Proceedings of the British Academy, Svazek 156British Academy, 2009 - Počet stran: 593 |
Vyhledávání v knize
Výsledky 1-3 z 52
Strana ix
... Akkerman fortress : Guardian Tower and part of Wheel Tower . 145 7.2d Akkerman fortress : the ditch at Storeyed Tower . 145 7.3a 7.3b Akkerman fortress plan showing locations identified from Ottoman documents . Akkerman fortress ...
... Akkerman fortress : Guardian Tower and part of Wheel Tower . 145 7.2d Akkerman fortress : the ditch at Storeyed Tower . 145 7.3a 7.3b Akkerman fortress plan showing locations identified from Ottoman documents . Akkerman fortress ...
Strana 143
... fortress complex commenced in 2006 , and in 2007 a resistiv- ity survey was begun . Examination and analysis by a fortress specialist was also carried out ... Akkerman fortress . THE OTTOMAN BLACK SEA FRONTIER AT AKKERMAN FORTRESS 143.
... fortress complex commenced in 2006 , and in 2007 a resistiv- ity survey was begun . Examination and analysis by a fortress specialist was also carried out ... Akkerman fortress . THE OTTOMAN BLACK SEA FRONTIER AT AKKERMAN FORTRESS 143.
Strana 163
... fortress affairs over such long distances is at times striking . An example is the case of replacing the locks of the gates at Akkerman . We have a petition from Akkerman and an order to its kadı and dizdar dated to 1766 in which there ...
... fortress affairs over such long distances is at times striking . An example is the case of replacing the locks of the gates at Akkerman . We have a petition from Akkerman and an order to its kadı and dizdar dated to 1766 in which there ...
Defining and Mapping the Ottoman Frontier in | 31 |
Rivers Forests | 57 |
The Ottoman Conquest of Arabia and the Syrian Hajj Route | 81 |
Autorská práva | |
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Aden Africa akçes Akkerman fortress Anatolia Ankara Aqaba Arab Arabia archaeology archival army Balkans Bihać Black Sea border British Academy building C.Hariciye Cambridge campaign Caroline Finkel castle centre ceramics Christian conquest construction Danube documents early east eastern Egypt eighteenth century European Evliya Çelebi excavations Figure fortifications forts Funj garrison governor Hapsburg Hungarian Hungary Ibid İnalcık Ionian Iraq Islamic island Istanbul Janissaries Karamanid Kelefa kilometres Konya Krajina land late London Ma'an Mamluk Mediterranean Mehmed Mehmed II metres modern mosque Muslim Nile nineteenth century northern Osmanlı Ottoman administration Ottoman Empire Ottoman frontier Ottoman period Ottoman rule palanka Pasha political population port yard pottery province Red Sea region river route Rumbek Safavid sancak Seddülbahir seventeenth century Seyahatname Shi'i sixteenth century slaves soldiers Studies Suakin Sudan Süleyman Sultan Tarihi territory timar towers town trade troops Turkish University Press Vidin walls Yemen zariba