Ancient Door in the Cheetham Library, Manchester, from a Drawing by C. W. H. GROTESQUE CARVINGS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE DEMONOLOGY OF THE MIDDLE AGES. To front p. 172. OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF APPARITIONS; OR, AN ATTEMPT TO TRACE SUCH ILLUSIONS TO THEIR PHYSICAL CAUSES. BY SAMUEL HIBBERT, M.D. F.R.S.E. SECRETARY TO THE SOCIETY OF SCOTTISH ANTIQUARIES, TO SIR WALTER SCOTT OF ABBOTSFORD, BART. PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH, &c. &c. &c. SIR, AMONG the pages of your various works, are many incidental notices of early and prevailing superstitions, from the perusal of which I have often experienced a more than common degree of interest, on account of their intimate connexion with the history of the Human Mind. You have, indeed, yourself occasionally adverted to the importance of investigating the mental principles to which certain popular illusions may be referred: in most respectfully, therefore, inscribing to you this little volume, in which such an attempt has been made, I beg that it may be considered as a sincere testimony of gratitude for the pleasure and advantage which I have frequently derived from your literary labours. I have the honour to be, SIR, Your most obedient and Very faithful servant, S. HIBBERT, M. D. Edinburgh, 29th March, 1825. |