Obrázky stránek

XIII. With refpect to the fisheries on the coafts of the island of Newfoundland, and of the islands adjacent, and in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the two parties have agreed to restore them to the fame footing on which they were before the prefent war, seferving to themselves the power of making, in the definitive treaty, fuch arrangements as fhall appear juft and reciprocally useful, in order to place the fishing of the two nations on the moit proper footing for the maintenance of peace.

XIV. In all the cafes of reftitution agreed-upon by the prefent treaty, the fortifications fhall be delivered up in the ftate in which they may be at the time of the fignature of the prefent treaty, and all the works which fhall have been conftructed fince the occupation thall remain untouched.

It is farther agreed, that in all the cafes of ceffion ftipulated in the prefent treaty, there fhall be allowed to the inhabitants of whatever condition of nation they may be, a term of three years, to be computed from the notification of the definitive treaty of peace, for the purpose of difpofing of their properties, acquired and poffeffed either before or during the prefent war; in the which term of three years they may have the free exercife of their religion and the enjoyment of their property.

The fame privilege fhall be granted in the countries restored, to all those who shall have made therein any establishments whatfoever during the time when thofe countries were in the poffeffion of Great Britain.

With respect to the other inhabitants of the countries restored or ceded, it is agreed that none of them fhall be profecuted, difturbed, or molested in their perfons or properties under any pretext, on account of their conduct or political opinions, or of their attachment to either of the two powers, nor on any other account except that of debts contracted to individuals, or on account of acts pofterior to the definitive treaty.

XV. The prefent preliminary articles fhall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged in London, in the fpace of tfteen days for all delay; and immediately after their ratification, plenipotentiaries thall be named, on each fide, who thall repair to Amiens for the purpose of concluding a definitive treaty of peace, in concert with the allies of the contracting parties.

In witnefs whereof, we, the underfigned plenipotentiaries of his Britannic Majefty, and of the Firft Conful of the French, republic, by virtue of our refpective full powers, have figned the prefent preliminary artices, and have caufed our feals to be put


Done at London, the 1ft day of October 1801, the 9th Vendemiaire, year ten of the French republic.

(L. S.)
(L. S.)




Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Ruffias.


HE First Conful of the French republic, in the name of th French people, and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Ruffias, being animated with the defire of re-establishing the re lations of good understanding which fubfifted between the tw governments before the prefent war, and to terminate the calami ties which afflict Europe, have appointed as their plenipotentiarie to this effect, namely, the First Conful of the French republic in the name of the French people, Citizen Charles Mauric Talleyrand, minifter for foreign affairs; and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Ruflias, Sieur Arcadi Comte de Marcoff, member of his privy council, and knight of the Order of St Alexander Neufki, and general cross of that of St. Wladamair o the first clafs; who, after exchanging and verifying their ful powers, have agreed upon the following articles:

I. There thall henceforth be peace, friendship, and good un derstanding between the French republic and his Majefty the Em peror of all the Ruffias.

II. Accordingly no act of hoftility fhall be committed betwee the two states, reckoning from the day of exchanging the ratifica tions of the prefent treaty; and neither of the contracting partie fhall furnish to the enemies of the other, whether external or in ternal, any fuccour or contingent in men or in money, under any pretence whatever.

III. The two contracting partics being anxious, as far as pof fible, to contribute to the tranquillity of their respective govern ments, mutually engage not to permit any of their fubjects to carry on any correfpondence, direct or indirect, with the interna enemies of the prefent governments of the two ftates, to propagate in them principles contrary to their refpective conftitutions, or to foment disturbances: and, by confequence, every fubject of either o the two powers, who being a refident in the ftate of the other, fhal do any thing against its fecurity, fhall be forthwith removed from the faid country, and tranfported beyond the frontiers, withou having any right, in any cafe whatever, to invoke the protection of his government.

IV. It is agreed upon, that with respect to the re-establishmen of the refpective legations, and the ceremonial to be obferved between the two governments, the customs in ufe before the prefent war fhall be continued.

V. The two contracting parties, until the conclufion of a new treaty of commerce, agree to re-establish the commercial relations between the two countries on the fame footing as before the prefent war, as far as poffible, and with due regard to the modifications which time and circumstances may have produced, and which may have given rife to new regulations.

VI. The prefent treaty is declared to be common to the Batavian republic.

VII. The present treaty fhall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged in the space of fifty days, or fooner if poffible..

In teftimony whereof, we, the underfigned, in virtue of our full powers, have figned the faid treaty, and thereto affixed our feals.

Done at Paris, 16th Vendemiaire, 10th year of the French
republic, Oct. 8, 1801.


Preliminary Articles of Peace between the French Republic and the Ottoman Porte.

Ift. THE First Conful of the French republic, in the name of the French people, and the Sublime Ottoman Porte, being defirous of putting an end to the war which now divides the two states, and to re-establish the ancient relations which united them, have nominated plenipotentiaries for this purpose :

The First Conful of the French republic, in the name of the French people, nominates Citizen Charles Maurice Talleyrand, minifter for foreign affairs; and the Sublime Porte, on the other hand, appoints the cidevant Baffi Muchaffebi and Ambaffador Effeyd Aly Effendy, who, after receiving full powers, have agreed on the following terms:

Art. I. There fhall be peace and amity betwixt the French republic and the Sublime Ottoman Porte, in confequence of which hoftilities fhall ceafe between the two powers from the date of the exchange of thefe preliminaries: immediately after which exchange the whole province of Egypt fhall be evacuated by the French army, and restored to the Sublime Porte, whose territories and poffeffions fhall be maintained entire, fuch as they were previous to the present war.

It is understood, that after this evacuation, whatever indulgencies fhall be granted in Egypt to the other powers on the part of the Sublime Porte,, fhall alfo be extended to France.

II. The French republic fhall recognife the republic of the Seven United Ifles and the Ex-Venetian territories fituated on the continent; the fhall guarantee the maintenance of this conftitution. The Sublime Porte fhall acknowledge, and accept for this purpose the guarantee of the French republic, as well as that of the court of Ruffia.

III. Definitive arrangements fhall be made betwixt the French republic and the Sublime Ottoman Porte, relative to the goods. and effects of the refpective citizens and subjects, confifcated or


fequeftrated during the war. All political and commercial agents, together with prisoners of war of every defcription, fhall be fet at liberty immediately after the ratification of the prefent pre


IV. The treaties which exifted before the prefent war betwixt France and the Sublime Ottoman Porte fhall be renewed on their former footing. In confequence of this renewal, the French republic fhall enjoy in every part of the dominions of his Highness all the rights of commerce and navigation which the previouly enjoyed, as well as those to which the most favoured nations shall henceforth be admitted.

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The ratifications shall be exchanged at Paris within the space of twenty-four days.

Done at Paris, the 17th Vendemiaire (Oct. 9, 1801), in the roth year of the French republic, or the aft of the month Gemafy-ul-ahir, in the one thoufandth two hundredth and fixteenth of the Egira.



Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and the Elector Palatine of Bavaria.


HE First Conful of the French republic, in the name of the French people, and his moft Serene Highness the Elector Palatine of Bavaria, having at heart to establish, in a folemn and inconteftible manner, the old relations of friendship and good neighbourhood which have fubfifted between France and the moft Serene Bavaro Palatine Houfe before the war, which has been terminated between the French republic and the Germanic Empire, by the treaty of peace of Luneville, and in which his Electoral Highnefs had taken part, not only by means of the fuccours furnished by virtue of the decrees of the Diet, but alfo in his quality of auxiliary of the allied powers; the contracting parties have agreed to confirm the perfect return of a good harmony between them, by a treaty of and feparate peace; and for that purpofe have appointed for their plenipotentiaries, that is to fay, the Firft Conful, in the name of the French people, Citizen Caillard, keeper of the archives of the adminiftration for foreign affairs; and his moft Serene Electoral Highnefs the Elector of Bavaria, the Sieur Antonine de Cetto, his prefent counfellor of ftate and minifter plenipotentiary to the Electoral Circle and to that of the Upper Rhine, who, after having exchanged their respective full powers, have agreed to the following articles: ***

Art. I. There thall be peace, friendship, and good neighbourhood between the French republic and the Palatine Elector of Bavaria. The one and the other shall neglect nothing to maintain'

this union, and to render reciprocally fuch fervices as may be beft calculated to draw more and more close the bonds of fincere and durable friendship.

II. His Majefty the Emperor, and the Empire, having confented, by the 4th article of the treaty concluded at Luneville, the 20th Pluviofe, year 9 of the republic, or the 9th of February 1801; that the French republic fhall poffefs in future in entire fovereignty and property, the countries and domains on the left bank of the Rhine, and which made part of the Germanic empire, his Electoral Highness the Palatine of Bavaria renounces for himself, his heirs and fucceffors, the rights of territorial fuperiority, ownership, and every other whatever, which his Houfe has hitherto exercised, and which belonged to him over the countries and dominions upon the left bank of the Rhine. This renunciation relates, namely, to the Dutchy of Juliers, the Dutchy of Deux-Ponts, with its dependencies, and all the bailiwick of the Palatinate of the Rhine, fituate upon the left bank of that river.

III. Convinced that it is her intereft to prevent the BavaroPalatine poffeffions from being reduced to a state of weakness, and confequently to repair the diminution of force and territory, which refults from the above renunciation, the French republic engages to maintain and efficacioufly defend the integrity of the aforefaid poffeffions upon the right bank of the Rhine, together and in the extent which they have, or ought to have, according to the treaty and the conventions concluded at Tefchen, the 13th May 1799; faving the ceffions which may take place with the full will of his Electoral Highness, and the confent of all the interested parties.

The French republic promises, at the fame time, that it shall ufe all its influence and all its means, in order that the 7th article of the treaty of peace of Luneville, by virtue of which the Empire is bound to give to the hereditary princes difpoffeffed upon the left bank of the Rhine an indemnification, to be taken in its bofom, thould be particularly executed with refpect to the Electoral Palatine Houfe of Bavaria; fo as that that House fhall receive a territorial indemnity, fituated as well as poffible for its convenience, and equivalent to the loffes of every kind, which have been the confequence of the prefent war.

IV. The contracting parties shall come to an understanding between themselves at all times, as good neighbours, and follow, on the one part and the other, the principles of perfect equity in regulating the difputes which may have taken or may take place, whether with refpect to the course of the Thalweg between the respective states, which, by the terms of the 6th article of the treaty of peace of Luneville, shall hereafter be the limit of the territory of the French republic and of the Germanic empire, or with respect to the navigation of the Rhine and commerce, or with respect to VOL. XI.


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