Obrázky stránek

the name of the author and the name of the dynasty under which the work was published; and will add also, in English, the number of kiuen, or sections, into which the several works are respectively


This list, in the General Catalogue, fills four volumes, viz. the 21st, 22d, 23d, and 24th, and is comprised in five sections, under the general head of Siáu Mioh,小學. the Lesser Studies. In the original Catalogue before us a summary or general account is given of each work. No. 1.

爾雅註疏 晉郭璞註 宋邢昺疏

PRh Yá Chú Su, in eleven sections, supposed to have been written by the duke of Chau: the best Notes and explanations on this work are by Kwoh P'oh of the Tsin and by Ying Ping of the Sung dynasty.

No. 2.

爾雅註 宋學樵撰

'Rh Y. Chú, in three Sections, with notes by Ching Tsiau of

the Sung dynasty.


方言 漢揚雄撰 晉郭璞註

Fang Yen, in thirteen Sections, by Yang Hiung of the Hán, with

notes by Kwoh Poh of the Tsin dynasty.

No. 4.

釋名 漢劉熙撰

Shih Ming, in eight sections, by Liu Hi of the Hán dynasty.

廣雅 魏張揖撰

Kwang Ya, in ten Sections, by Ching Yih of the Wei dynasty. No 6

匡謬正俗 唐顏師古撰

Kwáng Min Ching Suh, in eight Sections, by Yen Sz'ki of the

Tang dynasty.

No. 7.

羣經音辨 宋賈昌朝

Kiuan King Yin Pien, in seven Sectious by Ki Chúng cháu

of the Sung dynasty.

No. 8.

埤雅 宋陸佃撰

Pi Ya, in twenty Sections, by Luh Tien of the Sung dynasty.

No. 9.

爾雅翼 朱羅願撰 元洪祖音釋

'Rh Yá Yih, in thirty-three Sections, by Lo Yuen of the Sung

dynasty, with explanation of sounds by Hung Yentsú of the Yuen



騈雅 明朱謀瑋撰

Ping Ya, in seven Sections, by Chú Mauwei of the Ming dynasty. No. 11.


Txz' Kí, in one Section, by Iwáng Sang of the reigning Manchu

[blocks in formation]

續方言 國朝杭世駿撰

Shuh Fang Yen, in two Sections, by Háng Shitsin of the reigning

[blocks in formation]

別雅 國朝吳玉樓

Pieh Ya, in five Sections, by Wu Yuhtsin of the reigning Manchu


No. 14.

急就章 漢史游撰

Kih Tsiúcháng, in four Sections, by S Yú of the Han dynasty.

說文解字 漢許慎撰

Shwoh Wan Kiái Tsz', in thirty Sections, by Hi Shin of the

[blocks in formation]

說文繫傳 南唐徐鍇撰

Shwoh Wan Hi Chuen, in forty Sections, by Su Kái of the

Southern Tang dynasty.



Swoh Wan Hi Cinen Kán I', in four Sections and one sup

plementary, all by Wang Hien of the reigning Manchu dynasty. No. 18.

說文解字篆韻譜 南唐徐鍇撰

Shwok Win Kiái Tsz' Chuen Yun Pú, in five Sections, by Su

Kai of the Southern Táng dynasty.


重修玉篇 梁顧野王撰

Chang Siú Yuh Pien, in thirteen Sections, by Kú Yéwáng of

[blocks in formation]

干祿宁書 唐顏元孫撰

Kán Luh Tsz' Shú, in one Section, by Kú Yuensun of the Táng



五經文字 唐張參撰

Wu King Wan Tsz', in three Sections, by Cháng Tsán of the

Tang dynasty

No. 22.

九經字樣 唐唐元度

Kiú King Tsz' Yúng, in one Section, by Tang Yuentú ot the

Táng dynasty.

No. 23.

汗簡 目錄叙略 宋郭忠恕撰

Hún Kien and the Muh Luh Sü Lioh, the first in three, and the

second in one Section, all by Kwoh Chungshú of the Sung dynasty. No.24.

佩觿 宋郭忠恕撰

Pei Hui, in three Sections, by Kwoh Chungshú of the Sung



古文四聲韻 宋夏竦撰

Kú Wan Sz' Shing Yun, in four Sections, by Hiá Sung of the

Sung dynasty.


類篇 宋司馬光撰

Lui Pien, in forty-five Sections, by Sz'má Kwáng of the Sung



歷代鍾鼎獎器欵識法帖 宋薛尙功撰

Lih Túi Chung Ting I Ki Kwan Shih Fah Tieh, in twenty

Sections, by Nieh Shangkung of the Sung dynasty.

No. 28.

復古編 宋張有撰

Fuh Kú Pien, in two Sections, by Cháng Yú of the Sung dynasty. No.29.

漢隸字源 宋婁機撰

Hán Li Tsz Yuen, in six Sections, by Lau Ki of the Sung



班馬字類 宋婁機撰

Pán Má Tez Lui, in five Sections, by Lau Ki of the Sung



字通 宋李從周撰

Tsz' Tung, in one Section, by Li Tsungchau of the Sung dynasty. No.32.

六書故 元戴侗撰

Luh Shú Kú, in thirty-three Sections, by Tái Tung of the Yuen

[blocks in formation]

龍龕手 遼儈行圴撰

Lung Kan Shau Kien, in four Sections, by Tsang Hing Kiun of


No 34.

六書統 元楊桓撰

Luh Shú Tung, in twenty Sections, by Yang Hwan of the Yuen

[blocks in formation]

周秦刻石釋音 元吾邱衍

Chau Tsin Kih Shih Shih Yin, in one Section, by Wa Kiuyen

of the Yuen dynasty.


字 元李文仲撰

Tsz Kien, in five Sections, by Li Wanchung of the Yuen dynasty.


說文字原六書正譌 元周伯琦撰

Shwoh Wan Tsz' Yuen and the Luh Shú Ching Wei, the first in one and the second in five Sections, by Chau Pehki of the Yuen dynasty.



Hán Li Fan Yun, in seven Sections. The author's name, and

the time when the work was written, do not appear.


六書本義 明趙撝謙撰

Luh Shú Pan I', in twelve Sections, by Chau Hwuih'ien of the

Ming dynasty.

No. 40.


Ku Tsz Yun, in five Sections, by Yung Shin of the Ming dynasty. No. 41.

古音駢字 續編 古音字 明楊愼撰 續編 國朝莊履豐莊鼎鉉同撰

Kú Yin Pien Tsz', and Suh Pien, the first in one Section by Yang Shin of the Ming dynasty, the second in five Sections by Chwing Lifung and Chwang Tinghien of the reigning Manchu dynasty.


俗書刊誤 明焦竑撰

Suh Shú Kán Wa, in twelve Sections, by Tsiáu Hwang of the

Ming dynasty.



Tsz' Yen, in four Sections, by Yeh Ping king of the Ming dynasty.


康熙字典 康熙五十五年聖祖仁皇帝御定

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