TIME CALCULATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS. All the calculations except the Moon's Phases, Tides and seasons are in mea: local time. (See table for its conversion into Standard Time.) The Sun's rising ar setting is for the upper limb and corrected for refraction. The signs used are follows: conjunction or near approach, at which time a line from the Ne Star through one will also pass through the other; 8, opposition or 180° from the Sun at which time the Superior Planets are the brightest; quadrature or 90 from the Sun; . Sun; Earth; 0, Mercury; ?. Venus; Mars; Jupiter; J. Satur 3, Uranus; . Moon lowest; Moon highest; Moon generally; 2. Ascending Node; , Descending Node. Per. Perhelion, or nearest to Sun: opposed to Planets. STANDARD TIME TABLE. To obtain standard time, add or subtract the figures given to local time. +31 + 4 43 | ++++++ ]+||| + || +++ || ++++|++ || + || +++++ Louisville, Ky.. Central Lynchburg, Va. Eastern Memphis, Tenn. Central 16 - 16 33 Ogdensburg. N. Y Eastern +24 Omaha, Neb. Central 28 Central TIME STANDARDS. The following is the table of times, based upon the meridian used by the Unite States and Canada: For the convenience of the railroads and business in general a standard of time s established by mutual agreement in 1883, and it is by this method of calculation at trains are now run and local time is regulated. In accordance with this system e United States, extending from 65° to 125° west longitude, is divided into four me sections, as shown on the map. Inside of each of these sections standard time uniform, and the time of each section differs from that next to it by exactly e hour. If the standard time correction for any place not enumerated in the table be sired proceed as follows: Locate the place, as any one can approximately on this p, and then subdivide the hour space in which the place is until the distance in ne (60m, one space) from that meridian within whose bounds the place is located apparent. Then add or subtract the result to mean time as the sign at the top of e map indicates. Example: What will be the standard time of sun rise July 1 at nn Yann, N. Y. The map does not give the lines of latitude and longitude, but st people can locate their own place in its respective State on the map with suffi nt correctness. By this means I locate Penn Yan at about one-eighth of the disace between the 75th and 90th meridians and within the Eastern time zone. Il give 8m. to be added, or 4:34. 1907. .February 13 March 14. April 13 *May 12 .June 11 *July 10 CHINESE CALENDAR. The year 1907 corresponds nearly to the year 4604 of the Chinese era, and is the 44th of the 76th cycle of 60 years. First month begins.. Second month begins. Third month begins... Fourth month begins.. Fifth month begins.. Sixth month begins.. *30 days; all others 29 days. THE SUN'S COURSE THROUGH THE ZODIAC AND THE SEASONS. D. H. M. D. H. M. 22 0 37 p.m. Winter begins, and lasts 89 0 40 S. of Equator. 20 11 14 p.m. 19 1 42 p.m. 21 1 17 p.m. Spring begins, and lasts 92 20 10 N. of Equator. 21 1 0a.m. 22 0 47 a.m. 22 9 27 a.m. 23 8 1 p.m. 23 8 51 a.m. П September 24 0 2 a. m. Summer begins, and lasts 93 14 35 N. of Equator. Autumn begins, and lasts 89 18 34 S. of Equator, 6 36 p.m. Winter begins October November 23 December Time north of the Equator, 186d. 10h. 45m. Time south of the Equator, 178d. 19h. 14m. 7d. 15h. 31m. longer north of the Equator than south of it, This is due to the slower motion of the Earth (Sun's apparent motion) while in that portion of its orbit most distant from the Sun (aphelion). Hence in the summer months we are further from the Sun than in the winter time. MORNING STARS WEST OF SUN. INFERIOR PLANETS. Mercury (9), until February 2, March 18 to May 24, July 24 to September 6, and after November 14. Venus (9), until September 14. The planet Venus will present the various phases, as shown on page 7, as follows: A-Fifteen days after superior conjunetion, or September 29. B-At greatest elongation west, February 8. C-When brightest as a morning star, January 4. D-Just after inferior conjunction, or July 10, 1908. E--Fifteen days before superior conjunction, August 31. F-At greatest elongation east, April 26, 1908. G-When brightest as an evening star, May 29, 1908. THE PLANETS (Continued). Mercury will be brightest February 20-28, setting shortly after the Sun; also August 18-28, rising shortly before the Sun. Venus will be brightest as a morning star January 4, but will not get around on the other side of the Sun at her point of greatest brilliancy as an evening star until May 29, 1908. She will be at her greatest elongation (angular distance) west of the Sun, 46° 53', February 8. An opera glass or small telescope will bring out her phases, as shown in the annexed cut. Her difference in apparent size or diameter is due to her varying distance from the Earth, according as she is between us and the Sun or in the opposite portion of her orbit. See the table following this division for her motion in her orbit; also that of the other principal planets, page 8. MARS NEAREST THE EARTH. Toward the Sun. N Phases of GOOD Venus. S Venus Brightes The planet Mars will attract the attention of the world this year because of the As seen in the As seen in the fact that he will approach nearer to us than Morning. Evening. Ene has been within the last fifteen years, or will be again in the following fifteen years. The reason for this will be understood by an inspection of the annexed figure. When the points C (Aphelion) in the Earth's orbit, and A (Perihelion) in Mars's orbit. come in line with the Sun, then the Earth and Mars will be the possible. A moderately close approach to these conditions occurs every nearest B fifteen years. This year, on July 12, these planets will occupy the positions in their respective orbits E and F. On July 5 the Earth will be at C, or farthest from the Sun, and on September 26 Mars will be at A, or nearest to the Sun. It is apparent that there must be a point between A and C where these bodies A are in line with the Sun, and where they will be nearest, and, as has been said, this occurs at E and F. At such times Mars is some 30,000,000 miles nearer to us than when these conditions shown in the figure are reversed, with Mars at or near D and the Earth at or near B. While Mars will be mathcinatically brightest July 6, he will be by far the most conspicuous object in the stellar or planetary hosts for weeks before and after that date, and will be most carefully watched and photographed at observatories. Comparisons of these with former photographs may disclose important chauges. MARS ORBIT EARTH'S Jupiter will not be at his brightest this year, but will be very bright in December, as he will attain his point of opposition to the Sun January 29, 1908. Saturn will be brightest on September 17. He will then be in the last degrees of Aquarius and close to the Equinoctial Colure, or First Meridian of the heavens, corresponding to the Meridian of Greenwich or Washington on the Earth. Uranus will be brightest July 3 and Neptune January 2. MERIDIAN PASSAGE, RISING AND SETTING OF THE PLANETS. VENUS MARS. JUPITER SATURN -Sets. -Sets. }H_MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH -Sets MH MH 4 10 9 48 7 49 2 212 37 11 416 417 11 11 9 7 3 48 4 8 7 33 2 10 2 28 21 8 59 3 43 4 4 7 18 1 59 February. 1 8 573 44 4 8 February. February. 4 17 March..... 730 2 32 March.... March..... 21 9 24 4 2 4 21 5 44 12 41 1 10] 6 15 1 17 April. 5 25 12 23 12 53 May. 21 9 57 3 35 3 24 5 36 12 38 2 24 12 060 1 47 11 32 1 810 53) Invisib 10 18-Rises 9 43 3 54) 9 73 17 8 32 2 41 7 55 2 3 5 212 012 34 4 29 11 27 11 57 3 57 10 55 11 25 3 25 10 22 10 51 2 9 916 9 50 1 248 33 9 81 85th Sets. 8 36 10 47 August. 8 14 September. September. October. October. 21 11 39 14th 111 48 Invisible. 1111 56 Sets. 2112 02 6 4 6 5 112 08 6 00 5 56 1112 15 5 55 5 45 2 2 1 19 8 40 1 40 12 49 8 8 12 53 12 20 7 44 12 38 11 54 7 24 12 21 11 45 7 612 611 31 6 50 11 53 11 23 6 35 11 43 11 16 5 20 11 34 11 10 6 611 25 11 5 5 52 11 1811 1 5 39 11 11 10 57 5 26 11 510 55 5 12 10 5810 51 4 58 10 50 10 46 1 57 10 47 11 17] Invisible. 3 18 Rises. 6 38 12 46 012 713 5 21 11 32 11 4 42 10 53 10 4 210 13 10 9 30 237 8 49 112 33 5 53 5 28 November. The year 1907, which comprises the latter part of the 131st and the beginning of the 132d year of the independence of the United States of America, corresponds nearly to The Mahometan year 1325, which begins on February 14. The year 5668 of the Jews, which begins on September 9, or at sunset September 8. The Chinese year 1604, which begins February 13. The year 7415-16 of the Byzantine Era, beginning September 1. The year 2219 of the Grecian Era, which began near the Vernal Equinox, B. C. 312. The year 2567 of the Japanese Era, CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. 9 12 8 40 154 1 31 8 7 1 23 1 0 7 34 12 50 12 29 7 012 17 11 58 6 22 11 43 11 22 5 46 11 810 47 5 8 10 30 10 9 4 30 9 53 9 32 3 50 11 41 10 59 10 17 4 8 9 36 3 27 3 850 2 412 8 10 2 1 1 7 30 1 21 1 651 12 42 12 6 12 12 311 5 34 11 2111 4 57 10 45 10 Julian Period................6620 1325...12...Dulhegge (1908)..Jan. 5 1326... 1...Muharrem (1908). Feb. B 1325...11...Dul Kaeda......Dec. 6 Jewish Lunar Cycle.. Fasting. |