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fheets, and do the office of a warming-pan: faith, he's very ill.

Bard. Away, you rogue.

Quick. By my troth, he'll yield the crow a pudding one of these days: the king has kill'd his heart. -Good husband, come home presently.

[Exit Quickly. Bard. Come, fhall I make you two friends? We muft to France together; Why, the devil, fhould we keep knives to cut one another's throats?

Pift. Let floods o'erfwell, and fiends for food howl on !

Nym. You'll pay me the eight fhillings I won of you at betting?


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Pift. Bafe is the flave that pays.

Nym. That now I will have; that's the humour of

Pift. As manhood fhall compound; Pufh home.

[Draw. Bard. By this fword, he that makes the first thruft, I'll kill him; by this fword, I will.

Pift. Sword is an oath, and oaths must have their courfe.

Bard. Corporal Nym, an thou wilt be friends, be friends an thou wilt not, why then be enemies with me too. Pry'thee, put up.

Nym. I fhall have my eight fhillings, I won of at betting?


Pift. A noble fhalt thou have, and prefent pay; And liquor likewife will I give to thee,

And friendship fhall combine, and brotherhood:
I'll live by Nym, and Nym fhall live by me ;—
Is not this juft-for I fhall futler be


Bafe is the flave that pays.] Perhaps this expreffion was proverbial. I meet with it in The fair Maid of the Weft, by Heywood, 1631:

My motto fhall be, Bafe is the man that pays."



Unto the camp, and profits will accrue.
Give me thy hand.

Nym. I fhall have my noble?

Pift. In cafh moft juftly paid.

Nym. Well then, that's the humour of it.
Re-enter Quickly.

Quick. As ever you came of women, come in quickly to Sir John: Ah, poor heart! he is fo fhak'd of a burning quotidian tertian, that it is moft lamentable to behold. Sweet men, come to him.

Nym. The king hath run bad humours on the knight, that's the even of it.

Pift. Nym, thou hast spoke the right;

His heart is fracted, and corroborate.

Nym. The king is a good king: but it must be as it may; he paffes fome humours, and careers. Pift. Let us condole the knight; for, lambkins, we will live.



Enter Exeter, Bedford, and Weftmoreland.


Bed. 'Fore God, his grace is bold, to truft these traitors.

Exe. They fhall be apprehended by and by. Weft. How fmooth and even they do bear them, felves!

As if allegiance in their bofoms fat,

Crowned with faith, and conftant loyalty.

Bed. The king hath note of all that they intend, By interception which they dream not of.

Exe. Nay, but the man that was his bedfellow 3, Whom

3 that was his bedfellow,] So, Holinfhed. “The faid Lord Scroop was in fuch favour with the king, that he admitted him



Whom he hath cloy'd and grac'd with princely


That he fhould, for a foreign purse, so sell
His fovereign's life' to death and treachery!

[Trumpets found.

Enter the King, Scroop, Cambridge, Grey, and attendants.

K. Henry. Now fits the wind fair, and we will


My lord of Cambridge, and my kind lord of Masham, And you, my gentle knight,-give me your thoughts: Think you not, that the powers we bear with us, Will cut their paffage through the force of France; Doing the execution, and the act,

'For which we have in head affembled them?


fometime to be his bedfellow." The familiar appellation of bedfellow, which appears strange to us, was common among the ancient nobility. There is a letter from the fixth earl of Northumberland (ftill preferved in the collection of the present duke) addreffed "To his beloved coufyn Thomas Arundel, &c." which begins, Bedfellow, after my most harté recommendacion :" So, in a comedy called A Knack to know a Knave, 1594: Yet, for thou waft once bedfellow to a king, "And that I lov'd thee as my fecond felf, &c." Again, in Look about You, 1600;




-if I not err

"Thou art the prince's ward.


I am his ward, his chamberlain and bedfellow.”

Again, in Cynthia's Revenge, 1613:


"Her I'll bestow, and without prejudice,

"On thee alone, my noble bedfellow." STEEVENS. -cloy'd and grac'd-] Thus the quarto; the folio readsdull'd and cloy'd. Perhaps dull'd is a mistake for dol'd.


5 -to death and treachery!] Here the quartos infert a line omitted in all the following editions.

Exet. O the lord of Mafham! JOHNSON.

For which we have in head affembled them?] This is not an English phrafeology. I am perfuaded Shakespeare wrote: For which we have in aid affembled them?

alluding to the tenures of those times. WARBURTON.


Scroop. No doubt, my liege, if each man do his


K. Henry. I doubt not that: fince we are well perfuaded,

We carry not a heart with us from hence,
That grows not in a fair confent with ours;
Nor leave not one behind, that doth not wish
Succefs and conqueft to attend on us.

Cam. Never was monarch better fear'd, and lov'd, Than is your majesty; there's not, I think, a subject, That fits in heart-grief and uneafinefs

Under the sweet fhade of your government.

Grey. Even thofe, that were your father's enemies, Have steep'd their galls in honey; and do ferve you With 7 hearts create of duty and of zeal.

K. Henry. We therefore have great cause of thankfulness;

And fhall forget the office of our hand,
Sooner than quittance of defert and merit,
According to the weight and worthiness.
Scroop. So fervice fhall with steeled finews toil
And labour fhall refresh itself with hope,
To do your grace inceffant fervices.

K. Henry. We judge no lefs.-Uncle of Exeter,
Enlarge the man committed yesterday,
That rail'd againft our perfon: we confider,
It was excefs of wine that fet him on;


And, on his more advice, we pardon him.

Scroop. That's mercy, but too much fecurity: Let him be punifh'd, fovereign; left example Breed, by his fufferance, more of fuch a kind, K. Henry. O, let us yet be merciful.

It is ftrange that the commentator fhould forget a word fo eminently obfervable in this writer, as head, for an army formed. JOHNSON.

7 -hearts create-] Hearts compounded or made up of duty and zeal. JOHNSON.

8 -more advice,-] On his return to more coolness of mind.



Cam. So may your highness, and yet punish too. Grey. Sir, you fhew great mercy, if you give him life,

After the taste of much correction.

K. Henry. Alas, your too much love and care of


Are heavy orifons 'gainft this poor wretch.

If little faults, proceeding on distemper,

Shall not be wink'd at, how fhail we ftretch our eye, When capital crimes, chew'd, fwallow'd, and digefted, Appear before us ?-We'll yet enlarge that man, Though Cambridge, Scroop, and Grey,-in their

dear care

And tender prefervation of our perfon,

Would have him punish'd. And now to our French caufes ;

Who are the late commiffioners?
Cam. I one, my lord;

Your highnefs bade me ask for it to-day.
Scroop. So did you me, my liege.

Grey. And me, my royal fovereign.

9-proceeding on distemper-] i.e. fudden paffions.


Perturbation of mind. Temper is equality or calmness of mind, from an equipoife or due mixture of paffions. Diftemper of mind is the predominance of a paffion, as diftemper of body is the predominance of a humour. JOHNSON.

It has been just faid by the king that it was excefs of wine that fet him on, and diftemper may therefore mean intoxication. Dif temper'd in liquor, is still a common expreffion. Chapman in his epicedium on the Death of Prince Henry, 1612, has perfonified this distemper:

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"Frantick diftemper, and hare-ey'd unrest." And Brabantio fays, that Roderigo is:

"Full of fupper and diftemp'ring draughts."

Again, Holinfhed, Vol. III. p. 626,-gave him wine and Arong drink in fuch exceffive fort, that he was therewith diftempered, and reel'd as he went." STEEVENS.

I how shall we ftretch our eye,-] If we may not wink at fmall faults, how wide muft we open our eyes at great. JOHNSON.

K. Henry,

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