Obrázky stránek



A ántesdo A.

A prepofition join'd with Verbs and Nouns: as, A vos pertence: It belongs

to you.

A, or á, A prepofition, which fignifies, according to as, á opiniám de múytos, according to the opinion of


A, An interjection: A trífte, demím, A miferable that I am: A fálfafe: By a cheat.

A bóca de noíte: In the evening.
A formiga: At band.

A lárga: Diffolutely or loofely.

A lérta: Watchfully.

A cínte: Knowingly, or with a full endeavour.

A maneira: As, or like.

A maô ténte: Nigh at band.
A maô: Near or ready.

A primeira fáce: At first fight.
A préffa: Nimbly.

A puridade; In the ear by a nod.
A que del Rey: Murder.
A quem: On this fide.

A, Prepofition: Subír ás nuves, To mount the Clouds.

A apalpadellas: Softly feeling or trying.

A aveffas: Prepofterously.
A cégas: Inconfiderately.

A cutiládas: At daggers drawing.
A dentádas: Tooth and nail.
A eftocádas: At point of sword.

A efcúras: In the dark

A furtadélas: Privately.

A maôs chéas: With hands full.

A mil maravilhas: Moft elegantly

and finely.

A rebatinhas: Haftily.
A revézes: Interchangeably.

As vézes: Sometimes.

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Aballifáda cóufa: A thing difpoSed or defigned.

Aballifado; ou Afamádo. Aballifadôr: A difpofer, measurer, or defigner.

Aballifar: To difpofe, measure, or defign.

Abállo: Motion or trembling. A balôna do pefcófo: A coller. As balónas dos calçoés: The kneeftrings of the breeches.

Abalroár com alguém: To encounter with any body.

Abalroár com a náo: To board or come fide by fide with a ship.

Abanadór: A vanner or winnorver. Abanadúra: Blowing as with a pair of bellows.

Abanár as mófcas: To drive the flies away.

Abanár as árvores: To fake and clean the trees.

Abanárfe: To be fann'd.
Abáno: A fan.

Abáno de enxotár mófcas: A flie


Abános: Collars.

Abános da camífa: The gathering of the neck of a fhirt.

Abarcáda cóufa: A thing that is


Abarbár com alguém: To equal one, or nose him.

Abarcador: An intercepter. Abarcaménto: An interception or comprehenfion.

Ábarcar: To comprehend or inter

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Abater: To abate, deject, deprefs. Abatérie: To be fubjected, &c. Abatída cóufa: A thing is depreffed, or fubjected, or abated.

Abatido eftár: To lye down. Abatiménto: An abatement, lying down or fubmiffion..

Abegaô: A country farmer. Abegóa: A country woman. Abegoaría ou abegaría: Husbandry.

Abegóura: Husbandry.

Abegões: Certain people that were dedicated to the fervice of an Hofpital. Abejarúca: A bird called a Wood


Abelha: A bee.

Abelha méftra: The king of bees. Abélha criança: A young


Abelhaô que cóme ás abelhas: A


Abélharfe: To baften.

Abelhínha: A little bee.

Abelhinha flor: A bee flower.
Abelhudamente: Too hastily.
Abelhúdo: Over-hafty.
Abelónas: Kneeftrings.

A bém: deitár á bem: To confult for the best.

Abemoládo: A flat in mufick.
Abençoada cóufa: A bleffed thing.
Abençoador: A bleffer.
Abençoadóra: A the bleffers;
Abençoár: To bless.

Abendiçoár: To bleß.

Abérta cóufa: A thing that is open

or fpread abroad.

Abér: Near.

Abertaménto: Openly.

Abértas péra fair a ágoa do río: Breaches in the bank of a river, or


Abérto eftár: To be open. Abertura: A cleft or chap in wood

or Stone.

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Abertúra no edifício: A gaping

in a wall or building.

Abertura da térra: An opening of

the earth.

Abélpa: A wasp.
Abelpaô: A bornet.

Abefoúro: The fame hornet. Abexím: An Abyffine, or one of Prefter-John's Country.

Abeftrúz: An Ostrich or Eftrich. Abetumár: To stop with pitch and clay, or lime.

Abil coufa: A fit thing.
Abilidade: A faculty or ability.
Abilitár: To impower or make fit.
Abilmente: Fitly.
Abífmo: An abyß.

Abifmárfe: To enter into an abyss. Abitaçao: An habitation or abode. Abitáda cóufa: A thing poffeß'd of inhabited.

Abitadór: A dweller.

Abitadór da térra: An inhabitant or land.

Abitadór dos máttos: wood



Abominavelmente: Hatefully or


A bom témpo: Opportunely, or in good time.

A bom recádo: Safely. Abonádo: A man of credit or rich. Abonadór: A furety. Abonár: To remain for one. Abonançár: To turn from a ftorm to good weather.

Abonárfe: To justifie himself, or to come off with oftentation.

Abóno: A bragging or boasting. Aborcár o léyte: To overflow with milk, in giving fuck,

Abordár: To board a fhip.
Abórdo: A borad.
Abordoár: To go leaning on a staff.
Abortecedor: A bater or abhorrer.
Aborrecedór de hóniens: A bater
`of men.

Aborreçér ou avorrecér: To hate.
Aborrecida cóufa: A hateful thing.
Aborrecidaménte: Hatefully.
Aborreciménto: Hatred.
Aborréciménto á mulheres: Ha-

Abitadór das óndas: A water-tred of Women.

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Aborrecível cóufa: Anodious thing. Aborrecivelmente: Odiously. Aborrída cóusa: Hated by himself. Aborridaménte: Hatefully. Abortár ou movér a mulhér: For a woman to mifcarry.

Aborto: A mifcarriage. Abotoáda cóufa: A thing clofe buttoned.

Abotoadéira, Abotoadór: But


"Abotoadúra: A buttoning.

Abotoár: To button or bind faft. Abotoárfe: To be fast buttoned. Aboyáda áncora: An anchor difcover'd by its buoy.

Aboyár: To buoy an anchor.


Abreviár: To reduce into little.
Abreviaturas: Notes.
Abridór: An opener.

Abridor de poços: A Well-digger.
Abrigáda: Being in the fun or air.
Abrigáda cóufa: Any thing that is
in the fun or open air.

Abrigáda cóufa: Any thing that is defended, reliev'd or protected. Abrigador: Aprotector. Abrigo: The warm or open air, and a protection.

Abrigár: To protect.

Abrigárfe: To be laid open to the
Sun, or to be protected.

Ábril: The month of April.
Abriménto: An opening.
Abrir: To open.

Abrír o felládo cómo cártas: To open what is fealed with the privacy of a letter.

Abrir maô: To defift.
Abrirfe: To gape or be opened.
Abrírfe a bóca: To gape.
Abrírfe a térra: For the Earth to
fall down, or open.

Abrirle a fáva quándo femeáda guer naçér: For a bean to open whea it grows after it is fown.

Abrocháda cóufa: Any thing that is wrung or strained.

Abrochadúra: A ftraining.
Abrochár: To ftrain.
Abrogáda cóufa: A thing that is
antiquated or null.

Abrogár: To antiquate, abrogate, diffolve, or null, or difannul.

Abrolhár o enxerto: For a young fience or graff to begin to bud.

Abrolho de férro: An iron tripod.
Abrólho érva: A thijtle or bramble.
Abrotono érva: Southernwood.
Abrótea: Alilly or daffadil.
Abrunheiro: A wild plum-tree,

Abraçada cóufa: Any thing that is floe-tree, or bullace-tree.



Abraçár: To embrace.

Abraçar a miúde: To embrace of

Abraço: An embrace.

Abrúnho: A floe.
Abfólto: Abfolved.

Abfona voz: An untuneable voice.
Abfolver: To abfolve.

Abfolutamente: Altogether or ab

Abrandáda cóufa: A thing that is folutely.

lenified or mitigated.

Ábrandár: To mollifie.

Abrandárfe: To be mollified. Abranger: To be fufficient. Abranger com á maô: To comprebend.

Abrantes: A town in Portugal of that name.

Abrafáda cóufa: A thing that is


Abocanhár: To bite.
Abogado or Avogádo: An advo-ner.


Aboyz: An Inftrument to catch fish or fowl.

Abolinár: To fail with the bowling; or, Ir péra bolína. Aboleimádo: Like a tart or wafer anfashioned.

Abolorecer: To ftink, or grow boary or mouldy.

Abomoniçám: An abomination.
Abominár: To hate or deteft.
Abominável cóufa: A detestable


Abfoluto fenhór: Chief or fupream Lord and Mafter.

Abfórto: Out of his fenfes, or drawn from their fenfes.

Abrafadaménte: In a fiery man-is

Abfurda cóufa: An abfurd thing.
Abfténdole Abftaining from.
Abftérfe: To pare or abstain.
Abftinencia: Abstinence.
Abundancia: Plenty.
Abundánte cóufa: A thing that
abounding or plentiful.

Abundante fazer: To make rich,

Abrafadór, Abrafodóra: An in-wealthy, or plentiful.


Abrafaménto: An inflammation.
Abrafár: To fet on fire.

Abrafárfe: To be inflamed.

Abrafárse em íra: To be in a rage, Abreviaçaô: A compendium. Abreviáda cóufa: A thing shortned or epitomized.

Abreviadám énte: Compendiously. Abreviadór: An Epitomizer. Abreviadóra: Which makes use of an abreviature.

Abundantemente: Abundantly. Abundár: To abound.

Abufaô; An abuse.

Abútre; A vulture.

A antes do C.

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Acabádo: Extinct or dead.

Acabádo he: It is ended without


Acabador: A finisher.

Acabamento: A finishing. Acabár; i.e. Matár: To kill. Acabár: i. e. Morrér: To die. Acabár de fazer: To make an end of a piece of work.

Acabárle: To perish, or ceafe. Acabelláda cor: A colour between yellow and red.

A cábo de póuco: A little after. A cabo de múyto: Much after. Acaboule: It is finifhed or done. Acabramár o boy: To tie an Ox foot to his born.

A cáda; i. e. a cáda hóra: Every bour.

Acáda páffo: Every where all a


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Acafelladór de parédes: A plaifterer of walls.

Ácafelladóra fem: A plaifterer.
Acafelladúra: Plaistering.
Acafellár: To plaister.

Acafellár com calíça vélha: To plaifter with old mortar. Acallentádo: Kept warm in a lap or 'bofom.

Acallentár: Toftupifie,to keep warm, nourish or appease.

Acalmár o vento: For the wind to abate or fall.

Acambarcar; v. Atraveffár as mercadorías.

Acamáda cóufa: A thing that proftrate.


Acancanhao: One that goes or tramples, or Spurs with his heel. Acamádo eftár: To lye down. Acancanhár: To go trampling, or Spurning with the heel.

Acanèládo: Somewhat red like Caffia or Cinnamon.

Acanhádo: Low Spirited,caft down, faint-hearted.

Acanhador: One that diminishes, extenuates, or undervalues. Acanhadóra fem: The fame. Acanhamento: Faintheartedness, or bafeness of fpirit.

Acanhár: To extenuate or depreß. A canhárfe: To be lower'd in conrage.

A cántaros chóve: It rains very bard.

Acantoádo: Forced into a corner. Acantoar: To force into a corner. Acapelládo foy das ondas o batél: The boat was almost overtopt with the


Acarao: Of two adverfe fronts. Acarróu o gádo: The cattel were ftruck mute with the beat of the fun. Acarretadór: A carrier or loader. Acarretadóra, fem; The fame.

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Acoçar o fono: To invite fleep by noife or found.


Acoimáda cóufa: A thing that is
taken unawares, or on a fuddain.

Acolá: Thither and there.
Acolchoada cóufa: A thing fewed
together like a bed or colchoon.
Acholchoár: To few together in the
Same manner.

Acolhéita; i. e. Acolhiménto:
A refuge or place of fuccour.
Acolhér; i. e. Recolhér á algúm
To receive or entertain.

Acolher; i. e. Apanhár á alguém:
To catch or apprehend any body.
Acolhérfe: To fly for fuccour.
Acolhido: Slipt away.
Acometedor: An ingreffor or in-


Acometer: To affault or fet upon. Acometiménto: An affault. Acometída cóufa: Any thing that is affaulted.

Acomodáda cóufa: A thing that is fit, eafie, and convenient. Acomodadaménte: Fitly, eafily, and conveniently.

Acomodárle: To feign himself to be at any one's beck or nod. Acomodárfe ao témpo: To be pli

ant with the times.

Acompanhadeíra: A fhe-compa


Acompanhádo: Accompany'd. Acompanhador da poffóa mais grave: A companion or friend. Acompanhador ou guía; Aguide or leader.

Acompanhador com ármas; One that is a guard.

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Acompanhar da casa péra fóra; To wait upon a perfon out of doors. Acompanhar de fóra péra a cáfa ; To wait upon one home.

Acondicionado, bem ou mal, Good or ill condition'd.

Aconfelhádo bem; Well inftructed or advised.

Aconfelhadamente Purposely or advifedly.

Aconfelhador, ora; A counsellor.
Aconfelhár; To advife.
Aconfelhárfe: To take advice.
Acontecer; To happen.
Acontecimento; An event.

A contentamento, á contento; To


Acontiádo, metido na cónta ou contía; Put into the accompt or quantity.

Acordádo do fóno; Awaked. Acordádo; watchful, prudent. Acordádo inftruménto; An inftrument in tune.

Acordár do fóno; To awake.
Acordár á óutro; To wake ano-


Acordár; i. e. Avér confélho; To deliberate or confult.

Acordár em camera ou relaçám; To decree in the chamber, or the fu pream court of justice, call'd the Relaçám.

Acordár; i.e. Lembrárfe; To remember.

Acordo; Counfel or confultation.
Acórdo da relaçám; A decree of

the Senate.

Acórdo do póvo; A vogue of the people.

Acorcoádo; Stout and couragious. A corrér, á depréffa; Quickly. Acorrer ou focorrer; To help. Acóro, erva; The Sweet cane or Galénga.

Acoffar; v. Acoçár.

Acóffo, tomár acóffo; To weary with running.

Acoftado; Leaning on.

Acoftaménto de fenhór; A Salary

or stipend.

Acoltár; To join or annex. Acoftárfe á óutrem; To be joined to another.

Acoftárse a térra; To come or fall in, or lie upon, or cruise upon a coast or hoar.

Acoftumáda cóufa; A usual or customary thing.

Acoftumadamente; Cuftomarily. Acoftumádo; Accustomed. Acoftumár á óutrem: To teach or ufe another to any thing. Acoftumárfe; To be used or accuftomed.

Acotáda cóufa; Any thing that is noted or quoted.

Acotár; To note or quote. Acotovelládo; Foled, pushed or thrust with the elbow.

Acompanhadora ou Acompanha-thrust with the Elbow

Acotovellár To joffle, push or

Acarretár: To carry or load.

about often, or load.


pushed or thrust.


Acarretár muytas vezes: To beardór criádo; A waiting-woman or Acotovellárfe; To be so joffled,

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Acirandár: To fift or farce.
Aço: Steel.

Açodadaménte: Haftily.
Açodádo: Hafty or precipitant.
Açodaménto; Hafte.
Açodárfe: To make pofthaste.
Açofeifa ou macaa de náfega: The
fruit of the Jujube-tree.
Açomáda coufa: Angry.
Açomáda: The ridge or top of an
bill or bank.

Açomár: To incenfe or make angry. Açomár, i, chegár: To approach or draw near.

Açorda: A kind of oyl, broth or pottage.

Açór: An kawk Açótea: A kind of a fummer or profpect-boufe.


Açougágem ou traquináda : A

noife or tumult.

Açougue The butcher-row or Shambles.

Açoudatíço: A notorious Villain that deferveth punishment. Açoutádo: A Slave Subject to


Açoutádo múitas vézes: One accustomed to Scourges.

Açoutádo fer: To be beaten or Scourged.

Açoutadôr: A whipper or Scour


Açoutadúra ou açoutaménto: A whipping or Scourging.

Açoutár: To whip or Scourge. Açóute ou o azorrágue: A whip or Scourge.

Açóutes: Whippings or stripes. Açucaráda cóufa: Any thing Tweetned with fugar. Açúcar: Sugar.

Açúcar candil ou cánde: Sugar-1 candy.

Açúcar rofádo: Sugar of rofes. Alúcar refinado: Refined fugar. Açucarár: To preferve or Sweeten with fugar.

Açucareiro váfo: A fugar-box or Vessel.

Açucáte ou efpóra: A fpur. Açucéna: A white lilly. Açúde ou lévada do moínho: A mill-pond or aquaduct for to drive a mill.

Açugentáda cóufa: A thing that is defiled.

Açugentadaménte: Filthily.
Açugentamento: A defiling.
Açugentár: To defile.
Açuladór: A fetter on or encoura

ger of dogs.

Açulaménto: Such an encourage

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Achamboáda cóufa: That is dull, homely and unpolished; v. Groffeiro. Achano That is made fmooth, fleck or plan; v. Aprainádo. Achanár; v. Aprainár. Acháque: A pretended indifpofition

or excufe.

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Cáfa de criár ádens: A duck-house.
Adéntro: Within.

Adeofádo: Made god-like.
Adereçádo: Adorned and prepared.
Adereçár: To adorn or prepare.
Aderéncia: Grace or favour.
Adefhóras ou derepénte: Surpri

Acháque ou doença: Areal indif-fingly or on a fudden. pofition or want of health.

Acháque pór ou Achacár: To plead want of health for an excufe. Achár: To find.

Achárfe prefénte: To appear or be


Achárfe mal: To be out of order. Achavascádo: v. Groffeiro. Achéga ou achégas: An addition or augmentation.

Achegádo: Touching or joyned to


Achegádo ou parénte: Nearly related by Kindred.

Achegaménto: A joyning or being near to one another.

Achegárfe: To approach or come

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Adevínha ou agóuro: A riddle or intricate fentence.

Adevinhação: A footh-Yaying or divination.

Adevinhação pélla fómbra: Scio maney or divination by fhadow's.

Adevinhação péllas mãos: Chyromancy or divination by the hands.

Adevinhação pélla térra: Geomancy or divination by the earth.

Adevinhacão péllos córpos mór tos: Necromancy or divination by dead bodies.

Adevinhação por fortes: A foothSaying by lots

Adevinháda cóufa: Any thing prognofticated or foretold.

Adevinhador: A footh-fayer or fortune-teller.

Adevinhador dos fónhos: An interpreter of dreams.

Adevinhadór por áves: A fortuneteller by the flight of birds.

Adevinhador pélias feiçoens do róftro: A diviner by phifiognomy. Adevinhança; v. Adevinhação. Adevinhár: To prophefie or fore

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Adéga de Vinho: A wine-cellar.
Adéga de azeite e mel: A ftore-Sayer.
boufe or lodge for Oyl and Honey.
Adeguéiro: A cellar-man.
Adejár: To clap the wings.
Adéla: A wardrobe.


Adiantado: A great Ruler or Go


Adiantaménto: Precedence or pro


Adéla que vénde péllas rúas: Woman that cries things for fale in the open (treets.

Adeléves with a soft touch or


Adelgaçádo: Made thin, wafted or diminished.

Adelgaçadaménte: Thinly or flen


Adelgacador: One that leffeneth or makes flender. Adelgaçamento: A leffening or diminishing.

Adelgaçamento do fiádo: The making fine thread or fpinning. Adelgacár: To leffen, make thin and diminish.

Adelgacár fiándo: To fpin fine.
Adelgaçárfe: To wax small, thin

Adiánte: Before.

Adiánte mais: Further.
Adibe: A gray or badger.
Adição: An addition.

Adinheirádo: A moneyed or rich

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