Obrázky stránek

X. It is understood that the fortifications fhall be given up without being damaged, and the mines pointed out to officers of fkill.


Done on the 27th of June 1801 (8th Meffidor), 9 and 16
Saaffar 1216.


DONZELOT, General of Brigade.
MORAUD, General of Brigade.
TAREYRE, Chief of Brigade.
JOHN HOPE, Brigadier-general.

Agreed to, (Signed) J. HELY HUTCHINSON, General in


Agreed to, on the part of Lord Keith,


JA. STEVENSON, Captain in the
Royal Navy.

Agreed to, (Signed) HHADJY YOUZOUF ZIA, Vizier.
Agreed to, (Signed) HUSSEIN, Pacha Capoutan-diryâ.
The prefent additional articles of the convention were agreed
to and ratified the 9th Meffidor, year 9.

The General of Divifion (Signed)

Treaty between Spain and Portugal.


S the object which his Catholic Majefty had in view, and which he confidered as neceffary for the general good of Europe, when he declared war against Portugal, is obtained, his Majefty has refolved, after conferences had, to restore and renew the bonds of friendship and good underftanding by means of a treaty of peace; and the plenipotentiaries of the three belligerent powers having met together, have agreed to conclude two treaties, which in their effential parts will be but one, as the guarantee will be interchangeable, and will cease with refpect to both when either shall be infringed. To carry into full effect this important object, his Catholic Majefty the King of Spain, and his Royal Highness the Prince of Portugal and Algarve, have granted their full powers, as follows: namely, his Catholic Majefty the King of Spain, to his Excellency Don Manuel de Godoy Alvarez de Faria Rios Sanchez y Zargoza, Prince of Peace, lieutenant of Alcudia, lord of Soto di Roma, and of the diftri&ts of Albala, count of Everamonto, grandee of Spain of the first clafs, perpetual governor of the city of Madrid, and of the towns of Santiago, Cadiz, Malaga, and Ecija, knight of the illuftrious order of the Golden Fleece, Grand Crofs of the diftinguished Spanish order of Charles III. commander of Valencia, del Ventofo, Rivera, &c. Grand Crofs of the order of St. John, counfellor of ftate, chamberlain, generaliffimo, and captain-general of the armies of

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his Catholic Majefty, and colonel-gercial of the Swifs troops, &c.; and his Royal Highnefs the Regent of Portugal and Algarve, to his Excellency Louis Pinto de Souza Contintro, counsellor of ftate, Grand Crofs of the order of Aviz, knight of the illuftrious order of the Golden Fleece, minifter and fecretary of state for the affairs of the kingdom, and lieutenant-general of its armies; who, after having exchanged and verified their full powers in good and proper form, have concluded and figned, according to the orders and intentions of their fovereigns, the following articles:

Art. I. There fhall be peace, amity, and good understanding between his Catholic Majefty the King of Spain, and the Prince Regent of Portugal and Algarve, as well by fea as land, through the whole extent of their kingdoms and poffeffions; and all captures which fhall be made by fea, after the ratification of the prefent treaty, fhall be faithfully reftored, with all their goods and effects, or their refpective value paid.

II. His Royal Highnefs will fhut the ports of his whole territories against the fhips of Great Britain in general.

III. His Catholic Majefty will restore to his Royal Highness the fortreffes and places Gurumena, Aronches, Portalegri, Caftel Davide, Barbaamar Camp, Major and Ouguela, with all the territories hitherto conquered by his arms, or which may hereafter be conquered, with all their artillery, fire-arms, or other warlike ftores, and in the fame condition in which they were surrendered to him; and his Catholic Majefty will take as a conqueft the fortress of Olivenza, with its territory and inhabitants from the Guadiana, and unite the fame for ever to his own territory and fubjects, as that river above mentioned fhall be the boundary of the refpective kingdoms on that part.

IV. His Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent of Portugal and Algarve will not permit any depôts of prohibited and contraband goods, which may be prejudicial to the interefts of the crown of Spain, to be formed on the frontiers of his kingdom, exclufive of fuch as appertain to the revenues of the crown of Portugal, or are neceffary for the confumption of the refpective territories in which they are established; and if this or any other article fhall not be maintained, the treaty which is now concluded between the three powers, including the interchangeable guarantee, shall be nuli and void, as is expreffed in the articles of the prefent treaty.

V. His Royal Highness will immediately repair and make good all damages or injuries which the fubjects of his Catholic Majesty may have fuftained during the prefent war, from the fhips of Great Britain or the fubjects of the court of Portugal, and for which they can rightfully claim indemnification; and in like manner his Catholic Majefty engages to make fuitable fatisfaction for all captures which may have been made by the Spaniards before


the prefent war, in violation of, or within cannon-fhot of the Portuguese territory.

VI. Within the fpace of three months, reckoning from the ratification of the prefent treaty, his Royal Highness will pay to the Treasury of his Catholic Majefty the expenfes left unpaid when they withdrew from the war with France, and which were occafioned by the fame, according to the estimate given in by the amballador of his Catholic Majefty, or which may be given in anew; with the exception, however, of any error that may be found in the faid estimates.

VII. As foon as the prefent treaty fhall be figned, all hostilities fhall ceafe on both fides within twenty-four hours, without any contributions or requifitions being laid after that time on any of the conquered places, except fuch as may be allowed to friendly troops in time of peace; and as foon as this treaty shall be ratified, the Spanish troops fhall leave the Portuguese territory within fix days, and fhall begin their march within fix hours after receiving notice, without offering any violence or injury to the inhabitants in their way; and they thall pay for whatever may be neceffary for them, according to the current price of the country.

VIII. All prifoners which may have been taken by fea and land, fhall, within fifteen days after the ratification of the prefent treaty, be fet at liberty, and delivered up on both fides; and, at the fame time, all debts which they may have contracted during their imprisonment, fhall be paid. The fick and wounded shall remain in the respective hofpitals, there to be taken care of, and in like manner delivered up as foon as they shall be able to begin their march.

IX. His Catholic Majefty engages to guarantee to his Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent of Portugal the entire poffeffion of all his ftates and poffeffions, without the leaft exception or reserve.

X. The two high contracting parties engage to renew the treaty of defenfive alliance which exilled between the two monarchies, but with fuch claufes and alterations as the connexions entered into by the Spanith monarchy with the French republic may demand; and in the fame treaty fhall be regulated what aid shall be mutually afforded, fhould neceffity require.

XI. The prefent treaty fhall be ratified within ten days after it is figned, or fooner, if postible. In witnefs of this, we, the undersigned minifters plenipotentiary, have fubfcribed the prefent treaty with our own hands, and fealed it with our arms.

(L. S.) (L. S.)


Done at Badajos, June 6, 1801.


Subftance of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, concluded between Sweden and Ruffia, at Petersburgh, on the 1ft (13th) of March, and ratified at Landferona on the ith of April, and at St. Peter fourgh on the 30th of May (11th June) 1801.

ART. I. There fhall be a durable peace and true friendship between the two realms, and their fubjects fhall mutually affift each other, particularly in tranfactions of commerce and navigation.

II. III. The Swedes fhall enjoy full liberty of commerce in Ruffia, and the Ruffians in Sweden, and fimilar protection with the fubjects of the two countries; but they fhall not deal in goods, the importation and exportation of which are prohibited.

IV. In order to obviate any inconveniences that might arise from an undefined extenfion of this liberty of commerce, both parties have agreed to limit it to all the ports of the two states, without diftinction; and, as to the commerce in the country, to certain places on the frontiers of the Ruffian and Swedish parts of Finland. In thefe frontier places, the fubjects of the two powers, without going farther into the country, may carry on a wholefale, but not retail trade, and traffic with fuch merchants as arrive there from remote districts. Travelling merchants and hawkers of both nations fhall not be fuffered, but confidered as fmugglers.

V.-VII. The subjects of both powers fhall pay the fame importation and exportation duties on goods, and in the fame coin, as the natives of the country to which they trade. They fhall likewise enjoy all legal protection, the free exercise of their religion, and the right of leaving the country with their property.

VIII. The merchants of both nations may keep their books in what language they please, and never thall be forced to produce them, excepting in lawfuits, and then only fuch extracts as are abfolutely neceffary for clearing up the point contested.

IX. X. In cafe of bankruptcy or differences, the fubjects of either power fhall be treated agreeably to the laws of the country in which they then refide. If the fubject of one power dies in the country of the other, without heirs, his property fhall, within the fpace of five years, belong to the government of the country in which he died, if, after a proclamation inferted in the newspapers three times, no heir fhould apply.

XI.-XIII. The refpective confuls-general and confuls shall be under the particular protection of the laws, and enjoy the fame rights and liberties as thofe of the most favoured nations. Sailors who have deferted, fhall be delivered up by both parties even in foreign ports. Merchant-veffels fhall, on no account, take paffengers without paffports, or goods without proper certificates. With refpect to contraband, and the punishment of perfons importing it, the laws of the two countries fhall decide.

XIV. Swedish alum, falt herrings, and falt, imported from Sweden into Ruffia (Petersburgh excepted), fhall pay only one half of the duties mentioned in the regulations of the cuftoms; and fmoked herrings imported from Sweden, only one third.

XV. All the produce of Swedish Finland, even wood, may be imported into Ruffian Finland (which had hitherto not been the cafe) free from all duties; and the wood from Swedish Finland may be exported from Wiburg and Fridrick fham.

XVII. Hemp, linen, and tallow, imported into Sweden from Ruffia, fhall only pay one half, and linfeed two thirds of the duties hitherto paid. The Ruffians fhall remain in poffeffion of their ftorehouses at Stockholm, the limits of which are to be enlarged.

XVIII. XIX. Contain regulations for preventing Ruffians and Swedes to navigate foregin fhips and goods as their own.

XX. XXI. Not more than four thips of war of one power fhall enter the fortified ports of the other at one time, if special permiffion has not been granted for a greater number. Ships of war as well as merchant-veffels, that have fuffered by storms and other accidents, may be repaired in the ports of the other power. XXII. XXIII. If fhips of war of the two powers, the commanders of which are of the fame rank, meet at fea, no faluting fhall take place; the commander of inferior rank, however, thall Lalute the commander of higher rank, who fhall return the falute, fhot for shot. Ships that have stranded, fhall receive all poffible affistance.

XXIV. If one of the contracting parties happens to be at war with other states, the fubjects of the other party fhall not, on that account, be prevented from continuing their commerce and navigation with thofe ftates, on condition that they do not fupply thefe ftates with contraband. Convinced of the principles laid down in the convention concluded at St. Petersburgh, on the 16th of December, laft year, for the general good of trading nations, the two crowns declare that they make it the undeviable rule of their conduct. They further declare, that they acknowledge the following principles:-1ft, That neutral fhips may freely fail for the ports and coafts of the belligerent powers.-2d, That, with exception of warlike contraband, the goods of fubjects of the belligerent powers in neutral bottoms are free.-3d, That fuch ports only are to be confidered as blockaded, where, from the proximity of fhips of war, there fhall actually be danger in entering.-4th, The neutral veffels can be detained only on juft grounds, and evident facts.-5th, That no convoy fhall be fearched, when the commander of the fhip of war convoying them declares that there is no contraband on board.

XXV.-XXVII. In time of war, one power may fhut its ports against the privateers and prizes of the other that is engaged

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