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though claimed by Spain, was treated by the United States as already ceded by France.

McDonogh v. Millaudon, 3 How. 693.

Articles IX., X., XI.

Article IX. contains the following stipulation: "The United States shall cause satisfaction to be made for the injuries, if any, which, by process of law, shall be established to have been suffered by the Spanish officers, and individual Spanish inhabitants, by the late operations of the American army in Florida.” The treaty created no tribunal by which these damages were to be adjusted, and gives no authority to any court of justice to inquire into or adjust the amount which the United States were to pay to the respective parties who had suffered damage from the causes mentioned in the treaty. It rested with Congress to provide one, according to the treaty stipulation. Undoubtedly Congress was bound to provide such a tribunal as the treaty described. But if they failed to fulfill that promise it is a question between the United States and Spain.

United States v. Ferreira, 13 How. 45, 46.

Certain slaves were shipped by their Spanish owners from Havana to Pensacola in an American vessel in violation of the laws of the United States. The vessel was captured by the American military force then occupying Fort Barrancas. Afterward, while proceeding to adjudication, the slaves and vessel were seized by a revenue vessel and carried into the port of Mobile. The vessel and cargo were condemned, but restitution of the slaves was awarded, because the original capture was not made by a "commissioned vessel of the United States." The original capture being lawful, and the slaves, though restored, being on board unlawfully, the Spanish owners have no claim as for an "injury " under the treaty with Spain of 1819.

Berrien, At. Gen., 1820, 2 Op. 198.

The United States are bound, by the treaty with Spain of the 22d of February, 1819, to pay the Spanish inhabitants of Florida for slaves carried away or killed by troops of the United States prior to that treaty; and remuneration should be made for the loss of services of such slaves as have been restored.

Grundy, At. Gen., 1838, 3 Op. 391.

The extraordinary expenses of a party, incurred in living at St. Mary's, whither he retired after the destruction of his property in Florida, are matters too remotely consequential to be the proper subject of damages under article 9 of the treaty of 1819.

Cushing, At. Gen., 1854, 6 Op. 530.

The Department of State was made the depository, by stipulation, of the records and papers referred to in article 11 of the treaty with Spain of 1819, and they must not be delivered up to the claimants; and any law of Congress that shall authorize or require their delivery will be a violation of that treaty.

Taney, At. Gen., 1832, 2 Op. 515.

Under the treaty of 1819 the commissioner had power to decide conclusively upon the amount and validity of claims, but not upon the conflicting rights of parties to the sums awarded by them.

Comegys v. Vasse, 1 Pet. 193.

The claims of American citizens against Spain, for which by the treaty of 1819 the United States undertook to make satisfaction to an amount not exceeding $5,000,000, were such claims as, at the date of the convention, were unliquidated, and statements of which had been presented to the Department of State or to the minister of the United States. The convention, as signed 22d February, 1819, subject to ratification within six months, though it was not ratified within the time stipulated, was never abandoned, though some expressions in the notification of August 21, 1819, by the United States to Spain. (notifying to that government that after the next day, " as the ratifications of the convention will not have been exchanged, all the claims and pretensions of the United States will stand in the same situation as if that convention had never been made "), indicated that the United States might be induced to carry it into effect. The notification did not, by the nonratification within the six months, make revocable the power which citizens of the United States, by filing their claims with it, had given their government to make reclamations against Spain in their behalf.

Meade v. United States, 9 Wall. 691.
See Moore, Int. Arbitrations, V. 4502.


§ 885.

A convention was concluded between the United States and Spain February 17, 1834, for the settlement of claims of citizens of the United States against the Spanish government, arising between February 22, 1819, and the date of the conclusion of the convention.

Davis' Notes, Treaty Vol. (1776–1887), 1387; Moore, Int. Arbitrations, V.
4533 et seq.; supra, § 779.

As to the claims convention of February 11-12, 1871, see Moore, Int.
Arbitrations, II. 1019 et seq.

As to the protocol of Jan. 12, 1877, concerning judicial procedure, see supra, § 187.

Concerning the suspension of discriminating duties, as to the Antilles,
see President Cleveland, annual message, Dec. 6, 1886.

For a modus vivendi as to the commerce of Cuba and Porto Rico, see For.
Rel. 1895, II. 1185-1186.


§ 886.

In 1891 a reciprocity agreement with reference to Cuba was concluded between the United States and Spain, under section 3 of the McKinley Act. An error was made in the publication by Spain of the definite repertory in Cuba. This error was afterwards rectified.

For. Rel. 1894, 598, 611.

As to the part taken by Spain in the World's Columbian Exposition at
Chicago, see President Harrison's annual message, Dec. 9, 1891; For.
Rel. 1892, 496–502; For. Rel. 1893, 565, 573, 575.


$ 887.

A treaty of peace between the United States and Spain was concluded at Paris, December 10, 1898.

As to the negotiations, see supra, § 109.

See Lebraud (Élie), La Guerre Hispano-Américaine et le Droit des Gens:
Paris, 1904.

Articles V., VI.

By Article V. of the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain of December 10, 1898, the United States engaged to send back to Spain, at its own cost, the Spanish soldiers taken as prisoners of war on the capture of Manila by the American forces. By Article VI. the United States agreed to release all persons made prisoners of war by the American forces, and to undertake to obtain the release of all Spanish prisoners in the hands of the insurgents in Cuba and the Philippines; and it was further stipulated that the United States should, at its own cost, return to Spain, and that Spain should, at its own cost, return to the United States, Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, according to the situation of their respective homes, prisoners released or caused to be released by them, respectively, under the article.

The stipulation that the United States "will undertake to obtain the release of all Spanish prisoners in the hands of the insurgents in Cuba and the Philippines" was "not an absolute engagement to obtain the release of Spanish prisoners in the hands of the insurgents," but a "pledge" that the United States would "exercise its

best endeavors in this direction." "This government will fulfill its engagement, and is preparing the way to do so by suppressing the insurrection in the Philippines."

Mr. Hay, Sec. of State, to Mr. Storer, min. to Spain, July 17, 1899, For.
Rel. 1899, 684, 685.

To facilitate the release of the prisoners, communications were permitted
to be exchanged between the Spanish government and Aguinaldo
through an agent of that government at Manila and through Agon-
cillo, the agent of Aguinaldo at Paris. (Mr. Hay, Sec. of State, to
the Duke of Arcos, Spanish min., July 25, 1899, and July 28, 1899,
For. Rel. 1899, 686; Mr. Storer, min. to Spain, to Mr. Hay, Sec. of
State, Aug. 4, 1899, For. Rel. 1899, 686–688.) Orders were also
cabled to General Otis, commanding the American forces in the
Philippines, to give every facility to the Spanish commissioners for
the care of released prisoners. (Mr. Adee, Acting Sec. of State, to
the Duke of Arcos, Sept. 18, 1899, For. Rel. 1899, 688, 689.) Many
prisoners were, however, rescued by the American forces from the
insurgents. (For. Rel. 1899, 691-693.)

By a royal order of August 4, 1899, instructions were directed to be given for the immediate release of all Cubans and Filipinos who might remain in Spanish prisons on account of the insurrection in Cuba and the Philippines.

For. Rel. 1899, 702, 705, 708.

As to the release of Cuban prisoners, see Magoon's Reports, 562, 597.
See, also, For. Rel. 1898, 1003; Mr. Cridler, Third Assist. Sec. of
State, to Mr. Sprague, consul at Gibraltar, No. 379, April 6, 1899, 166
MS. Inst. Consuls, 536.

Articles V. and VI. of the treaty of peace with Spain required the United States to convey from the Philippines to Spain only such Spanish soldiers as were actually made prisoners of war either by the United States or by the insurgents. Troops remaining under arms under the control and direction of Spanish officers were to be removed at the expense of Spain.

Griggs, At. Gen., March 15, 1899, 22 Op. 383.

The treaty required the United States to repatriate all Spanish prisoners captured and held by the American forces, or held and released by the insurgents in Cuba and the Philippines-soldiers and civilians-men, women, and children, whether their detention was originally voluntary or otherwise.

Griggs, At. Gen., Jan. 6, 1900, 23 Op. 9.

Article VII.

Article VII. of the treaty of peace with Spain of December 10,1898, by which the United States agreed to adjust and settle the claims of its citizens against Spain that had "arisen since the beginning of the late insurrection in Cuba and prior to the exchange of ratifications of the present treaty," "evidently

does not contemplate the settlement of all claims, anterior to that date [the date of the exchange of ratifications], belonging to all the inhabitants of the ceded territories, who might become citizens of the United States in virtue of the treaty."

Mr. Hay, Sec. of State, to the Sec. of War, March 27, 1900, 244 MS. Dom.
Let. 41.

This letter related to a claim of the Board of Harbor Works of Ponce,
Porto Rico, for reimbursement of moneys deposited Oct. 2, 1897, with
the Spanish collector of customs at that port, by order of the lieu-
tenant-governor of the island. The Board of Harbor Works, which
was a corporation, had, by the cession of Porto Rico to the United
States, lost its Spanish nationality, and the treaty did not bind Spain
to pay the preexisting claims of her subjects who might by virtue of
the cession acquire the nationality of the United States. Under the
circumstances, and as the Spanish officials in Porto Rico had them-
selves taken the ground that the claim should be adjusted by the two
governments, the minister of the United States at Madrid was in-
structed to represent the facts informally to the Spanish Govern-
ment, invite its attention to the apparent equity of the case, and
inquire what remedy, if any, was provided by Spanish law for the
claimant. (Mr. Hay, Sec. of State, to Mr. Storer, min. to Spain,
March 27, 1900, MS. Inst. Spain, XXIII. 6.)

The proceedings of the peace commissioners contain nothing to fix the date of the beginning of the insurrection in Cuba, and if legislation shall not fix the date, it will be the province of the tribunal to the evidence before it.

do so, upon

Mr. Hill, Assist. Sec. of State, to Mr. Sharp, Jan. 18, 1901, 250 MS. Dom.
Let. 289.

For correspondence with Spain as to securing assistance in obtaining de-
fensive evidence against the claims under art 7, see For. Rel. 1901,

As to the claims under art. 7, see S. Doc. 79, 54 Cong. 2 sess.; S. Doc. 189, 55 Cong. 1 sess.; S. Doc. 168, 55 Cong. 3 sess.; S. Rep. 13, 56 Cong. 1 sess.; S. Doc. 94, 57 Cong. 1 sess.

As to the preservation by municipalities in Cuba and Porto Rico, under Article VIII. of the treaty of peace, of their rights, see Magoon's Reports, 374, 463.

Article VIII.

As to lands held for ecclesiastical or religious uses in the Philippine Islands, see message of President McKinley, February 25, 1901, S. Doc. 190, 56 Cong. 2 sess.

By Article IX. of the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain concluded December 10, 1898, it was provided Article IX. that Spaniards residing in territories over which Spain ceded or relinquished her sovereignty should be subject, in matters civil as well as criminal, to the jurisdiction of the courts of the

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