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Rev. Dr. Boone. The day afforded a striking contrast between the Chinese and the foreigners among the former all went on as usual, while with the latter hearty and cheerful congratulations gave interest to the occasion.

December 27th. Just as the sun was setting, I emerged from the central and densely populated streets of the city, and found myself among gardens and orchards approaching the western walls, to which I soon found my way, and continued my walk upon the ramparts. At this hour of the day, and in this season of the year, the prospect from this point is really picturesque. On the one side, beyond the walls, westward, the rich plaius stretch away farther much than the eye can reach; on the other, you have first gardens and orchards and country seats and temples, and then the dense city and suburbs, and next the forests of mists marking the course of the river, and also away in the distance northward you have a glimpse of some of the foreign residences. Nearly one third part of the western side of Shánghái city is without houses, excepting isolated buildings scattered here and there. Numerous patches of ground, all along this part of the city, are covered with mementos of those whose remains now lie there mouldering back to dust.

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December 28th. A contrast, Oh what a contrast. The European houses and factories of Shinghái, together with the new Church, which have just sprung up on the consular grounds," are fair specimens of what, in their kind, is every where to be seen in Christendom. From these residences my walk, this afternoon, carried me up close along the western bank of the river, through the whole eastern suburb, nearly every foot of which is covered with shops and warehouses and other buildings. What a contrast between all these, and those I had just left. No descriptions of the pen or pencil could possibly draw out all the lines of contrast. They must be seen as they are, in order to be understood. The buildings are so il constructed, dark and uncleanly, the streets so narrow and so filled with riffraff, rubbish, gamblers, beggars, etc., that a jaunt on foot or in a sedan, through these streets, is usually any thing but agreeable, except one desires to witness the miseries and the degradation of his species-here also, how fallen.

Dec. 30th. A middle-aged man, as I passed along close by the eastern wall of the city, lay by the way side dead drunk, near the door of a gambling house. Many of these houses are to be seen close under the city walls and along the banks of the river and canals


there be any retired corner close by the chief places of concourse, there you may expect to find the gamblers' retreat, and cluse by it the abodes of those who inhale the black commodity. Such was the neighborhood where this wretched man lay a few rods from the great western gate. Where he had procured his intoxicating draught I do not know, but it had done the work for him thoroughly, for he was as insensible as the blocks of granite on which he lay.

Saturday, Jan. 1. 1848. Another charmingly bright day: a happy new year. A round of happy greetings, came now in quick succession. For the hour, the traveler might easily have fancied himself— nay would hardly have suspected that he was not-in the land of his fathers, happy New England. Take away these hammocks, where the dead have been interred on the consular grounds, those odd looking hovels which are half concealed behind thick bamboo fences, and you would seem to be in a happy land. Happy indeed it would be, if man in his blindness had not so marred and spoiled it on every side. It was very pleasing to see, among the foreign residents, so much reciprocal kindness and hear so many hearty congralulations. The Chinese, too, must try to show their interest in the happiness of the strangers from afar. As an instance of this, what must the lady of the consul receive, as a new year's gift: say it gently, a coffin, a miniature coffin.

Monday, Jan. 3d. Last night, for the third time since the north winds set in, the eastern suburbs were on fire, and before midnight more than a hundred houses were reduced to ashes. It was a bitter cold night, and the wind blew fresh from the north. * * * This has been a dark and sombre day. Some rain has fallen and occasionally a few flakes of snow. The melancholy news brought up by the "Torrington," which arrived last evening from Canton, has made every foreigner sad.

Tuesday, January 4th. At half past six this evening being near the school house of the Episcopal Mission, under the care of Bishop Boone, word came that the pupils were assembling to witness the baptism of a little Chinese boy, who had been for some time ill. I hastened immediately to the place, where all the members of the mission and the whole school with a few other Chinese, and among them the mother of the child, had met together in Miss. J.'s private parlor. At one end of the room sat the child on the lap of his kind Instructress with his christian friends around him; at the other end of the room the pupils were crowded in successive rows, the smallest forward, all speedily arranged by Miss. M., while the Bishop, who

was officiating, stood between them and near the side of the boy to whom the ordinance of baptism was to be administered. This child, now eight years of age has been in the school since its commencement, about two years ago. For mouths he has been ill with a disease of the heart, and now all hope of his recovery is gone but he gives pleasing evidence that religious instrction has not been lost upon him, but that the truth has found its way to his heart; he has frequently remarked to his Teachers, "I'm not afraid to die, I love Jesus, I am going to Heaven," &c., &c.; his solemn confiding countenance, while receiving the ordinance, indicated to the mind of an observer that his spirit had found a resting place which idolatry could never give, and I looked upon him as one of those little ones," whom the Saviour warns us not "to despise," but, "Suffer them to come unto me."

Wednesday, Jan'y 5th. To-day a circular has been going the rounds, from H. B. M.'s consul, bearing date the 4th inst, calling the attention of the British Community to that article of the Port Regulations which limits foreigners to 24 hours, as the longest period allowed for an excursion into the surrounding country, from the city of Shanghái. Of late these excursions have been frequent, and have occupied two, three and more days Unfortunately some accident or other has brought this matter to the notice of the local authorities.

To-day the Delegates from the General Committee of the Protestant Missionaries in China have resumed their work of Revision-just six months since they entered on the discussion of the question, how they ought to translate into Chinese the original of the word God. The Committee of Delegates now consists of the Rev. Drs. Medhurst, Boone and Bridginan, and the Rev. Messrs Stronach and Milne, the latter gentleman having been elected to fill the place vacated by the decease of the late Mr. Lourie.

Monday 10th. Yesterday morning, at half past eight o'clock, the little Chinese boy, baptized on the evening of the 4th, expired without a struggle or a groan; he continued until the last to give pleasing evidence of being a true believer in the divine Redeemer. One of his female friends, who watched with him the night he died, remarks that, after he was struck with death, he turned his eyes upward and said, in his native tongue, "I am going to heaven," or to that effect. He continued to speak more, but was not understood. His mother being sent for came, and finding the child so near departing commenced, according to the Chinese custoin her noisy wailings over him.

The child heard not, nor recognized his parent; but He who has said, "Suffer little children to come unto me," soon released the little sufferer and received him, as we humbly believe, a ransomed soul.

Thursday 13th. "Wars and rumors of wars" soon again may be heard over all this empire, ripe for any thing that is evil. Monday morning last a rumor was abroad that "an attack" was to have been made the preceding night; but where and by whom, did not appear. It did appear, however, that certain goods had been abstracted from some body's go-down, and that recently. Ruinors multiplied; and today it is matter of fact, that, large patrols, both Chinese and European, were out all last night. It was said that the Tautui had received a despatch from the Imperial Commissioner, at Canton, and it was supposed had received therein orders to adopt hostile measures against the foreigners. However, it is quite certain that no communication or intelligence, later than that brought by the Torrington," has reached Shanghái from the South. In China some care is requisite to avoid both extremes, on the one side, lest well founded rumors of evil designed be neglected; and on the other, lest by playing false, or by giving currency to unfounded rumors, they receive credence, and in the end become real.

Saturday, Jan. 13th. To-day another circular has been issued from the office of the British Consulate, enjoining strict conformity to the regulations which limit British Subjects to twenty-four hours, as the longest period they may be absent from the city, on any one excursion into the surrounding country. British subjects are not to sleep out of Shanghai. It is rumored that several of the foreign residents have been providing themselves with arms and preparing to repel any attack. Measures are to be taken at once to secure a strong and efficient night-watch.

Tuesday, Jan. 18th. Intelligence has just come up from Wúsung that, two days ago, a Chinese was killed there, on shore, by oue of the Manilamen; and it is said that the vice-consul and the interpreter will proceed to-morrow to the spot, there to meet the magistrate of Páushán, and jointly with him investigate the circumstances of

the case.

P. S. I have omitted to note, in the proper place, some particulars regarding an excursion made by some gentlemen on the 14th, to a village up the river beyond Shanghái, not very far from the pagoda, where they found three Europeans domiciled, and what is chiefly wor hy of notice, an official document, from the local magistrate, forbidding the people to molest them in their quiet retreat, was pasted up at their gate.

Saturday, Jan. 22d. Near the north gate of the city I witnessed a bloody fight, between two natives. They had beaten each other in a most pitiful manner, and were still doing so, their garments were half torn off, their faces and arms covered with blood; and though surrounded by a dense crowd, no one attempted to interfere, or tried to stop the affray.

Monday, Jan. 24th. Last night, in the north suburb a murderous affray occurred among the Fuhkien men; and to day inquests have been held on the bodies of those who were killed. The least

number mentioned, as having been killed, is four. In all such cases it is generally known that the number actually killed considerably exceeds that reported to the authorities. These murderous affrays are very common here among the people from Fulkien: and it is sometimes quite impossible for the authorities to arrest the evil-doers; and instances are known, of recent date, in which these. men have gone in large numbers and rescued their clausmen from the power of the magistrate.

Tuesday, Jan. 25th. This morning the new French Consul landed and took up his quarters in the European Hotel, on the British Consular grounds. He is accompanied by his family-wife, mother and sister; and unfortunately, though long on his voyage, he has arrived without his credentials, which were to have been forwarded to him from France. The French government is acting wisely in early sending to this port an agent of their own, to hold here a permanent residence.

Wednesday, Jan. 26th. At three o'clock this afternoon the annual meeting of the trustees and other friends of the “ Chinese Hospital," was held at the house of Dr. Lockhart, missionary physician, under whose care it has been established and hitherto conducted. It is understood that a Report will immediately be published. The number of patients, whose names were entered on the books of the Institution during the year 1847, is above fifteen thousand.

Thursday, Jan. 27th. It is now the dead of winter, dark and dreary enough. For weeks there has been scarcely one bright day; the sun has appeared but seldom; while there has been an almost incessant dripping rain. Crowds of poor beggars daily throng the streets, and use all manner of devices to gain cash. A few of the instances recently noticed are here subjoined.

A beggar with a whirling bowl I have often seen in the streets of Shanghai, and to-day liked to have got in contact with it. He is a stout and able-bodied man, of five and twenty. To-day he was dress.

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