Obrázky stránek

And call the noblest to the audience. For me, with sorrow I embrace my fortune: 410 I have some rights of memory in this kingdom, Which now to claim my vantage doth invite me. Hor. Of that I shall have also cause to speak,

And from his mouth whose voice will draw on


But let this same be presently perform'd,

Even while men's minds are wild; lest more mischance

On plots and errors happen.


Let four captains
Bear Hamlet, like a soldier, to the stage;
For he was likely, had he been put on,

To have proved most royally: and, for his pas


The soldiers' music and the rites of war

Speak loudly for him.

Take up the bodies: such a sight as this

Becomes the field, but here shows much amiss.
Go, bid the soldiers shoot.


[A dead march. Exeunt, bearing off the bodies: after which a peal of ordnance is shot off.



A', he; (Ff. "he"); II. i. 58. ABOUT, get to your work! II. ii. 638.

ABOVE; "more a," moreover; II. ii. 128.

A BRIDGEMENT (Ff. 'Abridgements'), entertainment for pastime (with perhaps a secondary idea of that which makes one brief and shortens tedious conversation); II. ii. 453. ABSOLUTE, positive; V. i. 154; perfect, faultless (used by Osric); V. ii. 111.

ABSTRACT, Summary, or epitome; (Ff. "abstracts"); II. ii. 566. ABUSE, delusion; IV. vii. 51. ABUSES, deceives; II. ii. 653. ACQUITTANCE, acquittal; IV. vii. 1.

ACT, operation; (Warburton "effect"); I. ii. 205. ADDITION, title; I. iv. 20. ADDRESS, prepare; I. ii. 216. ADMIRATION, wonder, astonishment; I. ii. 192.

ADULTERATE, adulterous; I. v. 42. ENEAS' TALE TO DIDO; burlesque

lines from an imaginary play written after the grandiloquent manner of quasi-classical plays (e. g. Nash's contributions to Marlowe's Dido, Queen of Carthage); II. ii. 486.

A FEARD, afraid; V. ii. 321.

AFFECTION, affectation; (Ff. "affectation"); II. ii. 482. AFFRONT, confront, encounter; III. i. 31.

A-FOOT, in progress; III. ii. 87. AFTER, according to; II. ii. 570. AGAINST, in anticipation of; III. iv. 50.

AIM, guess; IV. v. 9. ALLOWANCE, permission (according to some, "regards of a."= allowable conditions); II. ii. 79. AMAZE, confound, bewilder; II. ii. 612.

AMAZEMENT, astonishment; III. ii. 351.

AMBITION, attainment of ambition; III. iii. 55.

AMBLE, move in an affected manner; III. i. 153.

AMISS, misfortune; IV. v. 18. ANCHOR'S, Anchorite's, hermit's; III. ii. 233.

"AND WILL HE NOT COME AGAIN," etc.; a well-known song found in song-books of the period, called The Milkmaid's Dumps; IV. v. 193.

AN END, on end; (Q. 1, "on end"); I. v. 19.

ANGLE, angling-line; V. ii. 66.
AN IF, if; I. v. 177.

ANNEXMENT, appendage; III. iii.


ANON, Soon, presently; II. ii. 525.

ANSWER, reply to a challenge;

V. ii. 183.

ANSWER'D, explained; IV. i. 16. ANTIC, disguised, fantastic; I. v. 172.

ANTIQUE, ancient; V. ii. 363. Apart, aside, away; IV. i. 24. APE; "the famous ape," etc., a reference to an old fable which has not yet been identified; III. iv. 193-196 APOPLEX'D, affected with apoplexy; III. iv. 73. APPOINTMENT, equipment; IV. vi. 17.

APPREHENSION, conception, perception; II. ii. 327.

APPROVE, affirm, confirm, I. i. 29; credit, make approved, V. ii. 144.




paniment; II. ii. 399. ARGAL, Clown's blunder for ergo; V. i. 13.

ARGUMENT, Subject, plot of a play; II. ii. 382.

subject in dispute; IV. iv.

54. ARM YOU, prepare yourselves; III. iii. 24.

ARRAS, tapestry (originally made at Arras); II. ii. 165. ARTICLE, clause in an agreement, I. i. 94; "a soul of great a." i. e. a soul with so many qualities that its inventory would be very large; V. ii. 124. As, as if; II. i. 91.

-, as if, as though; IV. v. 105; ro; IV. vii. 159; namely; I. iv. 25.

As’es, used quibblingly, (Ff. “Assis"; Qq. "as sir"); V. ii. 43. ASLANT, across; IV. vii. 168. ASSAULT; "of general a.", "incident to all men”; II. i. 35.

ASSAY, trial, test; II. ii. 71. -, try; III. i. 14.

"make a.", "throng to the rescue"; III. iii. 69.

ASSAYS OF BIAS, indirect aims, (such as one takes in the game of bowls, taking into account the bias side of the bowl); II. i. 65.

ASSIGNS, appendages; V. ii. 160. ASSISTANT, helpful; I. iii. 3. ASSURANCE, Security; with play upon the legal sense of the word; V. i. 132.

ATTENT, attentive; I. ii. 193. ATTRIBUTE, reputation; I. iv. 22. AUGHT; "hold'st at a.", holds of any value, values at all; IV. iii. 63. AUTHORITIES, offices of authority, attributes of power; IV. ii. 17. AVOUCH, declaration; I. i. 57. A-WORK, at work; II. ii. 527.

BACK, "support in reserve"; IV. vii. 154. BAKED-MEATS, pastry; "funeral b.", cold entertainment prepared for the mourners at a funeral; I. ii. 180.

BAN, curse; III. ii. 276. BAPTISTA, used as a woman's name (properly a man's, cf. Tam. of Shrew); III. ii. 256. BARE, mere; III. i. 76. BARK'D ABOUT, grew like bark around; I. v. 71.

BARREN, barren of wit, foolish; III. ii. 50.

BARR'D, debarred, excluded; I. ii. 14.

BATTEN, grow fat; III. iv. 67. BEATEN, well-worn, familiar; II. ii. 283.

BEATING, striking; (Q. 1, "towl

ing"; Collier MS., "tolling"); I. i. 39.

BEAUTIED, beautified; III. i. 51. BEAUTIFIED, beautiful, endowed

with beauty, (Theobald “beatified"); II. ii. 110.

BEAVER, Visor; movable part of the helmet covering the face; I. ii. 230.

BEDDED, lying flat, (?) matted; III. iv. 121.

BED-RID, bed-ridden; (Qq. 2-5 "bed red"); I. ii. 29. BEETLES, projects, juts over; I.

iv. 71.

BEHOVE, behoof, profit; V. i. 72. BENT, straining, tension; (properly an expression of archery); II. ii. 30.

"to the top of my b.", to the utmost; III. ii. 416. BESHREW, a mild oath; II. i. 113. BESMIRCH, Soil, sully; I. iii. 15. BESPEAK, address, speak to; II. ii. 142.

BEST; "in all my b.", to the ut

most of my power; I. ii. 120. BESTOWED, placed, lodged; II. ii. 565.

BETEEM, allow, permit; I. ii. 141. BETHOUGHT, thought of; I. iii. 90. BILBOES, stocks or fetters used for prisoners on board ship; V. ii. 6.

BISSON; 'b. rheum,' i. e. blinding tears; II. ii. 527. BLANK, "the white mark at which shot or arrows were aimed" (Steevens); IV. i. 42. BLANKS, blanches, makes pale; III. ii. 235.

BLAST IN PROOF, "a metaphor taken from the trying or proving of firearms or cannon, which blast or burst in the proof" (Steevens); IV. vii. 155.

BLASTMENTS, blighting influences; I. iii. 42.

BLAZON; "eternal b.", publication of eternal mysteries; (perhaps 'eternal' infernal, or used 'to express extreme abhorrence'); I. v. 21.

BLENCH, start aside; II. ii. 647.

BLOAT (Qq. blowt;' Ff. 'blunt'), bloated; III. iv. 182.

BLOOD, passion; IV. iv. 58; “b. and judgement," passion and reason; III. ii. 78.

BLOWN, full blown, in its bloom; III. i. 169.

BOARD, address; II. ii. 172. BODES, forebodes, portends; I. i. 69.

BODKIN, the old word for dagger; III. i. 76. BODYKINS, diminutive of body; "the reference was originally to the sacramental bread;" II. ii. 572.

"BONNIE SWEET ROBIN," the first words of a well-known song of the period (found in Holborne's Cittharn Schoole, 1597, etc.); IV. v. 190.

BORE, calibre, importance of a question; IV. vi. 29.

BORNE IN HAND, deceived with false hopes; II. ii. 67. BOUND, ready, prepared; I. v. 6. was bound; I. ii. 90. BOURN, limit, boundary; III. i. 79.

BRAINISH, imaginary, brain-sick; IV. i. 11.

BRAVE, glorious; II. ii. 320. BRAVERY, ostentation, bravado; V. ii. 79.

BREATHE, whisper; II. i. 31. BREATHING, whispering; I. iii.



BREATHING TIME, time for exer

cise; V. ii. 187.

BRINGING HOME, strictly, the bridal procession from church; applied to a maid's funeral; V. i. 266.

BROAD, unrestrained; III. iv. 2. BROKE, broken; IV. v. 111. BROKERS, go betweens; I. iii. 127. BROOCH, an ornament worn in the hat; IV. vii. 94.

BROOD; "on b.", brooding; III.

i. 175.

BRUIT, proclaim abroad; I. ii. 127. BUDGE, stir, move; III. iv. 18. BUGs, bugbears; V. ii. 22. BULK, body; (according to some breast); II. i. 95. BUSINESS, do business; I. ii. 37. BUTTONS, buds; I. iii. 40. BUZ, BUZ! an interjection used to interrupt the teller of a story already well known; II. ii. 425.

BUZZERS, whisperers; (Q. 1676, "whispers"); IV. v. 92.

BY AND BY, immediately; III. ii.


BY'R LADY, by our lady; a slight oath; III. ii. 147.

CAN, can do; III. iii. 65. CANDIED, sugared, flattering; III. ii. 69.

CANKER, canker worm; I. iii. 39. CANON, divine law; I. ii. 132. CAPABLE, capable of feeling, susceptible; III. iv. 127. CAP-A-PE, from head to foot (Old Fr. 'de cap a pie'); I. ii.


CAPITOL; "I was killed i̇' the C."

(an error repeated in Julius Cæsar; Cæsar was killed in the Curia Pompeii, near the theatre

of Pompey in the Campus Martius); III. ii. 114.

CARD; "by the c.", with precision (alluding probably to the shipman's card); V. i. 155. CARNAL, sensual; V. ii. 403. CAROUSES, drinks; V. ii. 310. CARRIAGE, tenor, import; I. i. 94. CARRY IT AWAY, gain the vic

tory; II. ii. 387.

CART, car, chariot; III. ii. 170. CARVE FOR, choose for, please; I. iii. 20.

CAST, casting, moulding; I. i. 73.

-, contrive; ‘c. beyond ourselves', to be over suspicious (? to be mistaken); II. i. 115. CATAPLASM, plaster; IV. vii. 144. CAUTEL, deceit, falseness; I. iii. 15.

CAVIARE; "a Russian condiment made from the roe of the sturgeon; at that time a new and fashionable delicacy not obtained nor relished by the vulgar, and therefore used by Shakespeare to signify anything above their comprehension" (Nares); II. ii. 474. CEASE, extinction; (Qq. “cesse"; Pope "decease"); III. iii. 15. CENSURE, opinion; I. iii. 69. CENTRE, i. e. of the Earth; II. ii. 159.

CEREMENTS, cloths used as shrouds for dead bodies; I. iv. 48. CHAMELEON, an animal supposed to feed on air; III. ii. 102. CHANGE, exchange; I. ii. 163. CHANSON, Song (used affectedly; not found elsewhere in Shakespeare; 'pious chanson;' so Qq.; Ff. 'pons Chanson'; ‘pans chanson'); II. ii. 452.

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