A machine to supersede the pen for manuscript writing, correspondence, &c., having twice the speed of the pen; is always ready for use, simple in construction, not liable to get out of order, easily understood. It is used in Government Offices, by Merchants, Bankers, Lawyers, Clergymen, Doctors, Scientists, &c., &c., &c. The writing is done by touching keys, and the manipulation is so simple and easy that anyone who can spell can write with it. It prints several styles of Type, including capitals and small letters. Correspondence.-The merchant, the banker-all men of business, can perform the labour of letter-writing with much saving of valuable time. By using a copying-ink ribbon, very beautiful copies may be taken in the usual manner in the letter-press. Editors and Authors.-For writers for the press it is an almost incalculable benefit, as, in addition to its saving of time and money, by its perfect legibility, "clean proof" is secured, and they are also enabled to see how their thoughts will look in print before they are sent to press. REDUCED PRICES. "I have worked the machine for eight consecutive hours without more than ten minutes' interruption, and at the end of that time my hands were not conscious of the least fatigue. R. BRUDENELL CARTER, F.R.C.S., &c." THE GOLD COINAGE-POSITION OF MATTERS AT THE PRESENT TIME, BY R. H. INGLIS PALGRAVE, F.R.S., A VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE INSTITUTE PRINTED BY BLADES, EAST & BLADES, 23, ABCHURCH LANE, LONDON, E.C. |