Obrázky stránek

Káng Hi Tsz Tien, in forty-two Sections. This edition was

published in the 55th year of Kánghi's reign, by Imperial authority.

No. 45

御定淸文鑑 補編 總綱 補總綱


Yu Ting Tsing Wan Kien, Pú Pien, Tsung Káng, Pú Tsung

King, a Manchu-Chinese work in forty-six Sectious, compiled m

the thirty-sixth year of Kienlung by Imperial authority.

No. 47.

御定滿洲蒙古漢字三合切音清文鑑 乾隆四十四年奉敕撰

Yu Ting Munchau Mungkú Hantsz' Sánhoh Ts'ich yin Tsing

Wan Kien, in thirty-two Sections, was ordered to be compiled in the forty-fourth year of Kienlung.

No. 47


Kin Ting Si Yih Tung Wan Chi, in twenty-four Sections, was

ordered in the twenty-eighth year of Kienlung

No. 48.


Chuen Ki Kiáu I, in two Sections, by Chau Tsing of the reign.

[blocks in formation]

隸辦 國朝吉撰

Li Pren, in eight Sections, by Ku Ngaikih of the reigning

[blocks in formation]



Kwing Yun, m five Sections, the name of the author is unknown

No. 51

重修廣韻 陳彭年邱雍等奉敕撰

Chung Siú Kướng Yin, in five Sections compiled by Ch'in Pángnmen, K'ii Yung and others of the Sung dynasty, by Imperial Com



集韻舊本題 宋丁度等奉敕撰

Tsih Yun, in ten Sections, an old edition of this work purports to

have been written by Ting Tú and others of the Sung dynasty by Imperial command.


切韻指掌圖 附檢例一卷 宋司馬光撰 其檢例一卷則邵光祖所補正

Tsieh Yun Chi Cháng tú, and Fu Kien h, the first in two and the second in one Section; the first by Szma Kwang, and the

second by Chau Kwangtsú who also revised and corrected the


No. 54.

韻補 宋吳棫撰

Yun Pú, in five Sections, by Wu Yih of the Sung dynasty.

No. 55.


Fu Shih Wan Hi Chú Lí Pú Yun linh and Fu Kung Ku Tin

Shih, in one Section; the name of the original author is not given. No. 56.

埌修互註禮部韻略 宋毛晃增註


Tsang Siú Hú Chú Lí Pú Yun Lioh, in five Sections, being notes

by Mau Kwang of the Sung dynasty and compared and enlarged by

his son Kiching.




Tsang Siú Kiáu Ching Ya Yun Shih I', in five Sections by

Ngau-yang Tehlung and revised by Hwoh Shauching of the Sung

[blocks in formation]

九經補韻 宋楊伯嵒機

Kiú King Pu Yun, in one Section, by Yang Pehyen of the Sung



五音集韻 金韓道昭撰

Wú Yin Tsih Yun, in fifteen Sections, by Han Tauchau of the

Kin family.


古今韻會舉要 元熊忠撰

Kú Kin Yun Hwui Ki Yau, in thirty Sections, by Hiung Chung

of the Yuen dynasty.



Sz' Shing Tang Tsz', in one Section. The naine of the author

does not appear.


經史正音切韻指南 元劉鑑撰

King Sz' Ching Yin Tsieh Yun Chi Nan, in one Section, by

Liú Kien of the Yuen dynasty.


洪武正韻 明洪武中奉敕撰

Hung Wu Ching Yun, in sixteen Sections, ordered to be com

piled in the reign of Hungwú of the Ming dynasty.


古音目 古音要 古音餘 古音附錄 明楊慎撰

This work, Ku Yin Tsung Muh, in five volumes, Kú Yin Lieh Yáu, in five Sections, Ku Yin Yü, in five Sections, Ku Yin Fu Luh,

in one Section, was written or compiled by Yang Shin of the Ming



古音略例 明楊槇撰

Kú Yin Lioh Li, in one Section, also by Yang Shin.


轉注古音略 明楊慎撰

Chuen Chú Kú Yin Lioh, in five Sections, also by Yang Shin of

the Ming dynasty.

[blocks in formation]

Máu Shi Kú Yin K'iàu, in four Sections, by Chin T of the Ming


No. 68.

屈宋古音義 明陳第撰

Kiuh Sung Ka Yin I', in three Sections, also by Chin Ti of the

Ming dynasty.

No. 69.


Kin Ting Yin Yun Chen Wi, in eighteen Sections, ordered to

be compiled in the forty-fifth year of Kánghí.

No. 70.


Kin Ting Tung Wan Yun Tung, in six Sections, ordered to be

compiled in the fifteenth year of Kienlung.

No. 71.


Kin Ting Hich Yun Lui Tsih, in fifty-eight Sections, ordered to

be compiled in the fifteenth year of Kienlung.

No. 72.


Kin Ting Yin Yun Shun Wi, in three Sections, ordered to he

compiled in the thirty-eighth year of Kienlung.

No. 73.

音論 國朝顧炎武撰

Yin Lun, in three Sections, by Kú Yenwú of the reigning

Manchu dynasty.

No. 74.

詩本音 國朝顧炎武撰

Shi Pan Yin, in ten Sections, by the same author, Ku Yenwi No.75.

易音 國朝顧炎武撰

Yih Yin, in three Sectious, also by the same Kú Yenwú.

No. 76.

唐韻正 國朝顧炎武撰

Tang Yun Chang, in twenty Sections, also by Kú Yenwú.

No. 77.

古音表 國朝顧炎武撰

Ku Yin Piáu, in two Sections, by the same Ku Yenwu.

No. 78.

韻補正 國朝顧炎武撰

Yun Pú Ching, in one Section, also by Ku Yenwi.


古今通韻 國朝毛奇齡撰

Kú Kin Tung Yun, in twelve Sections, by Mau Kiling of the

[blocks in formation]

易韻 國朝毛竒齡撰

Yih Yun, in four Sections, also, by Máu Kiling of the reigning

[blocks in formation]

廣韻考 國朝容舒撰

Kwang Yun K'au, in five Sections, by Ki Yungshu of the

[blocks in formation]

古韻標準 國朝江永撰

Kú Yun Piáu Chun, in four Sections, by King Yung of the

[blocks in formation]

六藝網目 元舒天民撰

Luh I' Káng Muh in two Sections, by Shú Tienmin of the

[blocks in formation]

爾雅補註 國朝姜錫撰

'Rh Yá Pu Chí, in six Sections, by Káng Cháusih of the reign

[blocks in formation]


Siáu'Rh Yi, in one Section; the name of the author is not given.

崔氏小爾進 明崔銑撰

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