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were sent to take possession of the strait between lakes Erie and St. Clair. They built a fort, and called the spot Detroit, the French name for a strait or sound. It soon became the favorite settlement of western Canada. Villages of French settlers soon grew up around the Jesuit missionary stations at Kaskaskia and Cahokia, on the eastern bank of the Mississippi, between the mouths of the Illinois and Ohio. These movements occasioned no little alarm to the English in New York and New England.

there was no changing the French position on the subject.

The change in the government of France by the Revolution of 1830 was a favorable time for Mr. Rives, the American minister to France, to again propose a settlement. The French, as before stated, had set up a counter-claim of the non-fulfilment of the treaty of 1778; but the American government argued that subsequent events had exonerated the United States from all demands under that treaty. Mr. Rives succeeded in negotiating a treaty by which the long-pending controversy was closed. By it the French government agreed to pay to the United States, in complete satisfaction of all claims of American citizens for spoliations, nearly $5,000,000, in six annual instalments, $300,000 to be allowed by the American government to France for French citizens for ancient supplies, accounts, or other claims. The United States Senate ratified the treaty, but the French Chamber of Deputies refused to make the appropriation to carry it out, and an unpleasant dispute arose between the two governments. The matter finally settled, as between the two governments, on the basis of the treaty in 1836.


French Spoliation Claims. For more than a century what are known as the French spoliation claims have been vainly urged on the attention of Congress. These claims originated as follows: In the year 1778, France and the United States entered upon a treaty of "commerce and amity," by which each government pledged itself to exempt from search or seizure all vessels belonging to the other, even though such vessels were carrying the goods of its enemies; that is, each agreed to permit its commercial ally to carry on trade with an enemy, unless such trade dealt in goods that were known as contraband of war. At that time these two countries were allied in war against Great Britain, but Those American merchants, however, when, some time after the close of the who had claims against the French govRevolutionary War, France was again in- ernment, objected to yielding up these volved in hostilities with that country, claims to settle a debt of the government, the United States refused to join her and and accordingly petitioned Congress to proclaimed strict neutrality. France now indemnify their losses. They argued, found her American trade interfered with and justly, that France had admitted the by Great Britain, while she was bound by fairness of these claims in yielding her treaty not to interfere with Great Brit- own claims to satisfy them, and that the ain's trade with the United States. Con- United States, in accepting this relinsidering this injustice, she broke her quishment, received a consideration fully treaty with this country, and confiscated worth the sum of the private claims, the cargoes of American vessels trading and thus bound herself in honor to pay with Great Britain. This country was in them. However, this petition failed of no mood or condition then to go to war its effect, and though repeated again and with France, so the government overlooked again, the claimants have not yet sucthese hostile acts, and, in 1797, and again ceeded in securing the settlement of the in 1799, made overtures for a peaceful set- claims. Committees of both Houses, it is tlement. The claims of these American true, have several times reported in favor vessel-owners and merchants who had been of the claims, and an act appropriating despoiled of their property were presented money for them has twice passed Conby our commissioners, but the French gov- gress. This was vetoed the first time by ernment refused to take any account of President Polk, and the second time by them unless we would allow a counter- President Pierce, and, but for the lack of claim against the United States for a one vote in the Senate, the first of these breach of the treaty of alliance. Much would have passed over the President's diplomatic fencing was resorted to, but veto. Many of our greatest statemen

Daniel Webster, Thomas Benton, Silas and, with few exceptions, their children Wright, and others—have championed the are also · dead, but grandchildren and cause of these claims in Congress with great-grandchildren may at least reap the much eloquence. In 1883 a bill passed benefit of tardy justice. the Senate authorizing the court of claims Frenchtown, MASSACRE AT. In the to investigate these long-standing cases middle of December, 1812, General Harriand report upon them. This bill passed son wrote the War Department that, if the House in January, 1885, and was ap- no political or other necessity existed proved by the President. The original for the recovery of Michigan and the inclaimants have long since passed away, vasion of Canada, the enormous expense

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of transportation, and the sufferings of men and beasts in the task, pleaded for a remission of efforts to attain that recovery until spring. He was directed to use his own judgment in the matter, and was assured that immediate measures would be taken for recovering the control of Lake Erie to the Americans. He was instructed, in case should penetrate Canada, not to offer the inhabitants anything but protection; and, secondly, not to make temporary acquisitions, but to proceed so surely that he might hold fast any territory he should acquire. Other troops having arrived, Harrison resolved to attempt the capture of Fort Malden. His whole effective force did not exceed 6,300 men. He designated the brigades from Pennsylvania and Virginia, and one from Ohio, under Gen. Simon Perkins, as the right wing of the army; and the Kentuckians, under Gen. James Wilkinson, as the left wing. So arranged, the army pressed forward towards the rapids of the Maumee, the designated general rendezvous. Winchester, with 800 young Kentuckians, reached

there on Jan. 10, 1813, and established ately succeeded in a shower upon the a fortified camp, when he learned that camp. The Americans, seizing their arms, a party of British and Indians were tried to defend themselves. Very soon occupying Frenchtown, the Raisin the soldiers fled to the woods, when


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The British and their dusky allies made it a war of extermination. Winchester was captured, and he concluded an arrangement with Proctor to surrender his troops on condition that ample provision should be made for their protection against the Indians. The promise was given and immediately violated.

River (now Monroe, Mich.), 20 miles the savages, who swarmed there, smote south of Detroit. He sent a detachment, them fearfully, with gleaming hatchets. under Colonels Allen and Lewis, to protect the inhabitants in that region, who drove the enemy out of the hamlet of about thirty families, and held it until the arrival of Winchester, on the 20th, with about 300 men. General Proctor was then at Fort Malden, 18 miles distant, with a considerable body of British and Indians. With 1,500 of these he Proctor, knowing Harrison (who had crossed the Detroit River, and marched advanced to the Maumee) to be near, haststealthily at night to destroy the Ameri- ened towards Malden with his captives, cans. Winchester was informed late in leaving the sick and wounded prisoners the evening of the 21st that a foe was ap- behind. The Indians followed awhile, proaching. He did not believe it, and at when they turned back, murdered and midnight was in perfect repose. The scalped those who were unable to travel as sentinels were posted, but, the weather captives, set fire to the houses, and took being intensely cold, pickets were sent out many prisoners to Detroit to procure exupon roads leading to the town. Just orbitant prices for their ransom. Procas the drummer-boy was beating the tor's indifference to this outrage, and the reveillé, in the gray twilight of the 22d, dreadful suspicion, which his character the sharp crack of a rifle, followed by the warranted, that he encouraged the butchrattle of musketry, awoke the sleepers. ery of the defenceless people, was keenly Bomb-shells and canister-shot immedi- felt all through the West, particularly in

Kentucky, for most of the victims were 1865. His poetry was highly commended by Scotch and English literary critics. He died near Freehold, N. J., Dec. 18, 1832.

of the flower of society in that State; and for a long time afterwards the most inspiriting war-cry of the Kentucky soldiers was, Remember the River Raisin!"

French West Indies, THE. Canada conquered, the British turned their arms against the French West India Islands, in which the colonies participated. Gaudeloupe had already been taken. General Monckton, after submitting his commission as governor to the council of New York, sailed from that port (January, 1762), with two line-of-battle ships, 100 transports, and 1,200 regulars and colonial troops. Major Gates (afterwards adjutant-general of the Continental army) went with Monckton as aide-de-camp, and carried to England the news of the capture of Martinique. Richard Montgomery (af terwards a general in the Continental army) held the rank of captain in this expedition. The colonial troops were led by Gen. Phineas Lyman. Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent's—indeed, every island in the Caribbean group possessed by the French-fell into the hands of the Eng lish. The French fleet was ruined, and French merchantmen were driven from the seas. British vessels, including those of New York and New England, now obtained the carrying-trade of those islands; also, under safe conducts and flags of truce, that of Santo Domingo.

Freneau, PHILIP, "the Poet of the Revolution;" born in New York City, Jan. 2, 1752; graduated at the College of New Jersey in 1771. He was of Hugue1:ot descent, and evinced a talent for rhyming as early as the age of seventeen years, when he wrote a poetical History of the Prophet Jonah. He was in the West Indies during a part of the Revolutionary War, and while on a voyage in 1780 was captured by a British cruiser. After his release he wrote many patriotic songs, and was engaged in editorial duties, notably on the Democratic National Gazette, of Philadelphia, the organ of Jefferson and his party. He continued to edit and publish newspapers. His productions contributed largely to animate his country men while struggling for independence. An edition of his Revolutionary Poems, with a Memoir and Notes, by Evert A. Duyckinck, was published in New York in

Friendly Association. In the middle of the eighteenth century the descendants of William Penn, who succeeded to the proprietorship of Pennsylvania, departed from the just course pursued by the great founder of the commonwealth towards the Indians and the white people, and exasperated both by their greed and covetousness. The Indians were made thoroughly discontented by the frauds practised on them in the purchase of lands and the depredations of banditti called traders. So much had they become alicnated from the English that in 1755 the Delawares and others joined the French in making war. For some time the Friends, or Quakers, had observed with sorrow the treatment of the Indians by Thomas and John Penn and the traders, and, impelled by their uniform sympathy with the oppressed, they formed a society in 1756 called the Friendly Association for Regaining and Preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures. The society was a continual thorn in the sides of the proprietors and Indian traders, for the active members of the association watched the interests of the red men with keen vigilance, attended every treaty, and prevented a vast amount of fraud and cheating in the dealings of the white people with the natives. Charles Thomson, afterwards secretary of the Continental Congress, was a very efficient co-worker with them, making truthful reports of the proceedings at treaties, and preventing false or garbled statements. The Friendly Association continued until 1764.

Friends, SOCIETY OF, otherwise known as Quakers, claim as their founder GEORGE Fox (q. v.), an Englishman; born in Drayton, Leicestershire, in 1624. The first general meeting of Friends was held in 1668, and the second in 1672. Owing to the severe persecution which they suffered in England, a number of them came to America in 1656, and landed at Boston, whence they were later scattered by persecution. The first annual meeting in America is said to have been held in Rhode Island in 1661. It was separated

from the London annual meeting in 1683. Me. Annual meetings were founded in This meeting was held regularly at New- Maryland in 1672, in Pennsylvania and port till 1878, since when it has al- New Jersey in 1681, in North Carolina ternated between Newport and Portland, in 1708, and in Ohio in 1812. The

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