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tend to produce baldness. It might be attributed to the practice of wearing the hair drawn back tightly from the forehead, but as this fashion prevailed at one time among our Western ladies, without occasioning Alopecia so far as information can be obtained, it can hardly be attributed to that cause.


On first arriving at Ningpo, a box of medicines of the value of sixty dollars was stolen by the coolies or boat-men. In the beginning of the year, a theft of the same kind was perpetrated on a smaller scale, but attended with serious consequences. Whilst changing residences, a man employed in removing the medicines purloined one and a-half pounds of arsenic, taking it for foreign flour. The greater part he made into cakes, which were caused to adhere by a small admixture of flour. Ten persons partook of these cakes, but happily the quantity taken was so large, that in all but one case, it acted as an emetic, and was promptly ejected from the stomach.

A poor old woman however who ate of them sparingly, died in consequence-all the others escaped, but had for some time, more or less inflammation of the stomach. The parties took all the blame to themselves, and the matter was soon dropped. Much gratitude was expressed to the physician for the relief he afforded them.


The city has been remarkably healthy during the past year. Intermittent fever, and diarrhea have chiefly prevailed, but in mild forms. The latter complaint frequently attacks foreigners in the summer season, which a few hours sailing among the islands of the Chusan archipelago is almost sure to arrest. Lichen tropicus or prickly heat is a source of much inconvenience to foreigners. Towards the close of the hot season, natives, as well as foreigners, are hable to be affected with boils,


Ulcers are very common amongst the poor; the worst form of those that have been treated, were on the feet and legs of women. Bandaging the feet, if not the cause of ulcers, certainly prevents to a great extent their cure: they are also affected with corns and other callosities of the feet. Other evils, the result of this pernicious and cruel practice, might be detailed, if this report were intended for the perusal of professional readers. That a custom so barbarous could be imposed upon a comparatively civilized country, whose inhabitants

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number by hundreds of millions, is one of the most singular facts in the history of our race, and illustrates the deference which the Chinese pay to Imperial wishes. The custom, comparatively speaking is of modern origin, and owes its existence to the whim of Leyuh, the licentions and unpopular prince of Keang-nan, whose court was in Nankin. He ruled from A. D. 961 to 976, and was subdued and finally poisoned, by the founder of the Sung dynasty. It appears that he was amusing himself in his palace, when the thought occurred to him, that he might improve the appearance of the feet of a favorite concubine. He accordingly bent her feet, so as to raise the instep into an arch, to resemble the new moon. The figure was much admired by the courtiers, who at once began to introduce it into their families. Soon after the province of Kiangnan again became an integral part of the Empire, from which point the new practice spread throughout all provinces and all ranks, until it became a national custom. Many lives were sacrificed by suicide. Those females whose feet had not been bound, were sacrificed by their mothers in law, and despised by their husbands, so much so that many hung themselves, or took poison. About 150 years after the origin of the practice, we find a Poet celebrating the beauty of the Golden lilies" which he makes just six inches long; from which it would appear that six centuries ago, they were of the same size as those of the present day. According to the theory of Lord Monboddo, and Monsieur I.amark, such continued compression for centuries should have occasioned a material alteration in the structure of Chinese feet, but nothing of the kind is observed; for until they attain their seventh or ninth year, when the painful process of bandaging commences, the feet are perfectly natural, both in size, and figure. This custom, though deeply entwined in the feelings of the people, could be abolished by a single sweep of the vermilion pencil. The present dynasty could abolish the cruel custom with less opposition, than was experienced in introducing that degrading mark of subjection the tonsure. There have been (and now are) in China those who possess the hnmanity and moral courage to express their dislike of the practice. Among them may be mentioned Ynen, a member of the Hanlin College, a writer of celebrity in the latter part of the last century. In the most popular of his works, entitled "the Sayings not of Confucius," he represents Prince Leyuh, as suffering in purgatory, for the introduction of such a vile custom, and awaiting with much impatience the expiration of the 700 years, which he had been condemned to suffer. before he could attain to his original state of a Priest in Sungsau,

but in profound ignorance of another punishment, which awaited him on the completion of the first period. Authentic history informs us, that a celebrated robber, during the period of anarchy which ushered in the reigning dynasty, cut off the feet of an immense number of women, and made a pyramid of them. The spirits of these women, several myriads in number, are represented by Yuen, as vociferously demanding of Heaven further chastisement upon Leyuh, whom they regarded as being the author of their sufferings, and small feet, to which the robber had an antipathy. Whereupon the prince was condemned to make a hundred myriad of shoes for those women. It may here be added that Chinese feinales can scarcely stand, and cannot walk without their shoes.


Remarks on the moral, or political bearing of opium smoking are inexpedient in this place; the subject is merely adverted to from the fact, that applications are continually made for relief, by those addicted to the dreadful habit. Indeed it is extremely difficult for a medical observer, to omit noticing a practice so fraught with painful interest to every humane mind, and so intimately connected with the physical interests of this great empire. A typograpical error in last year's report made it appear, that the tradesmen of this department were not addicted to the vice of opium smoking; it should have said, that the agricultural class was the healthy portion, in consequence of their inability to procure the fatal luxury. So long as the price of the drug is kept up, the sinews of the empire will retain their natural power, and sustain only a reflex injury. The highest functionary in the province lately issued a proclamation against vice and immorality, by Imperial authority. Among the prohibitions was the culture of the Ying-suh-hwa, under penalty of death, if the cultivation be not given up six months after date of the proclamation. A like penalty was threatened against all who sold, or used the article. It is cultivated to some extent in the neighbouring departments, to the south and south west, particularly in districts coterminous with the province of Fokien, where the rulers possess but little power, and want the inclination, or ability to prevent its growth. Twenty years ago, the plant grew wild in waste places; but has gradually become a staple product in many districts. From the capsules of the plant (which are procurable in the druggists' shops here) it would appear that it is the Papaver Somniferum; at least, it possesses affinity to the opium of commerce, and of the Pharmacopoeias, and must be a

variety of the saine family. The concrete juice is obtained in the same manner, and produces the same effects when smoked, though the sensations are less agreeable, and it is therefore used only by those, who cannot procure the imported articic, which perhaps owes its superiority to the great care taken in its growth and preparation. A philanthropic native, deploring the effects of opium smoking ou his fellow citizens, issued a handbill containing directions for overcoming the habit. The articles recommended were Liquorice, Honeysuckle flowers, and half a dozen other articles, equally inert, but sufficiently potent when the accompanying directions were followed, viz: "To refrain resolutely from smoking whilst taking the physic for ten days," if at the end of that period the appetite returned, the physic to be continued. Very few made the experiment, because it was said "the articles were so cheap and common, it could not be that they could effect a great thing." One case came under observation, in which the remedy was successful or seemingly so, for the individual, though a confirmed opium smoker, has not used the drug for four months. Acting on the hint thus given empirical remedies, addressed chiefly to the imagination. have been administered to a number of applicants, which there is reason to believe have been successful in some of the cases. Among the applicants was the Chehien or mayor of Hangchow, who left his opium box, as an evidence of his anxiety to be delivered from his bondage, saying, that if the medicines he took with him failed to effect a cure, he would send for more. Several months have elapsed since his visit, during which time he has not been heard from. Several cases of infanticide, and suicide have come under notice during the past year, and are not regarded as extraordinary events by the inhabitants.


The climatic features of the department in which Ningpo is situa ted, exhibit great extremes of heat and cold. For three months in şummer the heat is oppressive in the extreme. During the present season, the thermometer has ranged from 96 to 102 in the shade, for many days in succession. In winter, though the thermometer seldom falls below 22°, yet the piercing blasts of the north east monsoon (which resembles the "Bize" of Switzerland and the Harmattan of Italy) deprives the body so rapidly of its caloric, as to occasion the sensation of extreme cold. In general terms it may be said, we have a hot and a cold season, of three months each, with intervening agreeable periods of the same duration. On the 15th of last March, there

was a fall of dust at Ningpo, apparently of Volcanic origin. It fell also at the same time at Shanghai, but in greater quantities A vessel about three hundred miles from the coast is reported to have fallen in with a quantity of pumice stone floating on the sea.* If of volcanic origin, the dust may have been wafted, the wind being fair, from one of the Volcanoes of the Japan archipelago; probably from Mount Fusi, which it is well known is subject to frequent eruptions, ejecting dust, which at Dezima has been several inches thick. The estimated altitude of Mount Fusi is 14,000 feet. At to 4 A. M., on the 4th of August 1846, there was an earthquake at Ningpo, of nearly three minutes duration. A long drought, and excessive heat was previously experienced. The atmosphere was in a highly electric state, and for some days prior to the subterranean commotion, all nature appeared stagnant. The barometer afforded no indication of any approaching change, and at the time of its occurrence, the fall was scarcely perceptible, nor was there any wind. (It may here be remarked that the barometrical variations at this station are very slight. During the whole of last winter Mr. Thom's barometer hardly ever varied more than from 29. 90. to 30°., and during the whole of this summer, it has hardly changed more than from 29. 50. to 29. 60.) The motion of the earthquake was of a rocking kind, and very uniform causing the beams of houses to creak like the timbers of a vessel, under a press of sail, with a high sea. When the vibration was about half over, there was a loud noise, such as the rashing of a typhoon through a thick forest might be supposed to occasion: it continued for ten minutes, and moved from the south east, to north west, which was evidently the course of the earthquake itself. tract of country where the phenomenon was experienced was about 140 miles long and 60 broad; after the earthquake, the thermometer fell to 96 being about 4 degrees; the day was hazy, and at night a small quantity of rain fell. There was but little lightning at the time or afterwards. Intelligent natives say "that in the 8th year, 7th month and 24th day of the reigning emperor, (September 1828) in this fu, Funghwa district, and Fungpu neighbourhood, fire issued from a mountain called Kikia (Pencil frame.) The mountain is exceedingly steep, and quite inaccessible, and has a cone (crater?) in its side, near the summit: on that day great thunder was heard, as if in the mountain, when fire issued out of the cave, which continued


* For a more detailed account of the Phenomenon, see communications from Dr. Bellot of H M Ship Wolf, and Dr. Macgowan in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal for 1346

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