The Wannamaker, Salley, Mackay, and Bellinger Families: Genealogies and MemoirsHigginson Book Company, 2000 - Počet stran: 485 |
Vyhledávání v knize
Výsledky 1-3 z 58
Strana 45
... JULIA FRANCES KENNEDY : m . Wm . Marion Dudley Richard . Issue : F - 1 . JULIA RICHARD . E - 7 . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN KENNEDY : m . Mary Holder . Issue : F - 1 . DORA KENNEDY : m . Lloyd C. Colson . E - 8 . WALTER AUGUSTUS KENNEDY . E - 9 ...
... JULIA FRANCES KENNEDY : m . Wm . Marion Dudley Richard . Issue : F - 1 . JULIA RICHARD . E - 7 . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN KENNEDY : m . Mary Holder . Issue : F - 1 . DORA KENNEDY : m . Lloyd C. Colson . E - 8 . WALTER AUGUSTUS KENNEDY . E - 9 ...
Strana 77
... JULIA STONE SALLEY , b . Sept. 17 , 1869 , m . Jan. 25 , 1893 , D. Ö . Herbert , b . Apr. 19 , 1857 , d . Feb. 13 , 1930. Issue : 7th Gen. 6th Gen. ( 1 ) ALEXANDER SALLEY HERBERT , b . Oct. 4 , 1894 , m . Julia Boone , Aug. 9 , 1930 ...
... JULIA STONE SALLEY , b . Sept. 17 , 1869 , m . Jan. 25 , 1893 , D. Ö . Herbert , b . Apr. 19 , 1857 , d . Feb. 13 , 1930. Issue : 7th Gen. 6th Gen. ( 1 ) ALEXANDER SALLEY HERBERT , b . Oct. 4 , 1894 , m . Julia Boone , Aug. 9 , 1930 ...
Strana 467
... Julia , 73 Julia Alexander , 84 Julia McPhaill , 79 Julia Stone , 77 Julian Alexander , 77 , 79 Julian M. , 79 Kate , 76 Kathryn ( Kittie ) Moss , 82 Laura Ervin , 61 , 306 Lawrence , 81 Lawrence Dukes , 81 Lawton Harris , 61 Lena , 75 ...
... Julia , 73 Julia Alexander , 84 Julia McPhaill , 79 Julia Stone , 77 Julian Alexander , 77 , 79 Julian M. , 79 Kate , 76 Kathryn ( Kittie ) Moss , 82 Laura Ervin , 61 , 306 Lawrence , 81 Lawrence Dukes , 81 Lawton Harris , 61 Lena , 75 ...
Další vydání - Zobrazit všechny
The Wannamaker, Salley, MacKay and Bellinger Families: Genealogies and Memoirs J. Skottowe Wannamaker Náhled není k dispozici. - 2011 |
The Wannamaker, Salley, Mackay, and Bellinger Families: Genealogies and Memoirs J Skottowe (John Skottow Wannamaker Náhled není k dispozici. - 2021 |
The Wannamaker, Salley, MacKay and Bellinger Families: Genealogies and Memoirs J. Skottowe Wannamaker Náhled není k dispozici. - 2011 |
Běžně se vyskytující výrazy a sousloví
6th Gen Alexander AMAKER ancestors Anna Annie April Archibald Archibald Bulloch argent Belk Blanton born Bruce Jones Bull BULLOCH Capt Charles Charleston Church Clan Clan Mackay CLECKLEY COAT OF ARMS Dantzler daugh daughter David descendants Donald Bruce Drayton Earl Edmund Bellinger Edward Eleanor Elizabeth Elliott England Evans father Fishburne Frances Francis Marion George Elmore Salley Georgia Harriet Henry Holman Issue Jacob Wannamaker James Jane Bruce Jessie John Adam Treutlen John Salley John Skottowe Wannamaker Joseph Bellinger Joseph Jenkins Julia July June Keitt King land Landgrave letter Lillian Bruce Salley living Lucia Margaret Lockhart Jones Mary Mary Lucia MOSS mother Mungo Mackay Orangeburg County Palatinate Phillips Jones Pinckney RAYSOR Rebecca records Rumph Samuel Phillips Jones Sarah Sarah Cartwright Scotland Sept South Carolina Thomas Bennett Salley Veaux Virginia Walter Wannemacher William