Journal of the Institute of Bankers, Svazek 5The Institute, 1884 |
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Výsledky 1-5 z 51
Strana 9
... Banks . Definitions of Banking and Mercantile terms . Banking Operations . Questions on- FINAL EXAMINATION . The Ordinary Practice of Bankers in regard to- ( a ) Cash Accounts . ( b ) Bills Discounted . ( c ) Advances . ( d ) Deposit of ...
... Banks . Definitions of Banking and Mercantile terms . Banking Operations . Questions on- FINAL EXAMINATION . The Ordinary Practice of Bankers in regard to- ( a ) Cash Accounts . ( b ) Bills Discounted . ( c ) Advances . ( d ) Deposit of ...
Strana 33
... account of the large receipts of revenue in excess of expenditures , to call in rapidly for payment that portion ... deposit for that pur- pose has diminished from $ 362,490,650 to $ 352,907,300 , a reduction of $ 9,583,350 . More ...
... account of the large receipts of revenue in excess of expenditures , to call in rapidly for payment that portion ... deposit for that pur- pose has diminished from $ 362,490,650 to $ 352,907,300 , a reduction of $ 9,583,350 . More ...
Strana 41
... account , leaving a balance of 700 dollars of above loan . " I enclose a letter of guarantee along with a note , for signature by your directors , as required by the bank ... deposit with you , as collateral security for the due payment of ...
... account , leaving a balance of 700 dollars of above loan . " I enclose a letter of guarantee along with a note , for signature by your directors , as required by the bank ... deposit with you , as collateral security for the due payment of ...
Strana 62
... Banks . Definitions of Banking and Mercantile terms . Banking Operations . Questions on- FINAL EXAMINATION . The Ordinary Practice of Bankers in regard to― ( a ) Cash Accounts . ( b ) Bills Discounted . ( c ) Advances . ( d ) Deposit of ...
... Banks . Definitions of Banking and Mercantile terms . Banking Operations . Questions on- FINAL EXAMINATION . The Ordinary Practice of Bankers in regard to― ( a ) Cash Accounts . ( b ) Bills Discounted . ( c ) Advances . ( d ) Deposit of ...
Strana 124
... account of partly paid - up Securities . 16. The responsibility of the bank as regards the right to new issues or ... deposit note bearing on the face the words , " I have received back the before mentioned deposit . " Here follows ...
... account of partly paid - up Securities . 16. The responsibility of the bank as regards the right to new issues or ... deposit note bearing on the face the words , " I have received back the before mentioned deposit . " Here follows ...
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Běžně se vyskytující výrazy a sousloví
000 omitted amount Annuities Australia average balance Bank of England Bank of Scotland Banking Company bankruptcy Bills of Exchange Branches bullion cash cent charge cheque Child & Co circulation Clearing House Corporation Council County Banking Coutts & Co creditors Current Accounts debit debt debtor Deposit Accounts deposits discount dividends EAST & BLADES Edward endorsement FINSBURY Fund George guarantee half-sovereigns Henry increase Institute of Bankers interest Ireland issue John Joint Stock Bank Journal legal tender liability Limited Liverpool Loans Lombard Street London and County London and Provincial Manchester MARTIN Members Messrs National Bank National Provincial Bank notes notice paid paper partnership payable payment present profit question receipt received registration Reserve securities seignorage settlement silver Smith South Wales sovereign sterling surety ten-shilling pieces tokens Total transactions Union Bank United Kingdom Wednesday William Wilts and Dorset
Oblíbené pasáže
Strana 217 - A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer.
Strana 248 - ... transfers of goods in the ordinary course of business of any trade or calling, bills of sale of goods in foreign parts or at sea, bills of lading, India warrants, warehouse-keepers...
Strana 218 - A cheque is a bill of exchange drawn on a banker payable on demand.
Strana 379 - Act a gold coin shall be deemed to have been illegally dealt with where the coin has been impaired, diminished, or lightened otherwise than by fair wear and tear...
Strana 250 - WHEREAS frauds are frequently committed upon creditors by secret bills of sale of personal chattels, whereby persons are enabled to keep up the appearance of being in good circumstances and possessed of property...
Strana 400 - The Officers of the Bank are bound not to disclose the transactions of any of its Customers.
Strana 531 - England, to borrow, owe, or take up any sum or sums of money on their bills or notes payable at demand, or at any less time than six months from the borrowing thereof...
Strana 248 - India warrants ; warehouse keepers' certificates ; warrants or orders for the delivery of goods, or any other documents used in the ordinary course of business as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authorising or purporting to authorise, either by indorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such document to transfer or receive goods thereby represented...
Strana 247 - Any settlement of property, not being a settlement made before and in consideration of marriage, or made in favour of a purchaser or incumbrancer in good faith and for valuable consideration, or a settlement made on or for the wife or children of the settlor of property which has accrued to the settlor after marriage in right of his wife, shall, if the settlor becomes bankrupt within two years after the date of the settlement, be void against the trustee in the bankruptcy...
Strana 246 - ... settlement can prove that the settlor was at the time of making the settlement able to pay all his debts without the aid of the property comprised in the settlement, and that the interest of the settlor in such property had passed to the trustee of such settlement on the execution thereof.