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In accordance with the new organization of the American Medical Association we are to elect one delegate for one year, and one for two years. Those of us who are readers of the "Journal of the American Medical Assosiation" are doubtless familiar with the new Constitution and By-Laws for each of the States drawn up by the committee appointed by the President of the American Medical Association, Dr. John A. Wyeth.

As the Constitution of the larger Association was patterned after our own, I fail to see the necessity of any material change.

I believe it would be well to adopt the nomenclature which the committee recommends for the sake of uniformity among the States, viz., that the name of the State Society be changed to Connecticut Medical Association, the counties to retain the name Society. Also that the body we now denominate "The President and Fellows" be designated as "The House of Delegates.”

Probably in the larger and more sparsely settled States and Territories a body denominated the Council would be very useful, but in our small State it would seem to the speaker to be superfluous. However this whole subject is a matter for the Society as a whole to consider and decide upon with deliberation. It is proposed that your committee appointed last year "To consider how to make our meetings of more scientific interest and to change the By-Laws according to their own ideas," will present some more concerted plan for the consideration of fewer subjects and more thorough preparation for each one than has heretofore obtained.

By the authority vested in the President, by a vote of our last meeting, I appointed Dr. Gustavus Eliot alternate delegate to the meeting of the committee of the American Medical Association on the National Legisla tion. Just here I would suggest that the Nominating Committee of the Society be empowered to nominate an alternate or that the delegate elected be empowered to

elect his substitute in case of his inability to attend the meeting of the National Committee.

I would also recommend that the President be permanently empowered to appoint such committees as may be needed from time to time and also to fill vacancies in committees which may arise during the year.

A few days ago by invitation of the President and Society of the "American Congress of Tuberculosis," your President and Secretary jointly selected the following named gentlemen to act as delegates from this Society to the meeting of the Association to be held in the city of New York, June 2, 3, 4. We selected:

Doctors C. D. Alton, F. T. Simpson, C. C. Beach, W. G. Murphy, G. J. Holmes, I. W. Irving, F. W. Wright, O. T. Osborne, W. G. Daggett, J. S. Ely, C. J. Foote, J. W. Seaver, F. N. Loomis, C. E. Munger, J. LaPierre, R. W. Kimball, G. L. Porter, F. B. Downs, Robert Lauder, D. C. Brown, E. P. Flint, F. C. Smith.

To-morrow the convention will listen to a paper on "Connecticut's Influence in the Development of the American Hospital for the Insane," by Dr. C. W. Paige, in which he will recount in more or less detail the long, persistent and pioneer services of Dr. Eli Todd in favor of this unfortunate class of patients.

It is suggested that some memorial be erected in or near the Capitol at Hartford to commemorate his name. It would seem eminently proper that this Society take some official action to perpetuate the memory of so great and good a man.

And now I am constrained to thank you for the great and undeserved honor conferred upon me and to plead only inability as an excuse for any errors of omission or commission.

I now declare the One Hundred and Tenth Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Medical Society open for the transaction of business.

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To Nominate Essayists on the Progress of Medicine and Surgery.

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There was no

Reports of Committees were called for. report from the Committee on Unfinished Business, Dr. Mayer, the chairman, considering that the matters referred to him would be embodied in the Report of the Committee to Revise the By-laws.

The Report of the Treasurer was made as follows:


To the President and Fellows of the Connecticut Medical Society:

As Treasurer, I would respectfully present the following report of the finances of the Society for the year ended May 27, 1902:

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By means of a reduction in the amount paid for the Proceedings the expenses of the Society have been kept within its income.

The deficit of $16.00 of last year has been paid, and we have $6.90 in the Treasury.

This is a short step in the right direction, but it will not do much toward paying for the Proceedings of this year. The County Clerks find it impracticable to collect the tax to any extent before Fall meetings, and consequently the Treasurer has no money to pay for the printing and binding when the bills come in, about the first of August.

During the year the Treasurer has been repeatedly dunned, one creditor putting his bill into the hands of a legal firm for collection. The Treasurer was not able to pay the whole of the bills for printing and binding until February, 1902.

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