CHARACTER, hand-writing; IV. vii. 53. CHARACTER, Write, imprint; I. iii. 59. CHARGE, expense; IV. iv. 47; load, weight; V. ii. 43. CHARIEST, most scrupulous; I. iii. 36. CHECKING AT; "to check at," a term in falconry, applied to a hawk when she forsakes her proper game and follows some other; (Qq. 2, 3, "the King ať”; Qq. 4, 5, 6, “liking not"); IV. vii. 63. CHEER, fare; III. ii. 232. CHIEF, chiefly, especially; I. iii. 74. CHOPINE, a high cork shoe; II. ii. 462. CHORUS, interpreter of the action of a play; III. ii. 262. CHOUGH, a sordid and wealthy boor; (chuff according to some, "chattering crow"); V. ii. 89. CICATRICE, Scar; IV. iii. 65. CIRCUMSTANCE, circumlocution, detail; I. v. 127. "c. of thought", details of thought which lead to a conclusion; III. iii. 83. CLAPPED, applauded; II. ii. 366. CLEPE, call; I. iv. 19. CLIMATURES, regions; I. i. 125. CLOSELY, Secretly; III. i. 29. CLOSES WITH, agrees with; II. i. 45. COAGULATE, coagulated, clotted; II. ii. 502. COCKLE HAT; a mussel-shell in the hat was the badge of pilgrims bound for places of devotion beyond sea; IV. v. 25. COIL; "mortal c.", mortal life, turmoil of mortality; III. i. 67. COLD, chaste; IV. vii. 173. COLDLY, lightly; IV. iii. 67. COLLATERAL, indirect; IV. v. 209. COLLEAGUED, leagued; I. ii. 21. COLLECTION, an attempt to collect some meaning from it; IV. V. 9. COLUMBINES, flowers emblematic of faithlessness; IV. v. 182. COMBAT, duel; I. i. 84. COMMA, "a c. 'tween their amities," the smallest break or separation; V. ii. 42. COMMANDMENT, command; III. ii. 340. COMMENT; "the very c. of thy soul," "all thy powers of observation"; (Ff. “my soul"); III. ii. 88. COMMERCE, intercourse; III. i. 110. COMPELLED, enforced; IV. vi. 19. COMPLETE STEEL, full armor; I. iv. CONFRONT, outface; III. iii. 47. . CONFUSION, confusion of mind; (Rowe "confesion"; Pope (in margin), "confession"); III. i. 2. CONGREGATION, collection; II. ii. 323. CONGRUING, agreeing; (Ff. "coniuring); IV. iii. 69. CONJUNCTIVE, closely joined; IV. vii. 14. CONSEQUENCE; "in this c."; in the following way; or, 'in thus following up your remarks' (Schmidt); II. i. 45. CONSIDER'D, fit for reflection; "at our more c. time," when we have more time for consideration; II. ii. 81. CONSONANCY, accord, friendship; II. ii. 301. CONSTANTLY, fixedly; I. ii. 235. CONTAGION, Contagious thing; IV. vii. 148. CONTENT, please, gratify; III. i. 24. CONTINENT, that which contains; IV. iv. 64; inventory; V. ii. 107. CONTRACTION, the making of the marriage contract; III. iv. 46. CONTRIVING, plotting; IV. vii. 136. CONVERSATION, intercourse; III. ii. 64. CONVERSE, Conversation; II. i. 42. CORSE, Corpse; I. iv. 52. ceal ourselves; V. i. 254. SOUNT, account, trial; IV. vii. 17. COUNTENANCE, favor; IV. ii. 16. COUNTER; hounds "run counter" when they follow the scent in the wrong direction; a term of the chase; IV. v. 112. COUNTERFEIT PRESENTMENT, portrait; III. iv. 54. COUPLE, join, add; I. v. 93. COUPLETS; "golden c.", "the pigeon lays only two eggs, at a time, and the newly hatched birds are covered with yellow down"; V. i. 319. COUSIN, used of a nephew; I. ii. 64. COZENAGE, deceit, trickery; V. ii. 67. COZEN'D, cheated; III. iv. 77. CRACKED WITHIN THE RING; "there was formerly a ring or circle on the coin, within which the sovereign's head was placed; if the crack extended from the edge beyond this ring, the ring was rendered unfit for currency" (Douce); II. ii. 464. CRANTS, garland, used for the chaplet carried before a maiden's coffin, and afterwards hung up in the church; (Ff. 'rites'; 'Crants' occurs in the form corance in Chapman's Alphonsus, (cf. Lowland Scotch crance); otherwise unknown in English); V. i. 264. CREDENT, credulous, believing; I. iii. 30. CREW, did crow; I. i. 147. CRIED; "c. in the top of mine," were higher than mine; II. ii. 476. CRIES ON, cries out; V. ii. 386. CRIMEFUL, criminal; (Qq. "criminall"); IV. vii. 7. CROCODILE; "woo't eat a c.", re ferring probably to the toughness of its skin; V. i. 308. CROOK, make to bend; III. ii. 70. CROSS, go across its way; (to cross the path of a ghost was to come under its evil influence); I. i. 127. CROW-FLOWERS, (probably) buttercups; IV. vii. 171. CROWNER, Coroner; V. i. 25. CRY, company; (literally, a pack of hounds); III. ii. 297. CUE, catch-word, call; (a technical stage term); II. ii. 608. CUFFS, fisticuffs, blows; II. ii. 383. CUNNINGS, respective skill; IV. vii. 156. CURB, cringe; "c. and woo", bow and beg, "bend and truckle"; III. iv. 155. CURIOUSLY, fancifully; V. i. 235. CURRENTS, Courses; III. iii. 57. DAINTIER, more delicate; V. i. 79. DANE, King of Denmark; I. i. 15. DEAREST, greatest, intensest; I. ii. 182. DEARLY, heartily, earnestly; IV. iii. 46. DEARTH, high value; V. ii. 125. DECLINE UPON, sink down to; I. v. 50. DECLINING, falling, going from bad to worse; II. ii. 517. DEFEAT, destruction; II. ii. 619. DEFEATED, disfigured, marred; I. ii. 10. DEFENSE, skill in weapons, "science of defense"; IV. vii. 98. DEFINEMENT, definition; V. ii. 119. DEJECT, dejected; III. i. 165. DELATED, set forth in detail, prob. ="dilated," (the reading of the folios, properly "delated"entrusted, delegated); I. ii. 38. DELIVER, relate; I. ii. 193. DELVER, digger; V. i. 15. Demanded of, questioned by; IV. ii. 12. DENOTE, mark, portray; I. ii. 83. DESIRES, good wishes; II. ii. 60. DEXTERITY, nimbleness, celerity; (S. Walker, "celerity"); I. ii. 157. DIET; "your worm is your only emperor for d.", a grim play of words upon "the Diet of Worms"; IV. iii. 23. DIFFERENCE, properly a term in heraldry for a slight mark of distinction in the coats of arms of members of the same family; hence a slight difference; IV. v. 185. DIFFERENCES; "excellent d.", dis tinguishing qualities; V. ii. 113. DISAPPOINTED, (?) unappointed, unprepared; (Pope "unanointed"; Theobald "unappointed"); I. v. 77. DISCLOSE, hatching; III. i. 176. DISCLOSED, hatched; V. i. 319. DISCOURSE, conversation; III. i. 108. ; "d. of reason," i. e. the reasoning faculty; I. ii. 150. DISCOVERY, disclosure, confession; II. ii. 312. DISJOINT, disjointed; I. ii. 20. DISPATCH, hasten to get ready; III. iii. 3. DISPATCH'D, deprived; I. v. 75. DISPOSITION, nature; I. iv. 55. DISTEMPER; "your cause of d.", Do; "to do," to be done; IV. iv. 44. DOCUMENT, precept, instruction; IV. v. 180. DOLE, grief; I. ii. 13. DOOм, Doomsday; III. iv. 50. DOUBT, suspect, fear; I. ii. 257. DOUTS, does out, extinguishes; (F. 1, "doubts"; Qq. F. 2, "drownes"; Ff. 3, 4, "drowns"); IV. vii. 193. DOWN-GYVED, pulled down like gyves or fetters; (so F. 1; Qq. 2, 3, 6, "downe gyved"; Qq. 4, 5, "downe gyred"; Theobald "down-gyred"; i. e. rolled down); II. i. 80. DRAB, strumpet; II. ii. 636. DREADFUL, full of dread; I. ii. 207. DRIFT; "d. of circumstance," round-about methods; (Qq. "d. of conference"; Collier conj. "d. of confidence"); III. i. 1. DRIVES AT, rushes upon; II. ii. 511. DUCATS, gold coins; II. ii. 393. DULL THY PALM, i. e. "make cal lous thy palm by shaking every man by the hand" (Johnson); I. iii. 64. DUMB SHOW, a show unaccom panied by words, preceding the dialogue and foreshadowing the action of a play, introduced originally as a compensatory addition to Senecan dramas, wherein declamation took the place of action; III. ii. 151152. DUPP'D, opened; IV. v. 54. DYE, tinge; (F. 1, "the eye;"" Qq. 2-5, "that die"); I. iii. 128. EAGER, sharp, sour; (Ff. "Aygre"; Knight "aigre"); I. v. 69. EALE, ?e'ile (i. e. "evil"), v. Note; I. iv. 36. EAR; "in the e.", within hearing; III. i. 195. EASINESS, unconcernedness; V. i. 77. EAT, eaten; IV. iii. 30. ECSTASY, madness; II. i. 102. EDGE, incitement; III. i. 26. EFFECTS, purposes; III. iv. 129. EISEL, vinegar; the term usually employed by older English writers for the bitter drink given to Christ (late Lat. acetillum); [Q. (i.) "vessels"; Q. 2, "Esill"; Ff. "Esile"]; V. i. 208. ELSINORE, the residence of the Danish kings, famous for the royal castle of Kronborg, commanding the entrance of the Sound; II. ii. 284. EMULATE, emulous; I. i. 83. ENACT, act; III. ii. 112. ENACTURES, actions; III. ii. 212. ENCOMPASSMENT, circumvention; II. i. 10. ENCUMBER'D, folded; I. v. 174. ENGAGED, entangled; III. iii. 69. ENGINER, engineer; III. iv. 206. ENSEAMED, defiled, filthy; III. iv. 90. ENTERTAINMENT; "gentle e.", show of kindness; V. ii. 224. ENTREATMENTS, solicitations; I. iii. 122. ENVIOUSLY, angrily; IV. v. 6. ERRING, wandering, roaming; I. i. 154. ESCOTED, maintained; II. ii. 372. ETERNAL, ?= infernal; V. ii. EVEN CHRISTIAN, fellow-Christian; V. i. 33. EVENT, result, issue; IV. iv. 41. EXCEPTION, objection; V. ii. 253. EXCREMENTS, excrescences, outgrowth; (used of hair and nails); III. iv. 121. EXPECTANCY, hope; (Qq. "expectation"); III. i. 162. EXPOSTULATE, discuss; II. ii. 86. EXPRESS, expressive, perfect; II. ii. 326. EXTENT, behavior; II. ii. 401. EXTOLMENT, praise; V. ii. 123. EXTRAVAGANT, vagrant, wander ing beyond its limit or confine; I. i. 154. EXTREMITY; "in ex.", going to extremes; III. ii. 183. EYASES, unfledged birds; properly, young hawks taken from the nest (Fr. niais); II. ii. 365. EYE, presence; IV. iv. 6. EYRIE, а brood of nestlings; properly, an eagle's nest; II. ii. 364. FACULTIES, peculiar nature; (Ff. "faculty"); II. ii. 610. FACULTY, ability, (Qq. "faculties"); II. ii. 325. FAIR, gently; IV. i. 36. FALLS, falls out, happens; IV. vii. 71. FANCY; "express'd in f.", gaudy; I. iii. 71. FANG'D, having fangs; (according to some, "deprived of fangs"); III. iv. 203. FANTASY, imagination; I. i. 23; whim, caprice; IV. iv. 61. FARDELS, packs, burdens; III. i. 76. FARM, take the lease of it; IV. iv. 20. FASHION, a mere temporary mood; I. iii. 6; "f. of himself," i. e. his usual demeanor; III. i. 185. FAT, fatten; IV. iii. 23. FAT; "f. and scant of breath," ? out of training (but, probably, the words were inserted owing to the physical characteristics of Burbage, who sustained the part of Hamlet); V. ii. 309. FAVOR, charm; IV. v. 192; appearance; V. i. 222. FAWNING, cringing; (Ff. 1, 2, 3, "faining"; F. 4, "feigning"); III. ii. 71. FAY, faith; (Ff. “fey"); II. ii. 278. FEAR, object of fear; III. iii. 25. fear for; I. iii. 51; IV. v. 124. FEATURE, figure, form; (Qq. "stature"); III. i. 169. FEE, payment, value; I. iv. 65; fee-simple; IV. iv. 22. FELLIES, the outside of wheels; II. ii. 534. FELLOWSHIP, partnership; III. ii. 297. FENNEL, the symbol of flattery; iv. v. 182. FETCH, artifice; "fetch of war |