Hamlet return'd shall know you are come home: The Frenchman gave you; bring you in fine to- And wager on your heads: he, being remiss, Laer. 140 I will do 't; With this contagion, that, if I gall him slightly, 141. "anoint my sword": Warburton having pronounced Laertes “a good character," Coleridge thereupon makes the following note: "Mercy on Warburton's notion of goodness! Please to refer to the seventh scene of this Act;-'I will do't; and, for this purpose, I'll anoint my sword,'-uttered by Laertes after the King's description of Hamlet: 'He, being remiss, most generous, and free from all contriving, will not peruse the foils.' Yet I acknowledge that Shakespeare evidently wishes, as much as possible, to spare the character of Laertes, to break the extreme turpitude of his consent to become an agent and accomplice of the King's treachery;—and to this end he re-introduces Ophelia at the close of this scene, to afford a probable stimulus of passion in her brother."-H. N. H. 149. "it may be death"; Ritson has exclaimed against the villainous treachery of Laertes in this horrid plot: he observes "there is more King. Let's further think of this; Weigh what convenience both of time and means 150 May fit us to our shape: if this should fail, And that our drift look through our bad performance, "Twere better not assay'd: therefore this pro- Should have a back or second, that might hold When in your motion you are hot and dry- 160 A chalice for the nonce; whereon but sipping, Enter Queen. How now, sweet queen! occasion that he should be pointed out for an object of abhorrence, as he is a character we are led to respect and admire in some preceding scenes." In the quarto of 1603 this contrivance originates with the king.-H. N. H. 163. "But stay, what noise?"; the reading of Qq.; omitted in Ff. -I. G. 164. "How now, sweet queen"; "That Laertes," says Coleridge, "might be excused in some degree for not cooling, the Act concludes with the affecting death of Ophelia; who in the beginning lay like a little projection of land into a lake or stream, covered with spray-flowers, quietly reflected in the quiet waters; but at length is undermined or loosened, and becomes a faery isle, and after a brief vagrancy sinks almost without an eddy."-H. N. H. Queen. One woe doth tread upon another's heel, Laer. Drown'd! O, where? Queen. There is a willow grows aslant a brook, 170 That liberal shepherds give a grosser name, There, on the pendent boughs her coronet weeds And mermaid-like a while they bore her up: 180 Unto that element: but long it could not be Laer. nd Alas, then she is drown'd! Laer. Too much of water hast thou, poor Ophelia, 167. “There is a willow"; this exquisite passage is deservedly celebrated. Nothing could better illustrate the Poet's power to make the description of a thing better than the thing itself, by giving us his eyes to see it with.-H. N. H. 178. “tunes"; so F. and Q. 1; Q. 2, “lauds” (i. e, chants).—I. G. And therefore I forbid my tears: but yet 190 It is our trick; nature her custom holds, King. [Exit. Let's follow, Gertrude: [Exeunt. 192. "douts"; Knight's emendation; F. 1, “doubts”; Qq., “drownes.” -I. G. ACT FIFTH SCENE I A churchyard. Enter two Clowns, with spades, &c. First Clo. Is she to be buried in Christian burial that willfully seeks her own salvation? Sec. Clo. I tell thee she is; and therefore make her grave straight: the crowner hath sat on her, and finds it Christian burial. First Clo. How can that be, unless she drowned herself in her own defense? Sec. Clo. Why, 'tis found so. First Clo. It must be 'se offendendo;' it cannot be else. For here lies the point: if I drown 10 myself wittingly, it argues an act: and an act hath three branches; it is, to act, to do, to perform: argal, she drowned herself wittingly. 13. "wittingly"; Shakespeare's frequent and correct use of legal terms and phrases has led to the belief that he must have served something of an apprenticeship in the law. Among the legal authorities studied in his time, were Plowden's Commentaries, a blackletter book, written in the old law French. One of the cases reported by Plowden, is that of Dame Hales, regarding the forfeiture of a lease, in consequence of the suicide of Sir James Hales; and Sir John Hawkins has pointed out, that this rich burlesque of "crowner's-quest law" was probably intended as a ridicule on certain passages in that case. He produces the following speech of |