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'Rivers, streams, high roads belong to all men in common; and although the soil of the banks of the rivers be an accession to the property of the owners of the contiguous land, yet all men may make use of them so far as to make fast their vessels to the trees which grow there, to repair them, and spread their sails on the banks; and they may there discharge their goods. Fishermen have also a right to dry their nets there, to expose their fish for sale on the banks, and in general to use them for every purpose of their art, or the occupation by which they live.' 3 Part id. 28. 6. cited Thierry 9.

'The same usefulness of the navigation of rivers demands the free use of their banks, so that in the breadth and length necessary for the passage and track of the horses which draw the boats, there be neither tree planted nor any other obstacle in the way.' Domat, Pub. law. 1. 8. 2. 9. To moor their vessels, spread their sails, unlade, sell their fish, &c. are here mentioned for example only, and not as a full enumeration of the variety of uses which, flowing from the public rights, may be exercised by them. In England it is said to have been decided that the public have no common-law right to tow upon the banks of navigable rivers. 3 Term. Rep. 253. cited Bac. Abr. highways A.

These authorities are so clear that they need no explanation. The text is as plain as any commentary can make it.

Limitations of the rights of property.


But there is an important limitation to these rights. Every individual is so to use them as not to obstruct others in their equal enjoyment. The space every one occupies on the bank or bed, as in a highway, a market, a theatre, is his for reasonable temporary purposes, but not to be held *permanently. The adjacent landholder may repair or fortify his bank to protect his land from inundation, but under the control of the magistrate, that his neighbors be not injured. He cannot divert the course of the stream, or even draw off water from it, to the injury of the navigation; nor erect any work which shall incommode the harbor or quai.

'Ne quid in flumine publico, ripâve ejus, facias, ne quid in flumine publico, neve in ripa ejus immittas, quo statio, iterve navigio deterior sit. Dig. L. 43. t. 12. 1. 1. Stationem dicimus a statuendo: is igitur locus demonstratur, ubicunque naves tutò stare possunt. ib. §. 13.

'Deterior statio, itemque iter navigio fieri videtur, si usus ejus corrumpatur, vel difficilior fiat, aut minor, vel rarior, aut si in totum auferatur. Proinde, sive derivatur aqua, ut exiguior facta minus sit navigabilis, vel si dilatetur, aut diffusa, brevem aquam faciat; vel contra sic coangustetur, et rapidius flumen faciat ; vel si quid aliud fiat, quod navigationem incommodet, difficiliorem faciat, vel prorsus impediat, interdicto locus erit.' Dig.

43. 12. 15.

'Molino, nin canal, nin casa, nin torre, nin cabaña, nin otro edificio ninguno, non puede ninguno home facer nuevamente en los rios por los quales los homes andan con sus navios, nin en las riveras dellos, porque se embarrasse el uso comun dellos. E si alguno lo ficiesse y de nuevo, ó fuesse fecho antiguamente, de que viniesse daño al uso comunal, debe ser deribado. Ca non seria cosa guisada que el pro de todos los omes communalmente se estorbasse por la pro de algunos.' Partidas. 3. 28. 8. cited Derb. 48. Poydras 12.

'You are not to do any thing in a public river, or on its banks, you are not to cast any thing into a public river, or on its banks, which may render the station, or course of a ship worse. It is called a station, from statuere, to place: that place is intended where ships may safely stay.

'The station and course of a ship seems to be rendered worse, if its use be destroyed, or made more difficult, or less, or scantier, or if it be wholly taken away. Moreover, if water be drawn off, so that, being scantier, it is less navigable, or if it be dilated, or spread out, so as to make the water shallow, or if on the other hand it be so narrowed as to make the river more rapid; or if any thing else be done which incommodes the navigation, makes it worse, or wholly impedes it, there is ground for Interdict.'

'Mill, nor canal, nor house, nor tower, nor cabin, nor other building whatsoever, may any man make newly in the rivers along which men go with their vessels, nor on their banks, by which their common use may be embarrassed. And if any one does it anew, or were it anciently done, so that injury is done to the common use, it ought to be destroyed. For it would not be meet that the benefit of all men in common should be disturbed for the benefit of some.'

The owner of lands on the bank of a river may, however, make or repair a bank to protect them from the river.


*Quamvis fluminis naturalem cursum, opere manu facto alio, non liceat avertere, tamen ripam suam adversus rapidi amnis impetum, munire prohibitum, non est.' Codex L. 7. t. 41. §. 1.

'Although it is not allowed to turn the natural course of a river by another made by hand, yet it is not prohibited to guard one's bank against the force of a rapid river.'

But he is not permitted to do even this if it will affect the public right, or injure the neighboring inhabitants.

[blocks in formation]

'I forbid any thing to be done in a public river, or on its bank, or to be cast into the river or on its bank, by which the water may be made to flow otherwise than it flowed in the last season.'


When he says, to flow otherwise, relates, not to the quantity of water, but to the manner and direction of the course of the water. And if the neighbors experience any other evil from the act of him who is convened, there will be ground for interdict.'

'Some think liable to this interdict only "what is not done for the purpose of strengthening the bank," to wit, that if any thing be done by which the water may otherwise flow, if nevertheless it was to secure the bank, there is no ground for interdict. But this is not approved by others, for that banks are not to be secured to the inconvenience of the inhabitants."'

More particularly full and explicit as to the inhibitions of the law against obstructing the bed, beach or bank of a sea or river, is Noodt, Probabil. Juris civilis. 4. 1. 1. After declaring that as to a house, or other such thing, built in a public river, the law is the same as obtains as to the sea and sea shore, he proposes to state, 1. The law respecting the sea and its shore, and 2. As it respects a river and its bank; and says,

Ait Celsus maris communem usum esse, ut aeris; jactasque in id pilas fieri ejus qui jecit: sed id concedendum non esse, si deterior litoris marisve usus eo modo futurus sit. Adeo hoc quod in mari exstructum est, facientis est. Ut tamen exstruere liceat, et decreto opus est, et ut innoxia ædificatio sit. Porrò ut usus maris, ita usus litoris, sive communis, sive publicus est jure gentium; et ideò licet unicuique in litore ædificare, litusque ædificatione suum facere. Si tamen, ut in mari, ita in litore, impetravit: præterea si non eo modo deterior futurus sit usus litoris; vel nisi usus publicus impedietur. Hoc in mari litoribus jus est. Idem in fluminibus publicis, Ulpiano teste, Dig. 39. 2. 24. cum sic ait, 'fluminium publicorum communis est usus, sicut viarum publicarum et litorum. In his igitur publicè licet cuilibet ædificare, et distruere, dum tamen hoc sine incommodo cujusquam fiat.' Vult tamen Ulpianus, ut ædificari possit, ædificari publicè et sine cujusquam incommodo; pariter ut in mari et litore definitum: publicè inquam, seu publicâ auctori

'Celsus says that the use of the sea is common, as is that of the air: and that stones laid in it were his who laid them, but that it was not to be admitted if the use of the shore or sea would be

the worse. So what is con- 57* structed in the sea is his who constructs it. But to make it lawful to construct, a decree is necessary, and that the construction be innocent. Moreover, as the use of the sea, so that of the shore, is either common or public, by the law of nations. And therefore it is lawful for any one to build on the shore, and to make the shore his by the building; if however, as in the sea, so on the shore, he has obtained permission: and provided besides, the use of the shore will not thereby be rendered worse, nor the public use be impeded. This is the law as to the sea and its shores. It is the same as to public rivers, according to Ulpian, Dig. 39. 2. 24. where he says, 'the use of public rivers is common, as of highways and shores. In these, therefore, any one may build up, or pull down, publicly, provided it be done

tate; id enim hoc verbum, publicè indigitat.' And (§. 2.) citing Dig. 43. 12. 4. he says, 'quæsitum est, an is, qui in utrâque ripâ fluminis publici domus habeat, pontem privati juris [vel privato jure] facere potest; respondit non posse. Et si facit, interdicto teneri. Causa responsi est quod, cum pontem facit, usum fluminis publici facit deteriorem.' So far Noodt.

without inconvenience to any one.' That you may build, however, Ulpian requires that you build publicly, and without inconvenience to any one; in like manner as is prescribed as to the sea, and its shore: publicly, I say, or by public authority; for that is what the word publicly, indicates. And §. 2. citing Dig. 43. 12. 4. he says, 'it is asked whether he who has houses on both banks of the river, may build a bridge, of his own private authority. He answers, he cannot; and if he does, he is bound by the interdict. The reason of the answer is, that by building a bridge he injures the use of a public river.' So far Noodt.

*The same is the law as to highways and public places. 58* Dig. 43. 8. 2. 16.

'Si quis à principe simpliciter impetraverit ut in publico loco ædificet, non est credendus sic ædificare ut cum incommodo alicujus id fiat.'

'If any one obtains leave, simply, from the prince, to build in a public place, it is not to be understood he is so to build as to incommode another.

We see then that the Roman law not only forbade every species of construction or work on the bed, beach or bank of a sea or river, without regular permission from the proper officer, but even annuls the permission after it is given, if, in event, the work proves injurious; not abandoning the lives and properties of its citizens to the ignorance, the facility, or the corruption, of any officer. Indeed, without all this appeal to such learned authorities, does not common sense, the foundation of all authorities, of the laws themselves, and of their construction, declare it impossible that Mr. Livingston, a single individual, should have a lawful

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