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were all alike permitted to draw near to wounded, leaped over the low walt of a him with their felicitations; his happi. little garden at Achere, and springing on ness was the happiness of all, and the joy a peasant, who was digging on the ground, which he witnessed in others increased thrust his horns into his bowels. Some of his own.

the neighbours who saw the sad accident, “The queen, in the mean while, had not finding that the poor gardener was exlost sight of what might be termed her fa- piring, ran to tell his wife, who was work. vourite deed of piety. She had already sent ing in the fields, at the distance of a mile to give freedom to a hundred women,

and a half from the place. The unhappy who were confined in consequence of not woman rent the air with her cries, and being able to defray the expense of nurs- gave every mark of the most violent deing their children. She yet, however, spair. The dauphiness, who was passing knew only that she was a mother, but was in a chariot at the time, not far from the ignorant whether of a prince or princess. spot, in her way to the rendezvous of the The king, with his wonted tender solici- chace, hearing the cries of the disconsotude, had requested her to consent to re- late woman, stopped her carriage, and main ignorant of her infant's sex till the darting from it, flew across the vineyard, second day, fearful that joy or disappoint to the assistance of the sufferer, whom ment might have an equally bad effect she found in fits. She made her smell upon her constitution ; but, on the other some hartshorn, and in the mean while hand, the continuance of her anxiety inquired into the nature of the accident might also be dangerous. At length, that had just happened. The poor woman, after having himself struggled for several on recovering, found herself in the arms hours with the secret, he found that he of the dauphiness, who was weeping. could no longer withstand the entreaties This young princess endeavoured, by eve. of the beloved of his soul. Seated on the ry tender consideration which her heart bed near the queen, he listened while she could suggest, to console this victim of cadeclared to him with the most enchanting lamity, and gave her all the money her complacency of manner, that if indeed her purse contained. When the dauphin, the wish had always been for a son, it was a

count and countess of Provence came up, wish inspired by her anxiety for the com- they mingled their sympathy with her's, monweal, and the satisfaction of the king. and followed the example of her bounty. So resigned did she appear, so determined She then ordered her carriage to the spot, to receive without a murmur whatever and obliged the miserable woman to get Heaven had given, and so perfectly con- in, with her child, and two other villagers; vinced was she that it was a daughter, at the same time giving strict charge to from the mysterious silence preserved, one of her servants to carry the wife with that the king could no longer contain all speed to her husband, and the poor himself. He rose, and called aloud to the child to its father, and then to return as attendants, to bring M. the dauphin to the quick as possible to give her an account queen. At these words the grateful-shall of the state in which the wounded man I say the happy? yes, that moment hap- Whilst the dauphiness was waiting piness was her's; the happy MARIA AN. in all the agony of suspense for the footTOINETTA raised herself up in the bed, man's return, the king joined her, and, and spread out her arms towards the hearing what had happened, exclaimedking, when this august pair, locked up in “What a shocking thing it would be if this each other's embrace, mingled tears so

man should die ! How shall we ever confull of rapture, that even the dauphin was

sole his wife and child ? How otherallowed to remain beside them for some wise, my dear father,' replied the dauphiminutes without being perceived."

ness, 'than by striving to relieve their Another anecdote shows that this distress ? for shall we not, by that means, fascinating princess must have been in some degree lessen the bitterness of

their lot !' The king immediately proeminently amiable and charitable. " It happened when Louis XV. was

mised to give them a pension, and ordered

his first surgeon to visit the wounded hunting in the forest of Fontainbleau, that

man every day, who, by such care, was, at a furious stag, having been several times

length restored to his family, to bless his

illustrious benefactress.” dauphin admirably worked in steel. The

In the following passage, a claim king was much delighted, and with a full heart declared that the ingenious present

is urged in favour of the queen, to of these worthy people gratified him much, which her right, we believe, is not and with his own hands he made them á generally known : handsome remuneration."


France prides herself at present, and French, it at least proved useful to the justly, on possessing the first Lyrical art. In fact, it is to that fermentation, and

Theatre of Europe. The master pieces to the discussions it produced, that the
of musick with which the collection of the world are indebted for those master pieces
Royal Academy of Paris has been enrich- Dido, Edipus, Armida, and Alcestes,
ed for fifteen years past, secure it an in- which will remain for ever the glory of the
contestable superiority over those of all Lyrical Theatre of Paris, and be lasting
other capitals. This justice is paid to it models for future artists. This is one of
by all travelers and people of taste. It the permanent benefits which France has
would be very difficult, not to say impos- derived from MARIA ANTOINETTA. As
sible, to estimate the sums which this dra. long as the French are sensible of the
matick preeminence has drawn to Paris, effects of harmony, of the charms of me.
and scattered over France, by the con- lody; as long as a taste for the beautiful
course of opulent strangers which it has prevails in France, it will be as impossible
contributed to bring or detain in the to forget the fifteen years reign of MARIA
country. Now, it is a fact which every ANTOINETTA, as it is now to forget the
one must acknowledge, that the musick glorious age of Louis XIV. and perhaps
of France, before the arrival of MARIA the favourites of Euterpe, in speaking of
ANTOINETTA, was semi-barbarous. This the period when that magick spectacle in
science was still in its infancy, while all the which poetry, dancing, and musick combine
others had passed the period of their ma- a hundred pleasures in one, attained its
turity. As soon as MARIA ANTOINETTA greatest glory, will one day call it the age
bad been at the opera, she resolved to im- of MARIA ANTOINETTA."
prove the national taste. To her it is, to Happy had it been for this high
her enlightened love of the arts, that

personage, for France, and for the
France is indebted for the revolution
which was then effected in musick. She world, had she confined herself to
it was who brought from Vienna to Paris,

the cares, occupations, and scenes who encouraged, who protected against with which and in which she is here all cabals, the chevalier Gluck, who had had represented as busied. But unfortuthe honour to give her lessons, and who nately she was induced to interfere in was the first that could place the dagger publick affairs, for which province of Melpomene in the hands of Euterpe. she was totally unfit. The fact clearHe gave to the serious opera the true tone of tragedy. Boileau said of the opera ly appears from the present work, of his day:

though it is but slightly touched.Jusqu'à je vous hais, tout s'y dit tendre- The unpopularity of her later years ment.

is ascribed to the machinations of the And e'en I hate you glides a tender strain.

duke of Orleans, and to a most unA critique which, with very few excep. founded suspicion that she sacrificed tions, was still applicable to the opera, as MARIA ANTOINETTA found it at her ar

the interest of France from affection rival in France. In a few years it felt her to her brother. The hostility of the happy influence; and could Boileau have duke is attributed to the queen harevisited the world, he would have found ving discountenanced his profligate that my illustrious countryman, Gluck, as poetical in his musick as Corneille and

manners by refusing him admission Racine were harmonious in their poetry,

to her parties at Versailles and Triahad, in his operas, put in practice the pre

non, in which gayety and sprightliness cepts of the legislator of Parnassus, and never intrenched on the fornis of dethat at his touch, each passion spoke its cency and propriety," and to the heteproper language. Maria ANTOINETTA rodox political principles which he

not only invited to Paris the genius who
was the boast of Vienna, but also those

had imbibed in his education, and in excellent composers whose works were

his visits to England. the delight of Italy. Piccini and Sacchini Mr. Weber alludes to the famous were desired and encouraged by MARIA affair of the necklace, without eluciANTOINETTA to come and enrich the dating it; and though he confidently French stage. In this they succeeded,

asserts the innocence of the queen, by following the path marked out by the German Orpheus ; and if the competition and her total ignorance of the transof these three celebrated masters occa

action, he omits to state the grounds sioned some warm disputes among the on which his opinion is formed.


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is more successful in vindicating his not tell all; and these relations, as we royal mistress from the charge of have already observed, and as our betraying the interests of her country quotations prove, are highly honourto family considerations. Indeed, of able to the object of the writer's adothis accusation, so vehemently urged, ration. It is, however, obvious to and so frequently reiterated by the remark, that the admission of some demagogues of the revolution, we virtues implies not the exclusion of have never seen any thing approach- all crimes; and that those feelings of ing to proof; and it is in the highest the heart, which are here attributed degree improbable.

to the late queen of France, are not The parts of this work which re- incompatible with that indulgence of late to the queen are very interesting; the passions which has by others been and the narrative of political affairs is ascribed to her. M. Weber's devoonly irksome because it has been so tion has induced him to delineate a often told. As to the real truth, the goddess, and the malignity of political whole truth, and nothing but the truth, enemies has excited them to paint a respecting the ill fated Maria Antoi. demon. The truth, as in other cases, netta, we suppose that we are not yet most probably lies between the two to obtain it. For us it is in course im extremes : possible to pronounce it, or to gain “ The web of our life is of a mingled it even by comparing different ac- yarn, good and ill together. Our virtues counts. We have readily inserted a

would be proud, if our faults whipped number of those statements which them not; and our crimes would de. are made in this volume by one who spair, if, they were not cherished by our must know something, but perhaps will SHAKSPEARE, AU's well that Ends well.

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Dissertations on the Gipsies: representing their Manner of Life, Family Economy,

Occupations and Trades, Marriages and Education, Sickness, Death, and Burial,
Religion, Language, Sciences and Arts, &c. &c. &c. with a Historical Inquiry
concerning their Origin and first Appearance in Europe. From the German of
H. M. G. Grellmann. London. 1807.

HUMAN nature in every state his diligence, and is become no unis an object of rational inquiry : po- worthy spectacle to beings of a supe-' lished nations delight us by their re- viour class. Angels may well finements, savage tribes excite our -Admire such wit in human shape, curiosity by their rudeness ;

And show a NEWTON as we show an ape. seems to approach to the nature of It is probable, that if we could exaangels here, while there the differ- mine the history of the world comence between man and brute is pletely, we should find nations, as scarcely perceptible. Which of these well as individuals, formed by cirextremes is most natural ?--that in cumstances either to honour and dig. which every faculty of his mind is nity, or to depravity and disgrace. exalted, and the soul triumphs, as it The triumphs of a single hero have were, over the tabernacle of clay; or often been the means of spreading that in which the clay fabrick enve. calamity among thousands and tens lopes completely the ethereal inha- of thousands of his fellow men; and bitant, and man is evidently allied to" while the loud clarions have prothe dust of the earth? If man was claimed his triumphs, the sighs of formerly a demigod, the mighty is suffering humanity, the desolations sadly fallen; if he was formerly a that have marked his course, the pribrute, he is wonderfully improved by vations under which the vanquished

have sunk, have appealed to heaven even ingenious, yet unwilling to against him, in clamours far louder work. Their tempers are hasty and than those re-echoed around his violeni. They are cowardly, some say throne. The effects of such convul. cruel; and ihough they have chiefs sions we discover in the expatriation to whom they submit, yet they pay of various tribes, and in their inigra. little or no obedience to law; and all tions to distant lands. Such appears

the endeavours of the governing powto have been the origin of those ro- ers, wherever they reside, cannot ving families, that, happily for our make them good soldiers, agricultucountry, seldom go in bodies suffi- rists, or craftsmen. They are a peociently numerous to disturb the pub- ple apart, and apart they are likely to lick peace, though they pilfer what. continue. ever their hands can reach, as indivi- The volume before us has already duals, or in groups terrify the lonely appeared in an English dress. We traveller, now and then, into acts of remember it many years ago. The involuntary charity. On the conti- title may serve as an analysis of it. nent, their depredations are not al. We shall do no more than transcribe ways equally moderate. They do mis- a few extracts, some of which may chief on a larger scale, and have been contribute to increase the caution of known to require the interposition of our readers, should they ever have' a military force to reduce them to any intercourse with Gipsies. submission.

So The art of goldwashing is brought to We have very little doubt of the

much greater perfection in Transylvania,

In the description of the process adopted Gipsies being a cast of the population in that country, it is said that all the riof India ; and whoever has perused vers, brooks, and even the pools which Dr. Buchanan's Travels in Mysore the rain forms, produce gold. Of these with attention, will find sundry tribes the river Aranyosh is the richest, inso. to which they bear a marked resem

much that the historians have compared it

to the Tagus and Pactolus. Excepting blance. We may add, that some of the Wallachians, who live by the rivers, our officers, returned from India, the goldwashers consist chiefly of Gipsies. have readily understood the language They can judge with the greatest certiused by this people, and have been tude where to wash to advantage. The understood by them. Such is our in- apparatus used by them for this work is formation, from competent authority.

a crooked board, four or five feet long, by

two or three broad, generally provided The hint may be pursued by whoever with a wooden rim on each side. Over this desires conviction on the subject. board they spread a woollen cloth, and This is the opinion also of M. Grell- scatter the gold-sand, mixed with water, mann, who has compiled a vocabulary upon it. The small grains of the metal re

the cloth which they afr of the Gipsy language, the words of main sticking,

terwards wash in a vessel of water, and which he compares with the Sanscrit, then separate the gold by means of the and other dialects of Hisdoostan. He trough." When larger particles of sand supposes, with great probability, that

are found in their washing, they make these tribes were expelled from their deeper channels in the middle of their original country by the famous li. crooked boards, to stop the small pieces mur Beg, in 1401.-[How far did

as they roll down. They closely examine

these small stones, and some are freTimur penetrate into Hindoostạn ?] quently found to have solid gold fixed in -They first appeared in Germany them." about 1407, and they are now found in all countries of Europe. Their “ In the year 1557, during the troubles numbers cannot be less than 7 or in Zapoly, the castle of Nagy Ida, in the 800,000 persons.

Their manners

county of Abauywar, was in danger of beare every where unsettled, sordid, ing besieged and taken by the imperial

troops. Francis Von Perenyi, who had thievish, rude, idle, and profligate the command, being short of men, was They are ignorant, cunning, adroit, obliged to have recourse to the Gipsies,



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of whom he collected a thousand. These This history shows sufficiently the
he furnished with proper means of de- inaptitude of Gipsies for a military
fence, and stationed them in the outworks, life; yet in some Hungarian regi.
keeping his own small complement of
men to garrison the citadel.

The Gipsies

ments, one eighth of the corps is of imagined that they should be perfectly this cast. Equal difficulty attends free from annoyance behind their in- the supposition that they will ever trenchments, and therefore went coura. produce men of learning ; since they geously to their post. Every thing was in have no letters. They are also stranorder when the enemy arrived, and the storm commenced. The Gipsies, behind

gers to religion, and religious rites. their fortifications, supported the attack They suffer their children to undergo with so much more resolution than was baptism several times, if the prospect expected, returning the enemy's fire with of profit presents itself. However, such alacrity, that the assailants, little they appear to be fond of their chilsuspecting who were the defendants, dren. We are not willing to enlarge were actually retreating. They had hardly quitted their ground, when the conque

on the vices and horrid crimes imrors, elated with joy on their victory, crept puted to them. After all, the stranout of their holes, crying after them: gest circumstance attending this peoGo and hanged, you rascals! Thank ple is, the attention paid to their jare God we had no more powder and shot, or we would have played the very devil with gon and predictions

by the credulous you!“What! replied the retiring be among ourselves. That to these evi. siegers, as they turned about, and, to dently ignorant wanderers should be their great astonishment, instead of regu. attributed the faculty of foreknow. lar troops, discovered a motley Gipsy ledge, a faculty from which truly tribe, are you the heroes? is it so with wise men shrink, must be considered you?' Immediately wheeling about to the

as a folly in which our nation is not left, sword in hand, they drove the black crew back to their works, forced their singular, and little other than a res way after, and in a few minutes totally proach on the human mind itself. subdued them.”

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An Account of the Application of Gas from Coal to Economical Purposes. By W.

Murdoch. Communicated to the Royal Society by Sir Joseph Banks.-Phil. Trans. for 1808. Considerations on the Nature and Objects of the intended Light and Heat Company

London, 1808. A National Light and Heat Company, &c. with four Tables of Calculations, &c. And various other Pamphlets. By F. A. Winsor.

THE first in this list is a very of facts. We have witnessed some interesting paper. It consists only obscure attempts to light with gas, of a few pages; but the facts it con- that did not succeed. And we have tains are curious; and it leads to the read pamphlets on the subject, circonsideration of a subject, which has culated, perhaps, to allure subscri. excited a good deal of attention in bers, which are as full of extravathe metropolis, and is soon, it is said, gance as they are void of science. to undergo a parliamentary discus- But, in spite of these failures, and sion. We have neither the power amidst all the nonsense that has been nor the wish to prejudge the cause; published, and all the ridicule, in a nor would we willingly hurt the feel- great measure merited, that has been ings of any individual. Our object is thrown on some of the projects, still little more than a simple statement we think there is discernible a basis

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