IBSEN, Henrik, Norwegian poet and dra- KODAMA, General Baron, Japanese sol- Archbishop of Rennes, 64, Rennes, France, April 21. LAWSON, Sir Wilfred, English Parliamentary leader and temperance advo-cate, 77, London, July. MEJIA, Ignacio, Mexican soldier and PELLEGRINI, Carlos, ex-President of of Autun, bert, Cardinal Archbishop REED, Sir Edward J., naval designer, RICHTER, Eugen, German Radical leader and editor, 68, Berlin, March 10, RICHTHOFEN, Baron von, German Secretary of Foreign Affairs, 59, Berlin, Jan 17. SEDDON, Richard John, Prime Minister SINIBU, Viscount, former Prime Minister ADDENDA AND ERRATA, On Dec. 19 President Roosevelt made these nominations in the diplomatic service: Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary-Joseph W. Lee, Maryland, to Guatemala and Honduras; Horace G. Knowles, Delaware, Rumania and Servia; Will iams C. Fox, New Jersey, to Ecuador; Thomas C. Dawson, Iowa, to Colombia. Minister Resident and Consul General-Fenton P. M. McCreery, Michigan, to Santo Domingo. Secretaries of Embassies-Montgomery Schuyler, jr., New York, at St. Petersburg; John Gardner Coolidge, Massachusetts, at Mexico. Second Secretaries of Embassies-Nelson O'Shaughnessy, New York, at St. Peters burg; Robert M. Winthrop, Massachusetts, at Rome. Secretaries of Legations-Leonard M. Thomas, Pennsylvania, at Madrid; Stanton S. Eckels, New York, to Greece and Montenegro and of the diplomatic agency at Sofia, Bulgaria; Robert Woods Bliss, New York, at Brussels. Secretary of Legation and Consul General Philip M. Brown, Massachusetts, to Rumania and Servia. On the same day John Barrett, Minister to Colombia, was elected director of the Bureau of American Republics to succeed Williams C. Fox, appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Ecuador. William Haywood, Consul General at Seoul, Corea, died on Dec. 19 The Rev. Dr. Charles C. McCabe, Methodist Episcopal Bishop, died in New York City, Dec. 19. Governor-elect Charles E. Hughes announced on Dec. 21 that he would appoint Charles H. Keep, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Superintendent of Banking in New York State, succeeding F. D. Kilburn. It was unofficially announced on Dec. 21 that the Right Hon. James Bryce would succeed Sir Henry M. Durand as British Ambassador at Washington. On page 250, under Minnesota, the Secretary of State should be Julius A. Schmahl, instead of P. E. Hanson. On page 250, under Nevada, the Secretary of State should be William G Douglass (R.), and the Superintendent of Public Instruction should be Orvis Ring (R.). On page 250, under North Dakota, the state officials except Governor and Chief Justice are candidates declared defeated. For corrected list of state officials see under Elections in States," page 339. On page 247, under Arkansas, the title Commissioner of Agriculture belongs at foot of column. For corrected list of state officials see under "Elections in States, page 312. On Dec. 18 Charles G. Washburn (R.) was elected a Representative to the Fiftyninth Congress from the 3d Congress District of Massachusetts, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Rockwood Hoar (R.). The Right Rev. Henry Cosgrove, Roman Catholic Bishop of Davenport, Iowa, died December 22. Augustus J. Ricks, United States District Judge for the Northern District of Ohio, died Dec. 22. Enrique Creel has been appointed Mexican Ambassador at Washington. |