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Portugueze Language.

Being a Copious



English with Portugueze,


Portugueze with English.


With an Eafie and Unerring Method of its Pronunciation, by a distinguishing Accent, and a Compendium of all the neceflary Rules of Conftration and Orthography digefted into a Grammatical Form.

To which is Subjoined by way of


Their ufual Manner of Correfpondence by Writing, being all fuitable, as well to the Diversion and Curiofity of the Inquifitive Traveller, as to the Indifpenfible Ufe and Advantage of the more Induftrious Trader and Navigator to most of the known Parts of the World.

By A. J.


Printed by R. Janeway, for the Author, M. DCC, I.

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O excufe all that Naufeous Trumpery and Va nity of Dedications and Prefaces, with which in this Scribbling Age moft things are crowded into the Press, a Line or two may serve to acquaint the more Ingenious Perufer of these following Pa pers, that they were many Years fince defigned, and put together for the Compofer's own Ufe, and had been buə ried with him, had not the Perfwasions of fome Friends, and his own Obfervations, induced him to believe, that as they may prove a Diverfion to the Curiofity of fome, fo they must be of undoubted Ufe and Ser vice to all fuch as are already ingaged in, as well a thofe that fhall at any time hereafter fet out for the World of Business. It will be needless to say any thing more for the Credit and Reputation of this Language, than that it may juftly own the Latin for its Mother and Original, and from its very Birth hath kept up its Alliance with that Strictnefs and Nicety, that it yet retains many intire Sentences that are allowable Latin, and for that Reafon efteem'd as Elegant Portugueze; which none of its Neighbours can pretend to. It's true, the Italian may look big, and fwell with his lofty State and Grandeur, and the Spaniard pretend to charm with his eafie Softness, but the Portuguese may justly claim a Share in both their Graces; and when he makes an Addrefs in his politer Garb, he fhews that becoming Decency and Gravity that allows no defe

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A B A.

To abet, vid. Maintain or aid.
To abbreviate, abridge, or make
Short: Abreviár, encolher, contratár
Bacted, vide, driven away. e encurtár.
To abandon, put away, or Abbreviated or abridged:
forfake: Defterrár, lan-ádo encolhído, contratado, encurtá-
car fóra com defprézo, do, e recopilado.

deixár, defampárar.

To abandon or divorce, vide, Divorce. Abandoned or forfaken: Defterrádo, lançádo fóra com defpréza, deixádo, defamparádo.

An abandoner or forfaker: Defterradór, deixadór, defamparadór, e lançadór fóra.

tándofe, detérfe, tardár.

To abide or endure to the end: Perfeverár e durár athé ó cabo.

To abide, bear, or suffer: Padecér,

Abrevi-fofrér, foftér.

To abide or ftay behind for a time: detérfe ou deter, retér, ficár, efperár, An abbreviation: Abreviaçaô en-ficár atrás, eftár quédo. colhiménto, encurtaménto, e recopi- To abide or tarry for: Detérfe, ef


To abridge: Recopilár; vid. To abreviate.

Abridged: vid. Abreviated.

An abridgment, regifter, compendious draught, or abftract: Ocompéndio, a recopilação, o fummário ou

An abandoning or forfaking: O deftérro ou acto de defterrár, o deix- | breviario. ár, e o defampáro.

Abalienate, vide, Alienate. Abarftick, vide, Infatiable. To abafe, or bring lon: derribár, abaixár, deitár párabáxo, abatér; vide, Debate and bumble.

Abafed or brought low: Abaixádo, derribado, deitádo parabáxo, abatido.

An abafement or bringing low: O abatiménto, o derribár, ou derribaménto, o abaixaménto.

To abut; vid. To border or bound.
To abdicate; vid. To renounce or


Abducted; vid. Led away.

An abecdary: O abecedário oú
cónra de A, B, C, &.
An Abecedary, or one that teacheth
the Alphabet.

Aberration; vid. Wandring.
Abomination: Abominação ou
deteftaçao, maldade, gráve peccádo,
Crime ou a façánha máa.

To abash or make afhamed: Enver- Abominable or deteftable: Coufa gonhár á oútrem Efpantár oú ame- dígna de fe amaldiçoar ou deteftár, drontár; vide, To aftonish or make coúfa deteftável e abominável. alhamed. Abominably: Abominávelménte, To be abashed: Envergonhárfe, Ef-malvadaménte, torpeménte, feapantárfe, emudecérfe.


Abajhed: Envergonhado e Efpan- To abbor or deteft: Eftár alhéo de tádo. algúa coúfa, defdanhár, arrepiárfe, An abashment: Elfpánto ou que-abominár, amaldiçoár, enjoár; vid. bradúra do ánimo; vide, Astonish-To deteft and difdain.

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Abated or diminished: Tirádo, defmiufádo, diminuído, adelgaçádo. An abating or diminishing: A diminuiçaô, e adelgaçamento.

To abate in accounts: Tirár de báixo, tirár do méyo e abatér.

Abated in accounts: Tirádo de báixo, tirádo do meyo, abatido.

An abating in accounts: O tirár debáxo, ou o ácto de tirar e abatér da cónta.

To abate one's Courage: Diminuír ou quebrár o ánimo.

Abba: O Pay ou Pádre.
An Abbot: Ábáde.

An Abbefs: Abadéffa.

An Abbey: Abadía.

The Abbotship, or dignity of an Ab

Abhorred or detefted: Coúfa dígna de fe amaldiçoár ou cóufa execranda, e deteftánda e abominanda; vid. Detefted and difdained.

An abhorrer and detefter: O aborrecedór, abominador.

An abhorrer of Marriage: Aborrecedór de cafaménto.

An abhorrer of Women: dór de mulhéres.


To abide faft and firmly: Infiftir. He that bath abiden, or tarried in a place: O que fe tem detido, o que ficou, e fe retéb.....

An abider or dweller: O moradór, vid. Dweller.

An abiding, abode, or dwellingplace: A moráda ou cáfa.

An abiding, or enduring to the end : A perfeverança.

An abiding or fuffering: O fofriménto.

An abiding or tarrying: A ficáda, hospedagem, o ficar atrás, a deténça, efperança e tardánça."

An abject, of no eftimation: Def prezádo, abatido, pequéno, báxo, fometido.

An abiliment: A arrecáda, a ma


Abifhering, or Mifhering: Lívré de deréitos e tribúto.

Abyfs; vid. A bottomless Pit. To abjure or forfwear a thing: Negár com juraménto, abjurár.

He hath abjured or forfworn the Debt: Negóu a dívida com juraménto.

Abjured: Cóufa negáda com jura


An abjuring or forfwearing: A negaçaô com juramento, ou abjuraçao.

To be able: Podér.

To be very able, or more able than others: Podér múito, prevalecér.

Able, strong, or mighty: Potente, Aborrece-valénte, fórte, cóufa que póde, effi

That which abhorreth the common fashion of Nature, or old Custom: Coufa fóra do Ordinário.

Au abborring or detefting: A inimizade, deteftaçao,a prága oú máldiçao, defprézo, abominaçaô; vid. Loathing.

An abhorring of Marriage: Deteftaçao de cafaménto.

An abborring of Women: Deteftaçaô de mulheres.

To abide or tarry: Eftár quédo,

bot: Officio ou dinidade do Abáde.defiftir, reftár, eftár, conftár, eftár tir-
Abettor Incitadór.
me, affentárfe, fazér affento apar-


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