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Grammatica Anglo-Lufitanica.

The Infinitive is likewife ufed in two different Manners. in Writing or Difcourfe, viz. The Paffive Voice in the First, with the Verb Ey, I have; another Verb, and the third Perfons both Singular and Plural, is not only form'd Particle que preceding; v. g. Paréceme que has de a-out of the Verb Substantive Sou, and the Participle, but már as letras, and Parecía me que avías de amár as létras; It is my Opinion that thou wilt love Learning; I thought that thou hadst loved, or wouldt love Learning. Again, by fupplying the Idiom in the first Future with the first Indicative; as Paréceme que amaréy, leréy, I think I shall love or read; fometimes by the Future of the Potential Mood; as Paréceme que amarías, lerías ouvirías; It is my Opinion, ibat thou mightest or couldjt love, read or hear, &c.

out of the Tenfes of the Verb Active, by adding the Particle Se, placid before; as A virtúde e áma, Vertue is beloved; As virtudes fe amam, Vertues are beloved. Example of the Particle Se, placed after the Verb Amávale, amoúfe a virtúde, amávamfe, amáramfe as virtudes; Vertue and Vertues was and were lov'd. So O livro fe le, fe lia, fe léo, ou o livro léfe, liafe and léofe; The Book is, was, and bath been read.

It may be obferv'd, that in the forefaid third Perfons of At other times the Particle que is fupplied by the Par- the Paffive Voice the Letter f is fingle, as Amafe, amáticle de, when th: Verbs Elpero, I hope; Prométo, 1 vafe, léte, liafe; to distinguish the first and third Perpromife; Júro, Ifwear; are foregoing; v. g. Efpéro, fons Singular of the Prefent and Imperfect Tense of the prométo, júro de tornár çédo; I hope, promife, and Optative Mond in the Active Voice, which are written fwear to return presently. So, de amár, de ler, de ouvir, with a double ff; as Oxalá amáffé eu, ou amáffe élle, &c. Sometimes the Phrafe is thus alter'd; as Efpéro, & léffe, ouviffe, &c. B. fides, the fame Form of Speech prométo, júro que hey de tornar amár, ler e ouvir, may be made of the Verb Subftantive, and the Partiand the like, and not improperly, Elpéro avér de tornár ciple of the Preterperfect; v. g. A virtude he, éra, foy cédo. aimáda; Vertue is, was, and hath been citeim'd and lov'd. And fo in the Plural; as Virtudes fam, éram, fóram amádas, &c.

It likewife may be obferv'd in what manner Gerunds and Supines are used, viz. fometimes with the Particle de, and a Noun Substantive preceding; as Ténho deféjo Note. That the Subftantive Verb Sou, I am, is not de eftudár, de lér, de ouvir; I have a Defire to study, only joined with Verbs Paffive in all Tenfes, but that the read, hear, &c. Sometimes it is elegant to fay, Soys Auxiliary Verb Ey, I have, is used with the Infinitive of diligente em efcrevér, Thou art diligent in writing; the faid Verb Sou; which is Ser, to be, and the PartiEftoú canfado de andár, I am weary of going or walk-ciple of the Preterperfect Tenfe of the Paffive Voice; ex. g. ing; O Románo vénce affentádo, a Roman conquers Ey avía, oúve, ouvéra, averéy de fer amádo, enfinafitting; ou eftándo affentado. do, lido, ouvido. All which, with the Verb Ténho, would be very improper, &c.

Sometimes the Gerunds are doubled; v. g. cftándo efcrevéndo éfta recebía vóffa, When I was writing! this, I receiv'd yours.

The third Gerund is thus ufed, Soys mays péra amár que péra fer amádo, Thou art fitter to love than to be beloved.

The Supines have a Form cafily distinguished, viz. Difpúfine péra amár, I prepared my felf for Love. Pédro he muy digno de fer amádo ou múyto dino péra fe amár; Peter is worthy of Love, or to be loved.

Examples of the first Conjugation in the Paffive Voice with Participles, Active and Paffive, and the feveral Formations.

Indicative Mood.

Prefent Tenfe.

Eu fou amádo: I am lov'd.
Tu es amádo: Thou art lov'd.
Elle he amádo: He is lov'd.
Nôs fómos amádos: We are lov'd.
Vós foys amádos: Ye are lov'd.
Elles fam amádos: They are lov'd.

Imperfect Tenfe.

Eu éra amádo: I was lov'd.
Tu éras amádo: Thou wert lov'd.
Elle éra amádo: He was lov'd.
Nôs éramos amádos: We were lov'd.
Vôs éreys amádos: Te were lov'd.
Elles érain amádos: They were lov'd.

And indeed (to excufe Tedioufneß) by well under Standing the conjugating of the Verb Subftantive Sou, thro' all the Moods and Tenfes, we may well apprehend what the Paffive Voice is, by the Addition of the Participle in all the Conjugations, Moods and Tenfes.

So that it will be fuperfluous to mention any thing more than fome few Obfervations that may cafually occurr


Of the Participles and Formations of the first Conjugation.

IT is necessary to take Cognizance of Several things which concur to make this Language more perfect.

Every Verb Active bath a Participle of the Prefent and Future Tenfes. The first is used when the Relative Par-" ticle que is prefix'd, viz. Matóu á Pédro que estáva dormindo, He hath killed Peter, who was fleeping; ou Máta á Pédro que eftá dormindo, He kills Peter fleeping.

The Participle of the Prefent Tenfe is also otherwise used; as when we fay, O que áma ou amáva, o que enfina ou enlináva, o que lé ou lia; Loving, teaching or reading, or which doth or did love, which doth or did teach, which doth or did read.

Some Verbs are allotted a peculiar Participle; as Amánte, a Lover; Lénte, a Reader; Ouvinte, a Hear er; Andánté, a Walker or Goer, and fome few others for we do not make use of Enfinante, a Teacher; Ufánte nor bem fallánte, unlefs by chance a Poct may prefume to take that Liberty. The Participle Active of the Future Tenfe is properly used when the Difcourfe is of a Perfon that is about to, or will do. any thing for the Future; and then the Auxiliary ey, with the Particle de, and the Infinitive Active of any Verb make up the Conftruction, changing the Verb ey thro' all its Tenfes, viz. Éy de amár, avía, oúve de lér, ouvir; and jo of the rest of the Verbs Active and Neuter.

The Verb Paffive bath an Adjective Participle of a dou ble Termination, viz. Mafculine and Feminine in o and a; as Amádo, amáda, Loved; Lído, lída, Read; Ouvído, ouvida, Heard; Vifto, vifta, Seen; Víndo, vínda, Come. The fame Participle almost all Verbs Neuter claim, which in the faid Tenfes have a Paffive Signification, which they have at least in the third Perfon Singular; as Tornádo, Turned; Corrido, Run. Excepting the Verbs Póffo and Río, I can, and I laugh; for the Participles Podído and Rído are not ufual; altho' fome not altoge ther incurious will fay, Nam hey podido fazer ifto, I have not been able to do this; Múyto ey rído, I have laughed much.


Imperative Mood.

Prefent Tenfe.

Every Verb bath its Participle of the Future Tenfe in the Paffive Voice, that bath its Participle of the Preterperfect Tenfe, with which, and the Auxiliary Ey, and the Infinitive Ser, it runs through all the Moods and Tenfes; ex. g. Ey, avía, oúve de fer amádo lído, ouvido, víndo, ido, &c. Here are excepted juch Verbs, which be- Le tu: Read thou. ing Paffive, want the Participle of the Preterperfect Tense, and fuch Neuters as have the faid Participle, yet want Léya élle: Let him read. the Paffive Voice in all the Tenfes. The Verb Máto, I kill, wants its proper. Participle, and is forced to borrow it from the Verb Morro, I die, viz, it is inelegant to fay, Tenho matádo, but Ténho mórto, I have killed. Next in order follow the Claffes of the fecond and third Conjugations both in the Active and Paffive Voice.

Leámos nôs: Let us read,

Léde vôs: Read ye.
Léyam élles: Let ikem read.

Future or Mandative Tenfe.

Lerás tu: Thou shalt read.
Lerá élle: He shall read.
Leréys vôs: Te hall read.

Example of the fecond Conjugation Active. Lerán élles: They shall read.

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Eu li ou ténho lído: I have read.
Tu létte, tens lido: Thou hast read.
Elle léo, tem lido: He hath read.
Nôs lémos, témos lído: We have read.
Vôs léltes, téndes lido: Te bave read.
Elles léram, tem lído: They have read.
Preterpluperfect Tenfe.

Eu léra ou tínha lído: I had read.
Tu léras, tínhas lido: Thou hadst read.
Elle léra, tínha lído: He had read.
Nôs léramos, tínhamos lído: We bad read
Vòs léreys, tínheys lido: Ye bad read.
Elles léram, tínham lído: They had read.

Future Imperfect.

Eu leréy: I shall or will read.
Tu léras: Thou shalt or wilt read.
Elle lerá: He shall or will read.
Nôs lerémos: We shall or will read.
Vôs leréys: Te shall or will read.

Elles lerám: They shall or will read.

Future Perfect.

Ja eu entám teréy lído: I then shall have read,
Tu terás lido: Thou halt have read.
Elle terá lido: He shall have read.
Nôs terémos lído: We shall have read.
Vos teréys lído: Ye shall have read.
Elles terám lido: They shall have read.

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Prouvéra á Déos que léra eu ou tivéra lído: Would to
God that I had read.

Que léras tu ou tivéffes lído: That thou hadst read.
Que léra élle ou tivéffe lido: That he had read.
Que léranios nos ou tivéramos lído: That we had read.
Que léreys vôs ou tivéreys lído: That you had read.
Que léram élles ou tiveram lído: That they had read.
Future Tenfe.

Práza a Déos que léya eu: Pray God I may read.
Que léyas tu: That thou mayeft read.
Que léya élle: That he may read.
Que léyamos nôs: That we may read.
Que léyays vôs: That ye may read.
Que léyan élles: That they may read.

Conjunctive Mood as the Indicative, cnly
Como added.

Cómo eu léyo: When I read.

Cómo eu lía: When I did read.

Cómo eu li ou ténho lido: When I have read.
Cómo eu léra ou tivéra lído: When I had read.

Future Tenfe.

Cómo eu lér ou tivér lído: When I shall, or shall have read.


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Tu leras: Tho' thou didst, might'ft, could'ft or should'st read.

Elle léra: Tho' he did, might, could or should read.

Future Tenfe.

Lería eu, I might read; leréy, I shall or will read; or poderéy ler: I shall be able to read.

Permiflive or Conceffive Mood.

Prefent Tenfe.

Léya: I may read. Dóulhe he que léya: I grant I may read. Máfque léya: Altbo' I may read. Imperfect Tenfe.

Léya: I might or could read. Dóulhe que léya, I grant I might or could read. Mafque léya; Altho' Icould read.

Preterperfect Tenfe.

Léffe, dóulhe que léffe: I grant I have read. Máfque léffe: Altho I have read.

Preterpluperfect Tenfe.

Léra, dóulhe que léra: Grant I had read, Máfque léra: Altho I had read; ou máfque tivéra lído. Future Tenfe.

Nôs léramos: Tho' we did, might, could or should read. Dóulhe que vénha ou chégue eu á lér: I grant I shall
Vôs léreys: Tho' ye did, might, could or should read.
Elles léram: Tho' they did, might, could or should read.

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or may come to read.

Infinitive Mood.

Prefent Tenfe.

Ler, to read; and prefixing the Particle Cue; the fame thro' all the Tenfes and Perfons of the Indicative Mood; as Que léyo, que les, que le, éc.

Imperfect Tenfe.

Ler, to read; or que lía, lías lía, &c.

Preterperfect Tenfe.

Ter lído, to have read; ou que li, que léste, que léo, &c. Preterpluperfect Tenfe.

Ter lído, to have read; ou que léra, que léras, que léra, &c.

Future Tenfe.

Que ey, has, ha de ler, ou que leréy, lerás, lerá: That I, thou, he shall or will read.

Another Future.

Que ouvéra, que ouvéras, que ouvéra de ler: That I, thou, he jhall or will, or I should have read, &c. Gerunds.

De ler: Of reading.

Em ler, de ler, léndo ou féndo lído: In reading.

Léra eu, I had read; or pudéra ter lído: Imight have A ler, péra ler, á fer & péra fer lído: To be read.





A ler, péra ler: To read.

De fer lído, péra fer lído: To be read.

Participles Active, Prefent and Imperfect.

O que le ou lía: Reading.


O que ha ou ouvér de ler: That is about to read, or hall read.

The Paffive Voice is formed by adding the Participle of the Preterperfect Tenfes, Lído, to all the Moods, Tenfes and Perfons of the Verb Substantive Sou. As for Exam ple, Sou lído, era lído, fuy lído, éra ou fóra lído, feréy lído; I am, was, have been, had been, fhall be read. And fo thro' all the Moods and Tenfes, which I shall bere omit as needlefs, and to avoid Tediousness and Prolixity.

Here follows an Example of the Third Conjugation, Ouvir, to hear.

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The Perfect Future.

Ja eu entám teréy ouvido: I shall then have heard.
Tu terás: Thou halt then have heard:
Elle terá: He shall then have heard.
Nôs terémos: We shall then have heard.
Vôs teréys: Te fhall then have heard.
Elles terám: They shall then have heard.

Imperative Mood.
Prefent Tenfe.

Ouve tu: Hear thou.
Ouça élle: Let him hear.
Ouçámos nôs: Let us hear.
Ouví vôs: Hear ye.
Ouçam élles: Let them bear.

Future or Mandative Tenfc.

Ouvirás tú: Thou shalt hear.
Ouvirá élle: He shall hear.
Ouviréys vôs: Te shall bear.
Ouviram élles: They shall hear:

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