Obrázky stránek

Though they be gathered from the mire and covered with filth, they will be deemed none the less valuable. Soon then shall we behold the gem radiant with the nine lights, reflecting the brightness of the Andromeda and Orbed Sceptre in wreathed flowery ringlets, and the channel of six veins exhibiting the jasper-hued shade upon the sinooth river mirror. A protracted old age shall bear witness to the merits of those who venerate the tomb of the ancient Tsz'chau; and to them who bathe in the fragrant stream of Wangshi, the public examinations shall furnish a favorable prognostic. This is the brief Notification.

Táukwang, 28th year, 4th month-day.

A public representation by those whom the business concerns.

ART. V. List of Foreign Residents in Canton, August, Anno Domini, Eighteen hundred and forty-eight.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Rev. Wm. Speer.

Dadabhoy Nasserwanjee Mody & Co. Rev. F. B. Jench.
Nusserwanjee Bomanjee Mody
Muncherjee Nusserwanjee Mody
Dhunjeebhoy Hormuzjee Hakinna.
Eduljee Framjee Sons & Co.

Bomanjee Eduljee.
Dadabhoy Eduljee.

Fischer & Co.

Maximilian Fischer, and family.
James Whittall.

E. Moormann & Co.

C. Bauer.

Dimier Brothers & Co.

C. Dimier.

Francis B. Birley, and family.

Reise & Co.

M. Sichel.

Thomas Everard.

Lung-hing kai.

Rev. A. P. Happer M. D. and family.

8. W. Bonney.

Hienhia Lan.
Rev. Dyer Ball м. D. and family.


Rev. 1. J. Roberts.


Benjamin Hobson, M. D.

Whampoa Anchorage.

Thomas Hunt.

Charles Tobey.

A. Bird.

Dr. Smith.

Dr. Lewer.

Dr. Brice

D. M. Lerman.

C. Morris.
James Rowe.

N. de St. Croix.

ART. VI. A passage along the Broadway River from Canton to Macao-Description of the silk territory of Shunte. By M. IsıDORE HEDDE.

THE city of Canton (called by the Chinese Kwang-tong sang-Chin, chief city of Kwang-tong,) is seated at the head of an estuary formed by two great rivers, the one, Tong-Kiang (East river), running from the Kiang-si and Fokien mountains, and the other, Ta-Kiang (great river), descending from a chain of wild hills which separate the independent tribes Mio Sze from Kwei-chan, and fertilising alf the Kiang-si. The junction of these two streams forms a large river, which before Canton takes the name of Choo-Kiang (pearl river), on account of pearl oysters found on rocks known by foreigners under the names of "Dutch and French Follies." The Choo-Kiang divides itself into a thousand branches, the longest of which has taken the name of "Tiger." At the entrance, fourteen miles below Canton, is Whampoa Reach," the commercial port of Canton for foreign intercourse, and where was sigued on the 24th of October, 1844 the treaty between M. de Lagrénée, the French Plenipotentiary, and the Imperial Commissioner, Keying. Below is the Bogue, or Bocca Tigris, the mouth of the Tiger, formed by two advanced

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