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The papers on the various subjects were prepared by the undermentioned gentlemen :

Senior Scholarships.

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Capt. D. L. Richardson.


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J. Kerr, Esq., M. A.

Capt. D. L. Richardson.

A. M. W. Christopher, Esq., B. A.
L. Clint, Esq.

L. Clint, Esq.

The Revd. K. M. Banerjea.

A. M. W. Christopher, Esq., B. A.




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J. Kerr, Esq., M. A.

A. M. W. Christopher, Esq., B. A.
J. Kerr, Esq., M. A.

L. Clint, Esq.

The Revd. K. M. Banerjea.

Sanscrit Scholarships,

Senior and Junior in all subjects,.

Rajah Radakant Bahadoor.
Pundit Bydyanauth Wopadhya.
Asst. Secy.-Sreesh Chunder Surma.

Arabic Scholarships.

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Lieut. Col. S. D. Riley.

and Lieut. Col. S. D. Riley.

S Senior and

The Senior Scholarship answers were examined by the gentlemen who set the questions; the Junior Scholarship answers were examined by the Officers of the respective Colleges; those of Branch and other Schools were examined by the Officers of the Colleges to which the Schools are attached,


The following is the manner in which the examinations are conducted :1. Sets of questions on the various branches of study in the Senior and Junior Departments are prepared by the examiners selected by the Council of Education.

2. One of the members of the Council of Education presides at the examination of each day: he is furnished with copies of the Scholarship Questions under a sealed cover, with a superscription specifying the subject of the contained paper, and the day on which it is to be opened in the presence of the scholarship candidates.

3. The students assemble in a room without books, papers, or references of any kind, are not allowed to communicate with each other during the examination, and on that account are placed at a proper distance from each other.

4. They are required to answer the questions and to write the essays without any assistance whatever; and to ensure this, one of the members of the Council remains in the room, and superintends the whole examination.

5. Any attempt at, or practice of unfair means, subjects the offending party to a fine of 100 Rs. in cases of Senior, and 50 Rs. in cases of Junior Scholarships: non-payment of the fine within one month subjects the offender to exclusion from the Institution till payment, and no offender is capable of then, or again competing for any Scholarship.

6. At the hour fixed for the close of each day's examination, every student delivers to the superintending member of the Council his answers or his essays signed by himself.

7. The Examiners fix an uniform standard of value for each question according to its importance. A perfectly correct and complete answer obtains the full number of marks attached to the question, an imperfect answer obtains a part only of the full number in proportion to its approximation to correctness and completeness. At least 50 per cent. of the aggregate number of marks attached to an entire set of examination questions, is strictly necessary to entitle a student either to a Senior or Junior Scholarship, but this rule is sometimes relaxed.

8. A junior scholar of one year's standing will in future be examined in the junior scholarship papers, 65 per cent. of the maximum number of marks being required to admit of his retaining his scholarship.

Junior scholars of 2 and 3 years' standing will undergo their examinations in the senior scholarship papers; they must obtain 20 and 30 per cent. respectively, of the aggregate number of marks to entitle them to retain their scholarships.

All senior scholarship holders must pass their examination in the senior scholarship papers. A senior scholar of one year's standing must obtain at least 65 per cent. of the aggregate number of marks allowed, and of all subsequent years, at least 75 per cent. to entitle him to retain his scholarship.

9. No student is allowed to compete for a Junior Scholarship whom the Principal of the College or the Head Master of the school to which he belongs, does not consider competent to attain the requisite standard.

10. No student is allowed to compete for a Senior, who has not already obtained a Junior Scholarship, or proved himself qualified to hold one, had there been a vacancy at the last previous examination.

FRED. J. MOUAT, M, D., Secretary to the Council of Education.

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