Obrázky stránek

When I rose to depart, Madame de Genlis did not request me to repeat my visit, nor did she, during our visit, once allude to the play which I pre

was in a very great litter, as it always aceumulated-among others I noticed is, stuffed up with the things necessary a little instrument, a sort of miniature to my employments. I am always harp, not intended to render any sound, busy; when I am not writing or paint- but merely to have always within reach, ing, I amuse myself with a thousand to practise the movements of the hand, little ornamental works, in hair, in pa- so as to keep it active and pliant; this per, or in wicker-work. These re- is of Madame de Genlis invention. sources are of the greatest use to a wo- Round the room were hung a few ⚫man, and are never to be despised, drawings framed; I noticed a waterwhatever her capacity or talents may colored view of the Duke of Orleans' be. You cannot imagine how many villa at Twickenham, and a conversafriends I have made, by giving away tion piece, representing the family of trifles of my own work; I am extreme- that prince. ly handy, and in three or four lessons from the people who make these things to sell, can arrive at a facility of imitating whatever I see done." I mentioned that Lady- -says that Ma-sented to her.Thus end the illusions dame de Genlis told her she knew of vanity! With this sacrifice of selftwenty-one trades, by either of which love at the shrine of truth, I conclude she could earn her bread." I do the narrative of iny first and only visit not recollect to have said that, but I to Madame de Genlis, an event that am sure I know many more than has left impressed on my mind the truth twenty-one."-Madame de Genlis of an observation of the sage of Litchlooked much younger than I expected; field, when he says, "generally speakI have heard it said that she is nearing, the best part of an author is to be eighty, but she does not look more found in his book. than sixty. She seems full of health and vivacity, paints miniatures and does fine work without spectacles, and does not seem at all bent by age, though the lounges very much; her carriage is not graceful, or her manner, for a French-woman, particularly gracious. I should not think she had ever been handsome or pretty; her complexion is dark, her eyes have a very keen expres sion, her cheek bones are prominent, and her nose rather large. She had on an ordinary cap of worked muslin, with a border of the same, a wrappinggown of black silk, carelessly put on, and an old shawl of crimson merino. She sat on her sofa ensconced in letters, her guitar peeped from under a heap of books, papers, boxes, &c. ; the little table before mentioned groaned under a miscellaneous pile of all corts of things, most uncomfortably

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'Midst a rich show of clouds, the day Sets slowly, like some honor'd friend, Whom, as he parts upon his way,

A faithful farewell train attend.

The night comes on with silent pace,
The sounds of busy life decay;
Like ocean waves, that ebb epace,

The mingled murmurs melt away.
The first few stars begin to peep,

The birds have ceas'd their melody,
And slumber settles, soft and deep,

On childhood's quickly closing eye.
At this dear hour to rove alone,

Beside the brooks the lancs along,
When slowly creeps the infant moon

The many-woven clouds among ;
While on the stream of quiet bliss,

The passive spirit floats supine, Dreaming of love, and joy, and peaceEnchanting eve, the gift is thine! This is the hour-the hour of rest, . By sages lov'd, by poets sung, When 'midst the stillness of the breast,

The gates of thought are open flung;
When grief, and wrong, and worldly ills,
Touch'd by the magic hour, are flown,
As some meek-hearted mother stills,
With gentle voice, her infant's moan:
When cares and pleasures unrefined,

Day's motely scenes of toil and glee,
Retire, and leave th' exorcis'd mind,
One still and dim vacuity.
And clearer through the silent void

Is heard the voice of truth supreme, And brighter, 'mid the gloom descried, The torch of wisdom sheds its beam. Then the strong soul, unfetter'd, wings, Where'er she lists, her flight sublime, Through earthly or eternal things, Through good and ill, through space and


O'er early errors heaves the sigh,

Looks downward, through unfolding years,

And broods on coming grief and joy,

With tranquil hopes, and chasten'd fears. Then the great Spirit of the Past,

Comes, with his rainbow flag unfurl'd, Whose folds, far spread, round all things


A light," that is not of this world;" And the rapt soul, in vision views,

Her early friends, and joys, and fears, Trick'd in his nameless, glorious hues, Like visitants from other spheres. Then too, the heart is at its play,

The strings of love draw closer then, And thoughts, dear thoughts, that slept by day,

Come to the lonely heart again! This is the hour, the peaceful hour,

By sages and by bards approv'd, When Hope and Memory blend their pow'r And they who love us, most are lov'd.



From the German.

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I've rock'd me on the quivering mast Through seas all chafed and foamin; I've braved the toiling of the storm

From dawning day till gloamin; I've girdled round the good green earth, In search of pleasure roaminAnd scorn'd the world to smile with thee, Loved, loving, lovely woman. The farmer ploughs the pleasant land;

The merchant ploughs the ocean;
The soldiers' steeds gore-footed snort,
Through warfare's wild commotion;
And princes plot, and peasants moil,
From morn, till dewy gloamin,

To win thee-heaven's divinest gift-
Sweet, willing, witty woman.

The savage in the desart drear

The lion's lair exploring;

The king who rules, the sage who charms The nation's round adoring;

Come, Sons of the Hill! leave the cha- The bard, who 'neath the bright mopn meets

mois and roe,

The dew-hair'd muses roamin;➡

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No. 1.

There is probably no ambition more generally diffused in the bosom of man, than the wish to become at one time or other an orator. He who has no immediate prospect of his talents for eloquence being called into requisition, is still often indulging some day dream of its future powers, and in his imagination conjures up a scene, where the fate of a community hangs on his eloquent lip, or the acts of a corporation are guided by his periods. Common sense it is true, generally represses the expression of such ideas, but in everyday life, there appears no weed so luxuriant, as every-day oratory.

When we call together a select party of friends, it is ten to one, but before the second bottle is circulated, a bumper is demanded by one of the guests, and although at first the words are few and it may be well chosen, yet in general this is the signal for speeches of that description which "neither Gods nor men are said to permit." Let it not be thought we disapprove of toasts, or of the kindly pledge which is offered during the meal; the grievance of which we complain, is the long round about, disjointed words, which precede a favourite toast or sentiment. The

PRICE 31d.

sooner a man exhibits his intentions the better and we will venture to say that there never was a great name exalted, or a low one raised, by all that on such occasions was ever uttered. It is not then the Book, but the preface we object to, not the mansion but the avenue which leads to it, not to the green and sunny island, but the threatening sea which surrounds it.-Every body knows how dull every party is before a toast is proposed. Until then the Punch is severely criticised, the lemons are pronounced sweet, the water warm, the mixture too strongbut at the name of a favourite nymph or the expression of a favourite sentiment, all these deteriorations are no longer heard of, the " once lov'd name" sweetens the beverage, and all is good humour, sociality and peace. Then the modest man attempts to be agreeable, the intelligent man now exerts his finest powers. and the marvellous man leans back on his chair, coughs twice, and begins "That puts me in mind of a story." The spirit of good fellowship hovers o'er the festive board. For weeks would our ancestors thus enjoy themselves, but now the sederunt is shortened.-If there is less drinking there is more waste of words, and frequently that one man may have an opportunity of exhibiting, the con


flashed, and the hearts of the visitors rapidly expanded: but their gratitude was turned into joy, when the " sperity of their native city" was called for in a bumper; this was too much. Richards arose, silence ensued, and he spoke as follows. "Unaccustom"ed as I am to public speaking, the "honour you have conferred calls alike

versation of a delightful party is interrupted. If it is from such a school our oratory is to be recruited alas! for our oratory, its desciples probably think, that because Curran first spoke in public when half çut, it is only necessary to be half-cut to speak like Curran, forgetful, that without the ardent genius, the unbounded patriotism, and the splendid abilities of that" for my professions and my praise ;orator, the incident which first gave him courage, would have blasted hit for ever.


"assurance of real feeling forthe honour "done us, praise for the delicate manner "that honor was introduced. 'Tis to But it sometimes occurs, that those you my friends, for I will call you who indulge in speech-making, famui-so, our nation is indebted for all it liarly obtrude their talents in the company of men of whom they know nothing, and who are not inclined to hear them with that indulgence, or to make the allowances which they al-" ways meet with at home. The following occurence which took place a few years since is a specimen of what the orator on such an occasion may be doomed to suffer :

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possesses, 'tis to you our city owes her prosperity, 'tis to you we owe "all that is dear to us; and high as we may estimate the glories of other battles gained by British valour, to the field of Waterloo, history shal "ever point as to the most glorious of her records. On that day my

fellow citizens, remember with de"light, that no men destinguished "themselves more than the gentlemen "before me, and they only feel an

in "


My friend Richards was universely allowed to manifest considerable ability in proposing a bumper, and at times"xious, that, to convince you of this he would rise to a degree of energy you would give them an opportuIris declamation, which before the close nity of repeating to you, that admiof the evening attracted the admiration "ration, which now İ so imperfectly of the whole company. He was not- repeat for them." Having thus conwithstanding, deficient in every requi- cluded he sat down, impatiently antisite which constitutes an accomplished cipating a compliment from an officer and elegant speaker, altho' it world who had risen at the other end of the have required more strength of mind table. This gentleman expressed his than he possessed, not to give credit thanks for the speech he had just to the compliments which more than heard, but begged to inform the once in his native city had been awarded theman who spoke " that their regihim. While on a tour through France" ment did not join until SIX WEEKS wish an esteemed friend who was well AFTER THE BATTLE!"

acquainted with the affairs of the

regiment, they were both

introduced at the mess, and received

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with the kindness, elegance and atten- FELIX, QUI POTUIT RERUM COCtion which only those who have been

bred in
camp know how to throw
into the common transactions of life.
The Champaine sparkled, the wit


Virg. Georg..11. A certain king once. offered a reward to him who should discover s

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