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" America, their successors and assigns, shall be, and are hereby, created a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of " The president, directors, and company, of the bank of the United States... "
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United ... - Strana 73
autor/autoři: United States. Supreme Court, William Cranch - 1812
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Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court ..., Svazek 5,Svazek 9

United States. Supreme Court - 1812 - 408 str.
...of congress of the 25th of February, 1791, voL lp 283. under the name and style of- u The President, Directors and Company of the Bank of the United States,"...capacity. A corporation aggregate is an artificial, invisiblt body, existing only in contemplation of law. It baa co analogy to a natural person. It has...
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The National Register, Svazek 1,Vydání 1 –Svazek 2,Vydání 43

1816 - 728 str.
...their successors and assigns, shall be, and are hereby created, a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of " The president, directors, and company of the bank of the United States," and shall so continue until the third day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirtysix,...
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A Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United ..., Svazek 3

David Bailie Warden - 1819 - 606 str.
...subscribers to the bank, their successors and assigns, are created a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of " the President, Directors, and Company of the Bank of the United States," to continue till the 3d day of March 1830, and to be capable of possessing property to the amount of...
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History of North America, Svazek 2

John Talbot - 1820 - 476 str.
...subscribers to the bank, their successors and assigns, are created a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of " the President, Directors, and Company of the Bank of the United States," to continue till the 3d day of March 1836, and to be capable of possessing property to the amount of...
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Register of Debates in Congress: Comprising the Leading Debates and ...

United States. Congress - 1825 - 738 str.
...commentators of the constitution. of» national bank,' passed an ordinance incorporating Bichan institution, under the name and style of 'The president, directors, and company of the bank of North America.' The aid afforded by that institution was acknowledged to have been of essential...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the ..., Svazek 12

United States. Supreme Court - 1827 - 682 str.
...States, their successors and assigns, shall be and hereby are created a corporalion and body politic, by the name and style of " the President, Directors and...the Bank of the United States,"' and by that name shall be capable in law to have. purchase, receive, &c. lands, &c. goods, chattels and effects, \ 397....
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama, Svazek 3

Alabama. Supreme Court, George Noble Stewart - 1835 - 526 str.
...referred to, and thereto annexed, on Robert H. Croswell acting as Cashier of the Bank incorporated under the name and style of "the President, Directors and Company of theTombe'ckbee Bank," at St. Stephens, this 20th day of October, ber, 1827, George W. Myers, Sheriff...
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Legislative and Documentary History of the Bank of the United States ...

Matthew St. Clair Clarke - 1832 - 856 str.
...America, their succeesors and assigns, shall be, and art hereby created a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of "the President, Directors, and Company, of the Bank of the United States of America," and shall so continue until the third day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred...
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Acts of the State of Ohio

Ohio - 1836 - 76 str.
...the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, been created a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of "The President Directors and Company of the Bank of the United States." And whereas, The general welfare of this State forbids the establishment, within its limits, of any...
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Reports of Cases Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, in ...

United States. Circuit Court (3rd Circuit), Henry Baldwin - 1837 - 670 str.
...check upon the said bank or corporation, or any cashier thereof." The corporation is created by law, by the name and style of " the President, Directors and Company of the Bank of the United States;" 3 Story 1550 ; the cashier of the bank is the cashier of the corporation, and an order or check drawn...
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