virginia joins the confederate South. Lee made Commander-in-Chief.
Defeat of the Federals at Bull Run.

1862 The Seven Days' Battles. Second defeat of the Federals at Bull Run. Battle of
Antietam. Grant in Tennessee. Farragut on the Mississippi.

the Merrimac and the Monitor. Fall of New Orleans.

Lincoln issues Proclamation of Emancipation.

Lee invades Maryland. Battle of Fredericksburg.

Fight between

1863 Final decree of emancipation. Battle of Chancellorsville. Death of Stonewall

Lee invades Pennsylvania. Battle of Gettysburg. Capture of Vicksburg. Sur-
render of Port Hudson. Battles of Chickamauga and Chattanooga.

Conscription law passed by Congress.

1864 Battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania. Sherman's Raid. Capture of
Atlanta. Battle of Nashville. Capture of Savannah.

Early threatens Washington, but retires. Naval battle in Mobile Bay.

Lincoln re-elected President. Capture of Wilmington.

1865 Fall of Richmond. Lee surrenders at Appomattox. End of the War.
Assassination of Lincoln. Johnson becomes President.

Thirteenth Amendment adopted.

1866 Proclamation of peace and order in the United States.

1867 Reconstruction Acts passed by Congress.

Alaska purchased from Russia by the United States.

1868 Fourteenth Amendment adopted. Impeachment of Johnson. Grant elected
President. Treaty with Nicaragua.

1869 First railway between Atlantic and Pacific Oceans completed.

1870 Fifteenth Amendment adopted.



Reform of the Civil Service. Treaty of Washington (Alabama claims).
Alabama arbitration.

1876 Hayes elected President.

Grant re-elected President.

1880 Garfield elected President. Abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer Treaty demanded.
1881 President Garfield assassinated. Arthur becomes President.

1884 Cleveland elected President. Domination of Republican party ends.

Canal Treaty with Nicaragua.

1886 Fisheries dispute with Great Britain.

1888 Bayard-Chamberlain (Fisheries) Treaty.


Chronological Table

1888 Sackville incident. Harrison elected President.

1889 Condominium of United States, Great Britain, and Germany established in

1890 McKinley Tariff Bill passed.

1892 Cleveland re-elected President.

Republic proclaimed in Hawaii, and recognised by United States.

Treaty for Behring Sea arbitration.

1894 Chicago riots.

1895 Reform of Civil Service. Venezuelan dispute. Beginning of Cuban insur-


1896 McKinley elected President.

Venezuelan arbitration agreed on.

1897 General Arbitration Treaty rejected by Senate. Dingley Tariff Act.


Annexation of Hawaii.

U. S. S. Maine blown up at Havana.

Outbreak of war with Spain. Destruction

of Spanish fleets at Manila and Santiago.

Capitulation of Santiago. Peace of Paris cedes Philippines and Porto Rico to the
United States, and liberates Cuba.

1899 Act for preservation of gold standard. Conference at the Hague. Venezuelan
arbitration concluded. Alaska Boundary Conference fails.
Treaty with Spain ratified. Insurrection in the Philippines.

1900 McKinley re-elected President. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty fails in Senate.
1901 President McKinley assassinated. Roosevelt becomes President.


Treaty supersedes Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. United States Steel Corporation

1902 Venezuelan blockade. American occupation of Cuba ceases.


Abenaki Indians, the, influence of the French
on, 101

Abercrombie, General, 126, 134 sq.
Aberdeen, Earl of, 671

Abolition, of slavery, 589-602; compensated,
586 sq.

Abolitionists, the, 387 sq.

Abraham, the Heights of, 140

Acadia, settlement and early history of, 110-

12; French intrigues in, 121
Acadians, expulsion of the, 122
Adams, Charles Francis, 610

Adams, John, President of United States, 146,
151, 154, 160, 315, 320, 324, 372

Adams, John Quincy, President of United
States, 363, 365, 373, 374

Adams, Samuel, of Boston, 146, 161, 182, 197;
his letters to the Boston Gazette, 160.
Adet, Pierre Auguste, 320

Admiralty, Courts of, 184 sqq.
Admiralty (British) decisions, 327

Agriculture, development of, 707 sq., 712 sq.
Alabama and Kearsarge, fight of the, 566
Alabama controversy, the, 636

Alabama, formation of, 359; secession of, 446
Alaska, boundary of, 371; purchase of, 637
Albany Convention, the (1754), 69

Albany (Fort Orange), English conquest of,
39; Dutch reoccupation of, 41

Albemarle, Earl of, 34

Albemarle, the, torpedoing of, 564
Alcott, Bronson, 739

Alexander, Sir William, 75

Algonquins, French relations with the, 75, 76
Alien Acts, the, 322

Allen, governor of New Hampshire, 31
Amboyna, massacre of, 22

Amendments to the Constitution: the Thir-
teenth, 599 sq.; the Fourteenth, 628 sq.; the
Fifteenth, 633

America, effect upon England of discovery of,
1; Church of England in, 57 sq.; British
and French claims in, 119; carrying trade
of Europe in hands of (1805), 327; naval suc-
cesses of, in war of 1812, 339, and her losses,
347 sq.; national character in, 724 sq.

America, colonisation of: the English, chaps.
I, II, passim; the French, chap. III, passim
"American" party, the, 425

Americans, character of the, 724 sq.

Amherst, General Lord, 132, 137; his march to
Montreal, 141, 143

Amherst, Sir Jeffery, 97

Ampudia, General, 394

Anderson, Major Robert, 446, 450, 462 sq., 545
André, Major John, 226

Andros, Colonel Sir Edmund, colonial gov-
ernor, 29, 30, 43, 47

Annapolis Convention, the (1786), 244, 312,

Anne, Cape, 15

Antietam, battle of, 482

Antilles, the French, 319

Anti-Masons, the, 379

Anti-Slavery Society, the American, 387,

Appeal, David Walker's, 386 sq.
Appomattox, Lee's surrender at, 541

Aquednok (Rhode Island), 19, 20, 23, 24
Arbitration, the Venezuelan, 672

Arbitration Treaty (1897), the, 672
Architecture, American, 748 sq.
Arista, General, 395
Arlington, Earl of, 9

Armed Neutrality, the, 233

Armies, the Northern and Southern, in the
Civil War, 451 sq.

Army, the United States (1812), 336

Arnold, Benedict, his invasion of Canada,
170; his treason, 226; in the British ser-
vice, 230

Articles of Confederation, the, 235 sq., 249,
305 sqq.

Ashburton, Lord, 391

"Assemblies," interference with, 181

Assistance, writs of, 177-81

Atlanta, capture of, 520-2

Atlanta, capture of the, 563

Atlantic Monthly, the, 746
Atlantic States, the, 267
Augusta (Georgia), 62, 219
Averysborough, battle of, 530

[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Nathaniel, his revolt and death, 9
Balance of trade, between Great Britain and
her colonies (1765), 183

Baldwin (American politician), 246
Baltic Sea, competition for trade of, 1, 4
Baltimore, British attack on, 344; the Civil
War in, 453

Baltimore, George Calvert, first Lord, founder
of Maryland, 31; Cecilius Calvert, second
Lord, 31, 33; third Lord, 33, 34; fourth
Lord, 34

Bank of the United States, 316, 351 sq., 382

Banking, rise of, 352; change in the system
of, 571

Banking law, amendment of the, 674

Banks, deposits in, 715; "pet," and the sur-
plus, 384 sq.; the Southern and paper-money,

Banks, General, 506

Baptists, the, in Rhode Island, 57

Barbados, Quaker women exiled to, 25; Caro-
lina colonists drawn from, 34, 35; English
colony in, 78; population of, in seventeenth
century, ib.; penal code in, 102
Barclay, Commander, defeat of, 340
Barnwell, Robert W, 605

Barrington, William Wildman, Viscount, 142
Barron, Commodore, 329
Bartemeyer v. Iowa, 648
Bates, Edward, 450
Bathurst, Earl, 363, 364

Bayard-Chamberlain Treaty (1888), the, 659
Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de, author of the
Mariage de Figaro, 210

Beauport, Montcalm's headquarters at, 138
Beauregard, General G. T., 465, 542

Beaver Dam, capture of American detach-
ment at, 341

Beaver-fur, the medium of exchange in New
York, 68; annual payment of, by French-
Canadian colonists, 76

Bedford (American statesman), 246, 261

Belcher, Jonathan, governor of Massachu-
setts, 65

Bellemont, Lord, governor of Massachusetts,

Benjamin, Judah P., 604

Bentonville, battle of, 530

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Birney, James Gillespie, 387, 388
Bismarck, Prince, 661, 663
Blaine, Secretary, 644, 649, 666
Blair, Francis P., 535
Blair, Montgomery, 450

Blanco, General, 675

Bland-Allison Act (1878), the, 643

Blockade, the Federal, and its effects, 550
sqq., 558, 620 sq.
Blockade-running, 620

Blockades, British, 327, 329, 330

Booth, John Wilkes (the assassin), 545, 547
Boscawen, Admiral, 133

Boston (Mass.), a day of humiliation held at,
27; journalism at, 60; population of, in 1663,
75; revolutionary party at, 146; resistance
to the Stamp Act, 149; tea riot at, 159;
British evacuation of, 172

Boston Athenaeum, the, 744

Boston Bay, Puritan settlements along, 16,

Boston Gazette, the: Samuel Adams's letters
to, 160

Boston Massacre, the, 153 sq.

"Boston orators," the, 743 sq.

Bougainville, L. A. de, 126, 137, 139, 140, 143
Boundary dispute: with Spain, 362; the Vene-
zuelan, 670 sq.

Bouquet (Swiss officer), 97, 136
Bourlamaque (French general), 126, 143
Braddock, General, his expedition against
Fort Duquesne, 123, 124

Bradford, William, governor of New Ply-
mouth, 12, 14

Bradstreet (colonial officer), destroys Fort
Frontenac, 135 sq.

Bragg, General Braxton, 506 sqq.

Brainford, in New Haven, abandoned by in-
habitants, 26

Brandywine, battle of, 213

Brearly (American politician), 246, 252
Breckinridge, John C., 439

Breda, treaty of (1667), 89

Bristow, Secretary, 644

British squadrons in North American waters,

strength of (1811-15), 338

Brock, Major-General, 337

Broke, Captain, 342

Brook, Lord, 18, 21

Brooks, Preston, his assault on Charles Sum-

ner, 430

Brown, Charles Brockden, 741

Brown, John, raid of, 439

Brown, Joseph E., governor of Georgia, 605

Browne, John and Samuel: their expulsion

from Massachusetts, 16

Bryan, William J., 673

Bryant, William Cullen, 742

Buccaneers, the, in the West Indies, 85

Buchanan, James, President of United States,
419, 432, 436, 446 sq.

Buckner, General, 462 sq.

Buell, Brigadier-General, 463, 493, 507

Buena Vista, battle of, 396



Building of the West, the," and its results,

Bull Run, first battle of, 465 sqq.; second
battle of, 480

Bulwer, Sir Henry Lytton (Lord Dalling and
Bulwer), 434

Bunker Hill, battle of, 168
Burford, Colonel, 224

Burgoyne, General, expedition of, 214-16
Burke, Edmund, 66, 108, 109, 147, 149, 162, 724
Burlington, execution of traitors at, 337
Burnet, William, governor of Massachusetts,

Burnside, General Ambrose E., 483 sq., 573
Burr, Aaron, 324, 372

Butler (American politician), 246, 286
Butler, General B. F., 464, 557, 581
Bylling, Edward (Quaker), 47

Cabinet, the Confederate, flight of, 541
Calhoun, John C., 373, 388, 393, 397; his "South
Carolina Exposition," 380; his principles,
409 sqq.; his death, 418

California, conquest of, 395; discovery of gold
in, and its effects, 400 sqq., 416; organisa-
tion of, 402

Calvert, Cecilius: see Baltimore

Calvert, George: see Baltimore

Calvert, Leonard, 31

Calvinism, Channing on, 738

Calvin's case, 189

Camara, Admiral, 679

Camden, Americans routed at, 225

Camden, Earl of, 147

[blocks in formation]


Carteret, Philip, 41, 46; his imprisonment, 47
Carteret, Sir George, 41

Carteret, Sir George (the younger), 47
Cartwright (English commander), 39

Carver, William, governor of New Plymouth,

Cary, Thomas, 37

Cass, Lewis, 398, 419, 447, 656

Castle Island, 17

Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 233

Cattle, export of, 56

"Caucus, the," 373; resolutions of, 447

Cayuga Indians, the, 75

Cedar Creek, battle of, 533

Cemetery Ridge, the Confederate attack on,

Census: periodical, discussion on, 268; of
1810, the, 354

Cervera, Admiral, 679, 680

Champlain, S. de, “Lieutenant-General," 71
72, 74, 76

Champlain, Lake, 124, 125, 137
Chancellorsville, battle of, 485 sq.
Channing, William Ellery, 738

Character, national, in England and America,
724; New England, 728; American, 751
Charles I, King of England, 31

Charles II, King of England, 9, 38
Charleston (Carolina), a colony established
at, 35, 36; assaulted by French and Spanish
fleet, 37; yellow fever in, ib.; British siege
and capture of, 222 sq.; flight of loyalists
to, 307; Federal attack on, 553 sq.
Charlestown (Boston), settlement of, 16, 17
Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier de, 90;
his comparison of French and British colo-
nists, 103

Charters, the colonial, 196-202.

Chase, Salmon P., 428, 450, 568 sqq., 633 sq.
Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of, 152, 154, 155,

Chattanooga, blockade and battle of, 510-13
Chauncey, Captain, 341

Chesapeake and Leopard, affair of the, 329 sq.
Chesapeake and Shannon, fight of the, 342
Chesapeake Bay, defeat of British fleet at, 230
Chicago, labour disturbances in, 669 sq.; con-
vention at (1896), 673

Chickahominy, battles on the, 476
Chickamauga, battle of, 509
Chili, dispute with, 666

Chippewa, British defeat at, 343
Choate, Rufus, 744

Choiseul, Duc de, 97

Church, French-Canadian, 84

Church of England, in America, 57, 58

City Point, meeting of Lincoln and his gene-
rals at, 537

Civil Rights Act, Supplementary (1875), 642
Civil Rights Cases, the, 648

Civil Service, the Federal, reform of, 635,
649 sq., 670

Civil War, the American, chaps. XIV, XV, XVI,
passim; naval operations of the, chap. XVII,

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