Come, Gertrude, we'll call up our wisest And let them know, both what we mean to do, Whose whisper o'er the world's diameter As level as the cannon to his blank 40 Transports his poison'd shot, may miss our name And hit the woundless air. O, come away! SCENE II Another room in the castle. Enter Hamlet. Ham. Safely stowed. Ros. Guil. [Within] Hamlet! Lord Hamlet. Ham. But soft, what noise? who calls on Hamlet? O, here they come. Enter Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Ros. What have you done, my lord, with the dead body? Ham. Compounded it with dust, whereto 'tis kin. 40-44. F. 1 omits these lines, and ends scene with the words"And what's untimely done. Oh, come away, My soul is full of discord and dismay.” Theobald proposed to restore the line by adding "for, haply, slander.” -I. G. Ros. Tell us where 'tis, that we may take it thence And bear it to the chapel. Ham. Do not believe it. Ros. Believe what? Ham. That I can keep your counsel and not mine own. Besides, to be demanded of a sponge! what replication should be made by the son of a king? 10 Ros. Take you me for a sponge, my lord? Ham. Aye, sir; that soaks up the king's countenance, his rewards, his authorities. But such officers do the king best service in the end: he keeps them, like an ape, in the corner of his jaw; first mouthed, to be last swal- 20 lowed: when he needs what you have gleaned, it is but squeezing you, and, sponge, you shall be dry again. Ros. I understand you not, my lord. Ham. I am glad of it: a knavish speech sleeps in a foolish ear. Ros. My lord, you must tell us where the body is, and go with us to the king. Ham. The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body. The king is a thing- 30 Guil. A thing, my lord? Ham. Of nothing: bring me to him. Hide fox, and all after. [Exeunt. 19. "like an ape"; so Ff.; Qq., “like an apple"; Farmer conj. "like an ape, an apple"; Singer, from Q. 1, “like an ape doth nuts"; Hudson (1879), "as an ape doth nuts.”—I. G. 25. "A knavish speech sleeps in a foolish ear"; a sentence proverbial since Shakespeare's time, but not known earlier.-I. G. 32. cp. Psalm cxliv., “Man is like a thing of naught”; 32–33, “Hide fox, and all after," the reading of Ff.; omitted in Qq.-I. G. SCENE III Another room in the castle. Enter King, attended. King. I have sent to seek him, and to find the body. How dangerous is it that this man goes loose! Yet must not we put the strong law on him: He's loved of the distracted multitude, Who like not in their judgment, but their eyes; And where 'tis so, the offender's scourge is weigh'd, But never the offense. To bear all smooth and even, This sudden sending away must seem Deliberate pause: diseases desperate grown Enter Rosencrantz. How now! what hath befall'n? Ros. Where the dead body is bestow'd, my lord, We cannot get from him. King. But where is he? 10 Ros. Without, my lord; guarded, to know your pleasure. King. Bring him before us. Ros. Ho, Guildenstern! bring in my lord. Enter Hamlet and Guildenstern. King. Now, Hamlet, where 's Polonius? Kings & beggers end up in the same place Ham. Not where he eats, but where he is eaten: 20 King. Alas, alas! Ham. A man may fish with the worm that hath King. What dost thou mean by this? Ham. Nothing but to show you how a king King. Where is Polonius? Ham. In heaven; send thither to see: if your King. Go seek him there. [To some Attendants. [Exeunt Attendants. 21-23. There is a punning allusion to the Diet of Worms.C. H. H. 28-31. Omitted in Ff.-I. G. 29-30. Probably pure mystification.—C. H. H. King. Hamlet, this deed, for thine especial safety, For that which thou hast done, must send thee With fiery quickness: therefore prepare thyself; The bark is ready and the wind at help, The associates tend, and every thing is bent 50 Ham. King. Ham. For England? Aye, Hamlet. Good. King. So is it, if thou knew'st our purposes. Ham. My mother: father and mother is man [Exit. King. Follow him at foot; tempt him with speed abroad; Delay it not; I'll have him hence to-night: 60 [Exeunt Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. And, England, if my love thou hold'st at aught As my great power thereof may give thee sense, 45. "this deed, for thine"; so Qq.; Ff., “deed of thine, for thine.” -I. G. 48. "with fiery quickness"; so Ff.; omitted in Qq.-I. G. |