Obrázky stránek

Examination Scheme.

THE following are the forms of the Certificate and Memorandum of Passing issued to Members who have passed the Advanced or Preliminary Examination of the Institute, as the case may be :


(Pursuant to Clause III. of the Constitution thereof.)

WE, the President of the Institute of Bankers, and the Chairman of the Council for the time being, do hereby certify that

now* of the Institute, has duly passed the Examination for the Certificate of the Institute, held on the in the various subjects selected by the Council,

[blocks in formation]

in the various subjects selected

the Preliminary Examination for the Certificate of the Institute,

held on the.

[blocks in formation]

* An Ordinary Member or an Associate (as the case may be)


Aikman, Andrew, Commercial Bank of
Scotland, Limited, Edinburgh.
Abell, George Edmund, Worcester City
and County Banking Co., Limited,

Acland, Henry Dyke, Messrs. Eaton Cayley and Co., Stamford

Aitchison, William John, Union Bank of London, 2, Princes Street, E.C. Alexander, William, Messrs. Alexanders and Co., Ipswich

Allen, Frederic Howard, Manchester Joint Stock Bank, Limited, 79, King Street, Manchester

Alton, James Poë, National Bank, Dublin Alvord, William Lock, Box 2311, San Francisco

Andrews, Michael, Bank of New Zealand,
Nelson, N.Z.

Antrobus, Hugh Lindsay, Messrs. Coutts
and Co., 59, Strand, W.C.
Archer. Francis Bradley, Union Bank of
London, Chancery Lane, W.C.
Ashby, John, Messrs. Thos. Ashby & Co.,

Atherden, Thomas Henry, Messrs. Rocke,

Eyton & Co., The Old Bank, Ludlow Atkinson, Henry John, City Bank, Limited, Threadneedle Street, E.C.

Baguley, John Edward, London and County Banking Co., Limited, 21, Lombard Street, E.C.

Baker, Gerald Thomas, Union Bank of Australia, Limited, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W.

Banks, Richard William, Messrs. Davies,

Banks & Co., Kington, Herefordshire Barber, James Henry, Sheffield Banking Co., Limited. Sheffield

Barbour, David M., United Service Club, Calcutta, India

Barclay, Hugh Gurney, Messrs. Gurneys, Birkbeck & Co., Norwich Barclay, Joseph Gurney, Messrs. Barclay & Co., 54, Lombard Street, E.C. Barclay, Robert, Messrs. Barclay & Co., 54, Lombard Street, E.C. *Barham, Francis Foster, Bank of England, Birmingham

Barker, Hilton Cassanet, Messrs. G. Barker
& Co., 39, Mark Lane, E.C.
Barker, William, Messrs. G. Barker & Co.,
39, Mark Lane, E.C.
Barnard, George Edward, Chartered
Mercantile Bank of India, London
and China, 65, Old Broad Street, E.C.
Barnard, Herbert, Messrs. Dimsdale & Co.,
50, Cornhill, E. C.

Barnes, James Morshead, Messrs. Barclay
& Co., 54, Lombard Street, E.C.
Barney, Thomas, Birmingham, Dudley and
District Banking
Co., Limited,

Bartlett, John Edward, Messrs. Cobb,
Bartlett & Co., Aylesbury

Baynes, Christopher William, Bank of England, 1, Burlington Gardens, W. Bean, T. S., Alliance Bank of Simla, Limited, Simla, Punjaub, India Beattie, Joseph, Birmingham Joint Stock Bank, Limited, Birmingham Beresford, Charles Edward, Delhi and

London Bank, Limited, Delhi Bevan, Francis Augustus, Messrs. Barclay & Co., 54, Lombard Street, E.C. Bevan, Robert Cooper Lee, Messrs. Barclay & Co., 54, Lombard Street, E.C. Bevan, Wilfrid Arthur, Messrs. Barclay & Co., 54, Lombard Street, E.C. Billinghurst, Henry Farncombe, London

and Westminster Bank, Limited, 41, Lothbury, E.C.

Birch, John William, 8, St. Helen's Place, E.C.

Bland, Francis Maltby, Messrs. Gurneys & Co., Bury St. Edmunds

Boissevain, Gideon Maria, 4, Fesselschadestraal, Amsterdam

Bolding, George Frederick, Birmingham and Midland Bank, Limited, Birmingham

Bone, John William, B.A., Consolidated
Bank, 52, Threadneedle Street, E.C.
Bosanquet, Bernard Tindal, Messrs. Bosan-
quet, Salt & Co., 73, Lombard Street,
Braithwaite, Basil, Messrs. Brown, Janson
& Co., 32, Abchurch Lane, E.C.
Brooks, M.P., William Cunliffe, Messrs.
Brooks & Co., 81, Lombard Street,

No Honorary Fellows have, as yet, been elected. Life Fellow.

Brown, Albert, Messrs. Berwick & Co., Old

Bank, Malvern

Brown, Archibald, Cumberland Union Bank, Carlisle

Brown, Edwin Atkin, Burton, Uttoxeter

and Ashbourn Union Bank, Limited, Burton-on-Trent

Brown, William Luke, Craven Bank, Limited, Keighley

Brymer, Walter Spencer, Messrs. Tugwell and Co., Old Bank, Bath. Burdett, George Deane, London and Pro

vincial Bank, Limited, Cowbridge,

Burdett, Henry Charles, Share and Loan
Department, Stock Exchange, E. C.
Burkitt, Edwin Sawtell, Bank of Adelaide,
Gawler, South Australia
Burnett, George Henry, Hong Kong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation, 31,
Lombard Street, E.C.

Butt, John Henry, Australian Joint Stock
Bank, 2, King William Street, E.C.
Butt, John Marten, Bank of New Zealand,
Levuka, Fiji Islands

Buttar, Charles, London and Westminster
Bank, 4, Stratford Place, W.
Buxton, Alfred Fowell, Messrs. Prescott,
Cave & Co., 62, Threadneedle Street,

Buxton, Geoffrey Fowell, Messrs. Gurney & Co., Norwich

Buxton, Samuel Gurney, Messrs. Gurneys, Birkbeck & Co., Norwich

Cable, John Shepherd, Stuckey's Banking Company, Yeovil

Caffin, Walter James, London and County Banking Company, Limited, Blackheath, S.E.

Carnegy, Alexander St. Clair Bower, York Union Banking Company, York Chalmers, Frederick, Messrs. Brown, Shipley & Co., Founder's Court, Lothbury, E.C.

Chambers, Charles, Provincial Bank of

Ireland, Throgmorton Avenue, E.C. Chevassus, Henry, Crédit Lyonnais, 40, Lombard Street, E.C.

Christie, John, Australian Joint Stock Bank, 2, King William Street, E.C. Christie, John Alexander, Birmingham and Midland Bank, Limited, Birmingham

Chubb, Hammond, B.A., F.S.S., Bank of
England, E.C.

Clark, Alexander, M.A., Union Bank of
London, 2, Princes Street, E.C.
Clarke, Arthur Edward, F.S.S., Messrs.
Gurney & Co., Wisbech

Clemow, William Henry, The North
Western Bank, Limited, Dale Street,

Close, Samuel Holt, Messrs. Ball & Co.,
Bankers, Henry Street, Dublin
Cobb, Anthony Blackburne, Messrs. Cobb
& Co., Margate

Cochrane, William, Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Co., Limited, Spring Gardens, Manchester

Collier, John Cates, Messrs. Mellersh & Co., Godalming

Collins, Charles MacCarthy, Union Bank of Australia, Melbourne, Victoria Collins, Joseph Tenison, National Bank, Ballinasloe, Ireland

Cook, Henry David, Town and Counties Bank, 18, King William Street, E.C. Cork, Nathaniel, F.R.G.S., F.S.S., Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, 39, Lombard Street, E.C. Cottew, William Stokes, London and Provincial Bank, Limited, 6, Commerce Terrace, Tottenham

Cotton, William, F.S.A., National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, Exeter

Courtney, Edward Monlas, Bank of England, E.C.

Cousins, John James, Exchange and Dis-
count Bank, Limited, Leeds
Cowie, George, Colonial Bank of New
Zealand, Dunedin, N.Z.

Cox, Thomas, Messrs. Barclay & Co., 54,
Lombard Street, E.C.

Cragg, John, Clydesdale Banking Com-
pany, 30, Lombard Street, E.C.
Craig, William Alexander, Hibernian
Bank, Naas, Ireland

Cross, John Woodrow, London and Pro-
vincial Bank, Limited, 7, Bank Build-
ings, Lothbury, E.C.
Crosthwaite, Joseph, London and County
Banking Co., Limited, 3, Victoria
Street, Westminster, S.W.
Cumming, Robert Charles, Manchester and
Liverpool District Bank, Stafford

Daniell, Henry, Lymington Bank, Lyming ton, Hants.

Davidson, James Madgwick, Bank of New South Wales, South Brisbane, Queensland

Davidson, Robert, Bank of Scotland, Lothbury, E.C.

Davidson, William, Oriental Bank Corporation, 40, Threadneedle Street, E.C.

Davis, Charles Henry, London and County Banking Co., Limited, Broadway, Stratford, E.

Davison, Thomas Rammohun Roy, The Swansea Bank, Limited, Swansea Dawson, William, London and County Banking Co., Limited. Broadway, Deptford

Debenham, Samuel, Union Bank of London, 2, Princes Street, E.C. Denison, William Beckett, Messrs. Beckett & Co., Leeds

Denny, John Thomas, Union Bank of

Australia, Perth, Western Australia Devenish, Matthew Henry Witty, Wilts and Dorset Banking Co., Salisbury Devlin, Michael, National Bank, Wexford Dibbs, Thomas Allwright, Commercial Banking Co., of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W.

Dick, James, North Eastern Banking Co.,

Limited, Newcastle-on-Tyne Dickson. James, National Bank of Liverpool, Limited, Bootle, Liverpool Dickson, William Allen, Provincial Bank

of Ireland, Throgmorton Avenue, E.C. Dimsdale, John, Messrs. Dimsdale & Co.,

50, Cornhill, E.C. Dimsdale, Joseph Cockfield, Messrs. Dimsdale & Co., 50, Cornhill, E.C. Dixon-Hartland, M.P., Frederick Dixon, Messrs. Lacy, Hartland & Co., 60, West Smithfield, E.C.

Drake, William Hedley, 72, Rouge Bouillon, Jersey

Druitt, Thomas, Union Bank of London, Charing Cross, S.W.

Drury, Edward Robert, Queensland National Bank, Brisbane, Queensland. Duffield, John Lardner, Bank of Madras, Madras, India

Dan, John, Parr's Banking Co., Limited, Warrington

Duval, Henri, Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris, 52, Threadneedle Street, E.C.

Edmonds, Orlando, Stamford, Spalding, and Boston Banking Co., Limited, Stamford

Edwards, John Blackwell, Bank of England, E. C.

Edwards, John Thomas, London and County Banking Co., Limited, Greenwich, S.E.

Ely, Henry, Provincial Bank of Ireland, Throgmorton Avenue, E.C.

Every, Richard, Wilts and Dorset Banking Co., Salisbury

Eyre, Edmund Phipps, Bank of England, Liverpo ol

Fairley, Francis Brard, Bank of England, Newcastle-on-Tyne

Falk, Ferdinand, German Bank of London, Limited, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Lane, E.C..

Faure, Johannes Pieter, South African Bank, Cape Town, South Africa Faulds, James Anderson, Home Service Club, 8, Park Place, S.W.

Fesser, Francis, Mercantile International Bank, Limited, 5, Copthall Buildings, Throgmorton, Street, E.C.

Finney, John Douglass, Bank of England, Law Courts, W.C.

Fishwick, Frankland, London and County Banking Co., Limited, 18, Newington Butts, S.E.

Fishwick, Heathcote Booth, London and County Bank, Margate

Fleming, James Simpson, Royal Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh

Fowler, Robert Nicholas, M.P., F.S.S., Messrs. Dimsdale & Co., 50, Cornhill, E.C.

Fowler, William, M.P., Forest House, Leytonstone, E.

Francis, Frederick, London and County Banking Co., Limited, 21, Lombard Street, E.C.

Francis, Harry Bramble, Lloyd's Banking Co., Limited, Coventry

Fraser, William Murray, Manchester Joint Stock Bank, Limited, 79, King Street, Manchester

[blocks in formation]

Gray, Benjamin Gerrish, Merchant Bank

ing Co. of London, Limited, 112, Cannon Street, E.C.

Gray, Harry, Bank of Bengal, Calcutta, India.

Gray, Henry Rashleigh, London & County

Banking Co., Limited, Hove, Brighton Gray, Nathan Parr, Manchester and County Bank, Limited, Burnley Gray, Samuel Octavus, Bank of England, E.C.

Greenlaw, William, Colonial Bank of Australasia, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Victoria

Greig, James B., North of Scotland Bank, Laurence Kirk, N.B.

Greig, John Kinloch, York City & County Bank, Leeds

Grugeon, James, London and County Banking Co., Limited, Windsor Gurney, John, Sprowston Hall, Bidewell, Norwich

Gwyther, John Howard, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Hatton Court, Threadneedle Street, E.C.

*Hale, Charles George, 26, Austin Friars, E.C.

Hall, John Herbert Alderson, Messrs. Williams & Co., Chester

Halliday, James, Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Co., Limited, Manchester

*Hammersley, Hugh Greenwood, Messrs. Cox & Co., Craig's Court, S.W. Hankey, Thomson, F.R.G.S., &c., Bank of England, E.C.

Hankin, Alfred, London & County Banking Co., Limited, Bishop's Stortford Hansard, Luke, F.S.S., Messrs. Martin &

Co., 68, Lombard Street, E.C. Harris, John Thomas, Burton, Uttoxeter, and Ashbourn Union Bank, Limited, Burton-on-Trent

Harris, Theodore, Messrs. Bassett, Son & Harris, Leighton Buzzard

Harrison, Henry James, Adelphi Bank,

Limited, South John Street, Liverpool Harrison, Samuel Henry, Birmingham,

Dudley and District Banking Co.,
Limited, Birmingham

Harvey, A. S.. Messrs. Glyn & Co., 67,
Lombard Street, E.C.
Hastings, George Woodyat, M.P., Bar-
nard's Green House, Malvern
Heath, John Benjamin Charles, Messrs.
Roger Cunliffe, Sons and Co., 6,
Princes Street, City, E.C.

Heilgers, Fred. William, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Hatton Court, E C.

Hemmerde, George Richard, London and Westminster Bank, Limited, 1, St. James's Square, S.W.

Henderson, William Gavin, Liverpool Union Bank, Liverpool

Henry, William Daniel, Alliance Bank of Simla, Limited, Simla, Punjaub, India

Henty, Arthur, Messrs. Henty & Co., Worthing

Hewlings, Stuart, London and County Banking Co., Limited, 21, Lombard Street, E.C.

Hill, Henry Meakins, Messrs. Charles Hill & Son, 17, West Smithfield, E.C. Hill, Henry Woodruff, London Chartered Bank of Australia, Bourke, N.S.W. Hill, Herbert, Messrs. Charles Hill & Son, 17, West Smithfield, E.C.

Hill, John, Messrs. Charles Hill & Son, 17, West Smithfield, E.C. Hoare, Edward Brodie, Messrs. Barnetts,

Hoare & Co., 62, Lombard Street, E.C. Hoare, Hamilton Noel, Messrs. Hoares, 37, Fleet Street, E.C.

Holden, Edward Hopkinson, Birmingham and Midland Bank, New Street, Biriningham.

Holloway, John, Bank of New Zealand, Nelson, New Zealand

Holt, Vesey George Mackenzie, Messrs. Holt & Co., 17, Whitehall, Place, S.W. Homan, Ebenezer, Bank of South Australia, 31, Lombard Street, E.C.

Hooley, William, Manchester and County Bank, Limited, Stockport

Hooper, Frederick John, The Capital and Counties Bank, Limited, Jersey

Hopkinson, Amelius


Messrs. Charles Hopkinson & Sons, 3, Regent Street, St. James's, S.W.

Hopkinson, George Henry, Messrs. Charles Hopkinson & Sons, 3, Regent Street, St. James's, S.W.

Howard, Frederick, Bank of England, Bristol

Howard, William, London and County Banking Co., Limited, 21, Lombard Street, E.C.

Hunter, Thomas William, Imperial Bank,
Limited, 6, Lothbury, E.C.

Imray, John, Halifax and Huddersfield
Union Banking Co., Halifax
Ingpen, Robert Frederick, Union Bank of
London, Chancery Lane, W.C.

Life Fellow.

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