Obrázky stránek

the belief of those who first visited the coast of New Spain, that they had seen cities with nume rous steeples; from which circumstance they be stowed upon it the name of their native country The four great cities to which the general name of Mexico was given, contained two thousand of these Adoratorious or Teocaili; at the first glance, this vast population, equal perhaps to London or Paris, appeared to be crowned with innumerable towers and steeples. Architecture was perhaps too much in its infancy to enable them to build to any great height, a mound was therefore raised,|| and a building erected on the top. It was in this Who will pretend to speak with certainty as to way the temple of Belus at Babylon was erected, the antiquity of America-the races of men who and the Egyptian pyramids of the second class which have flourished and disappear of the thousant are solid, and probably the most ancient. Besides revolutions, which, like other parts of the globe, it being places of adoration, the Teocalli also served || has undergone? The philosophers of Europe, with as fortresses; they were usually the last places, to a narrowness and selfishness of mind, have endea which the inhabitants of the cities conquered by youred to depreciate every thing which relates to Cortez, resorted, after having been driven from it. They have called it the New World, as though every other quarter. They were enabled from the its formation was posterior to the rest of the habita position, form, and the tower on the top, to defend ble globe. A few facts suffice to repel this idea :--themselves in these situations to great advantage. the antiquity of her mountains, the remains of volPlaced from the bottom to the top of the mount, || canoes, the alluvial tracts, the wearing away of caby gradations above each other, they appeared (as | taracts, &c. and the number of primitive languages, Solis in his animated style expresses it) to consti-greater perhaps than in all the rest of the world tute "a living hili;" and at first, judging only from besides. the experience of their own wars, they fancied themselves unassailable.

pi more ancient than the Teocalli, a fact worthy of notice, although the stages are still plain in some of them, the gradations or steps have disappeared, in the course of time the rains having washed them off. The pieces of obsidian or flint, are found in great quantities near them, as is the case with the Teocalli Some might be startled if I should say that the mound of Cobokia is as ancient as those of || Egypt! The Mexicans possessed but imperfect tra ditions of the construction of their Teocalli, their traditions attribute them to the Toultees, or to the Olmees, who probably migrated from the Mississippi.

The use of letters, and the discovery of the inaFrom the oldest book extant, the bible, we see riner's compass, the invention of gunpowder and exemplified in numerous instances, the natural preof printing, have produced incalculable changes in dilection for resorting to high places, for the pur- the old world. I question much whether before pose of worship; this prevailed amongst all nations, those periods, comparatively recent, there existed, and probably the first edifice dedicated to the Deity or could exist, nations more civilized than the Weswas an elevation of earth, the next step was the icans or Peruvians. In morals, the Greeks and Roplacing a temple on it, and finally churches and mans, in their most enlightened days, were not su mosques were built with steeples. This having petior to the Mexicans. We are told that these prevailed in all countries may be considered as the people sacrificed human beings to their gods! Did dictale of nation. The most ancient temples of the not the Romans sacrifice their unfortunate prisonGreeks were erected on artificial, or natural eleva ers to their depraved and wicked pleasures, compeltions of earth; at the present day, almost everying them to kill each other? Was the sacrifice of part of Europe and Asia, exhibits these remains of tumuli, the rudest, though perhaps the most last ing of human works. The mausoleum generally holds the next place to the temple; and, what is remarkable, all nations in their wars have made the last stand in the edifices consecrated to their gods, and near to the tombs of their ancestors The Ado ratorios of New Spain, like all works of the kind answered the three purposes of the temple, the fortress, and the mausoleum. Can we entertain a doubt but that this was also the case with those of the Mississippi?

Ephigenia, to obtain a favorable win 1, an act of less barbarity than the sacrifices by the Mexicans of their prisoners on the altar of their gods? The Peruvians were exempt from these crimes-perhaps the millest and most innocent people that ever lived, and in the arts as much advanced as were the ancient Persians or Egyptians; and not only in the arts, but even in the sciences. Was ever any work of the old world superior to the two roads from Quito to Cusco ?

Pardon me, sir, for troubling you with this long, and perhaps tiresome letter, dictated probably by the vanity of personally communicating my crude theories to one who holds so distinguished a place in that temple of science which belongs to every age and every country.

With sentiments of the highest respect,

I am, Sir, your most obedient humble serv't.

The antiquity of these mounds is certainly very great; this is not inferred from the growth of trees, which prove an antiquity of a few centuries, but from this simple reflection; a people capable of works requiring so much labor, must be numerous, and if numerous, somewhat advanced in the arts; we might therefore look for works of stone or brick, the traces of which would remain for at least eight or ten centuries. The great mound of Cohokia, is evidently constructed with as much regularity as any of the Teocalli of New Spain, and was doubtless Dr. Robertson, who is disposed to lessen every -chased with brick or stone, and crowned with build. thing American, and to treat with contempt, unings; but of these no traces remain Near the worthy of a philosopher, all their acts and advancmound at St. Louis, there are a few decaying stones,ment in civilization, attributes this to the imaginebut which may have been casually brought theretions of the Spaniards, inflamed with the spirit of The pyramid of Papantla, in the northern part of Quixotic adventure. the Intendency of Vera Cruz, unknown to the first conquerors, and discovered a few years ago, was still partly cased with bricks. We might be war. ranted in considering the mounds of the Mississip.

See Appendix to Volney's View of America, Clark's Travels in Prussia, &c.



There can be but little doubt (says a Scotch paper) from a perusal of the translation of the Animali Parlanti, that Wm. Stewart Rose, son of the renowned George Rose, is the author of the far famed Beppo; and not Lord Byron.

From a Paris paper.— l'he present population of Europe, amounts to 177,221,600 persons, scattere over 154,450 geographic square miles. This popu lation, considered in an ethnagraphic point of view comprehends 53,195,000 Teutonians or Germans 60,586,400 descendants of the Romans, 45,120,000 Celavonians, 3,718,000 Caledonians, 3,499,500 Tar tans and Bulgarians, 3,070,000 Maggarians, 2,022,00rary works! This calculation is made, we Greeks, 1,760,000 Finlanders, 1,610,000 Cimmine

rians, 622,000 Basques, 313.600 Guisters, 294,00

Arnauts, 131.600 Armenians, 88,000 Maltese, &cThere are 1,178,500 Jews, 3,607,500 Mahometans. and 172.432,500 Christians, of whom there are 98,229,000 Catholics, and 41,898,500 Protestants Europe is divided politically into 78 sovereign states nominally independent. Their aggregate forces in peace, are 1,600,000; and on the war establishment 3,600,000. Their maritime force consists of 409

Walter Scott is stated to have realized 70,000l. within the last 12 years, by his lite

the author of Waverly, &c. which he stoutly presume, on the supposition that Mr. Scott is


[blocks in formation]

On Sunday the 2d of June, a venerable mi

ships of the line-3 ships of 50 guns, 348 frigates,nister of the establishment at Derbyshire,

1563 vessels of an inferior class.


walked twenty-four miles, did duty at three churches, by reading prayers and preaching four times; he also baptized an infant and churched the mother, published the banns of one couple, married another, and interred a corpse! He is seventy years of age.

Parliamentary Paper. An account of all distributions made by the Bank of England amongst the Proprietors of Bank Stock, whe ther by money, payments, transfer of 51. per cent. annuities, or otherwise, under the heads The hay harvest has commenced partially of bonus; increase o. dividend; and increase round London, and in the course of a few of capital; betwixt the 25th February, 1797, days will become general. Finer crops of and 1st of May, 1819, in addition to the ordi-grass were scarcely ever witnessed. nary annual dividend of 77. per cent. on the A bill to prevent British subjects from enCapital Stock of that Corporation existing in listing in foreign service, without permission, 1797, including therein the whole dividend has been reported in the house of commons; paid since June, 1816, on their increased ca- and a circular has been addressed to different pital; stating the period when such distribu-quarters, requiring an immediate list of Brit. tion were made, and aggregate amount of the ish officers holding Spanish or Portuguese comwhole:

In June, 1790. 10 per cent. bonus in 5 per cents. the 1797 on 11,642,4007. is

In May, 1801, 5 per cent. bonus in Navy
5 per cents. on 11,642,400% is

In Nov. 1802, 23 per cent. bonus on Na-
vy 5 per cents. on 11,612,4007. is
In Oct. 1805, 5 per cent bonus in cash on
11,742.400/. is

In Oct. 1806, 5 per cent bonus in cash on
11,642,4007. is

From April, 1807, to April, 1819, both
inclusive-Increase of dividend at the
rate of 3 per cent. per annum on
11,643,400%. is 12 years, or 371. 10s.
per cent.
In June, 1816-Increase of capital at 251. is
From Oct. 1816, to April, 1819, both in-
clusive-Dividend at the rate of 107.
per cent. per annum on 2,910,6907.
Increased capital is 3 years dividends,
or 301 per cent. on 2,910,6007. is




The British ministry are stated to have entertained the project of reviving the property tax, but had abandoned it, as they found the general sentiment hostile to it. Rumor said that a malt tax of two millions, and an addi tional tax on tea and tobacco, were to be laid but they would be opposed.

On the 25th of May, the American conven582,120tion bill was taken up from the House of Com. mons to the House of Lords, underwent a first reading, passed in committee on the 27th.



On the 23d of May, the French budget of expenditures was discussed. M. L. De Villeveque ascended the tribune, and he took occasion to glance at this country, which he termed " a flourishing republic," and observed that the cession of Louisi ana consolidated its power. He seemed to dread the probable effects of our power forty years hence, and asks whether France ought not to have inter Aggregate amount of the whole-L11,933,460 || dicted the sale of Louisiana to the United States.

Annual dividend payable on Bank Stock in 1797, on a capital of 11,642,4007. at the rate of 71. per cent. per annum, Annual dividend payable since June,1816 & at present on a capital of 14,553,0001. at the rate of 107. per cent. per annum,




The Secretary of the French legation in America, had arrived at Paris, with despatches M. Valabreque, the husband of Madame Catalini, has arrived in Paris, for the purpose of engaging a residence for his lady.

Madame Catalini intends to retire from the

stage altogether, and never more to sing in the cause of despotism in South America. The public even at a concert.

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A late arrival at Boston, in forty-seven days from Cadiz, reports that "the American Envoy has been well received at Madrid; that the treaty ceding

the Floridas was ratified; and Lieut. Read was daily expected at Cadiz with the ratification, to bring it to America in the sloop of war ilornet, appointed to sail the 1st of June for New-York”— which is in direct contradiction to the informa tion received on Friday last, furnished by the Adeline, arrived at Alexandria in thirty two days from Gibraltar: we merely publish these accounts as they come to hand, without pretending to any farther knowledge than what appears on the face of the report. The vicinity of Gibraltar to Cadiz, and information through that channel, being nearly twenty days later than the Boston arrival, inclines us

to attach most credit to the former statementnamely: that the treaty was not signed as late as the 28th of May last; this conjecture is fully con firmed by a reference to the respective accounts.

By a private channel we learn, that the bearer of a copy of the treaty, dispatched by the Chevalier De Onis, via Lisbon, reached Madrid nearly ten days prior to Mr. Forsyth, who arrived at that city on the 13th of May, so that it is pretty certain the treaty had been in possession of the Spanish govern ment, at least a fortnight, without receiving the sanction of the king; however, this delay is compatively trifling, when we reflect on the ceremonious punctillio of the Spanish court, that always stand in the way of every thing like dispatch in diplomatic


Though we are not disposed to doubt the ulti mate ratification of the treaty, we cannot help remarking that, the host of disappointed grantees, whose land claims will be excluded by the provi. sions of the present treaty, which added to foreign interference, might muster a pretty formidable opposition, and create serious scruples in the weak heads of Ferdinand's ministry, quite sufficient to defer, on very plausible pretexts, the immediate ratification of this treaty. However, these are merely suggestions: We are in daily expectation of something definitive on this head.


Gen. Savary lately challenged a young French marine officer at Smyrna, for making some remarks against Napoleón; the challenge was accepted; but Savary, on account of the youth of the officer, thought it best not to fight, but to cane him, and accordingly did it! very soundly.


najor part of these are veterans, who have seen nuch active service in various parts of the globe. In one brigade alone there are upwards of 1500 Waterloo men.

of May 8, arrived here from all quarters of the ConA number of foreigners says a letter from Ghent tinent, for the purpose of seeking the means of embarking, in order to aid the cause of the Independents of South America. The Belgians, who still bear in mind the humiliating and cruel yoke under which their ancestors groaned, are very well disposed towards the cause of the South Americans; and there never was a cause more popular, not only in Belgium, but throughout the Continent.


The quantity of cotton exported from Bombay to various parts of the world, from the first of January, 1818, to the first of January, 1819, including the ships that sailed in the first eleven days of the present year, is as follows:

To China and England,
To America, in 19 ships,
To the Isle of France
To France, in 9 ships,
To Portugal, in 7 shins,
To Penang, and the Eastward,










[blocks in formation]

Exports of Ohio.-On Saturday last, there were received in the port of Buffalo Creek, by arrivals from the state of Ohio, between 1,300 and 1,400 A letter has been addressed to the Secreta. bushels of grain, principally corn and oats. That part of the state of Ohio bordering on Lake Erie, ry at Lloyd's, by A. Andrade, esq the Vice has furnished us this season with considerable flour, Consul of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves, sta-grain, potatoes, lake fish, hickory nuts, (a new arting that a truce for two years having been signed, on the 12th April last, between the Kingdom of Portugal and Regency of Tunis, hostilities between the two States had ceased, and their former relations were established for the above mentiened period.


Before the end of the summer, says a London paper, it is computed that upwards of ten thousand troops will be shipped from Ireland to fight against

ticle of commerce) some pork, &c. It must materially affect the prosperity of an agricultural peobread stuff's from a distance. Should the present ple, who are under the necessity of obtaining their prove a propitious season, we hope this imputation may not hereafter rest upon our farmers in this country.

CHARLESTON, Va July 7.-Harvesting commenced in this neighborhood about the 1st inst. We are glad to state that the crops are uncommonly abundant throughout.

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THE COMET, whose appearance in. a N. N. W. direction, we mentioned last week, was not noticed in Philadelphia until Sunday evening. It is visible every evening until 10 o'clock, when it sets below the horison. The approach of a Comet, and we pre. sume the same that is now visible, was discovered by the Philosophers of Germany, by the aid of a telescope, in the month of April last.

NEW HAMPSHIRE MILITIA. From the N. H. Patriot-From the return of the adjutant general, made on the 1st day of January last, we gather the following information of the state of the militia of our state:

Division and brigade staff —3 divisions, 6 brigades, 3 major generals, 3 division inspectors, 3 division quarter masters, 6 brigadier generals, 6 brigade majors and inspectors.

quarter master serjeants, 35 quarter masters and 35 pay masters, 37 surgeons, 38 surgeon's mates, 345 companies, 238 captains, 336 lieutenants, 33 ensigns, drum and fife majors, 1,265 sergeants, 840 drummers, fifers and buglers; 19,715 privates-aggre. gate 22,276.

In New Haven it was first seen on Saturday even ing last. In noticing its appearance, the New Haven Infantry, grenadiers, light infantry, and riflemenJournal thus remarks-"The disk was unusually 38 regiments and the same number of colonels, lieu bright, and well defined; equalling in lustre any fix-tenant colonels, majors, adjutants, sergeant majors, ed star of the first magnitude. In consequence of the presence of the moon, and its nearness to the sun and the horison, the whole length of the train must have been considerably greater than it appear-74 ed on Saturday and Sunday evening. It was weli defined, however, to the distance of a degree and a half from the disk: and on a close inspection, some traces of light were discernable at the distance of 212 degrees. It is now in the breast of the Lynx;gregate 1,753 but it has been visible too short a time, to warrant any conjecture concerning the rate or direction of

its future motions.

"The following results concerning its present position in the heavens, are reduced from observations made on the evening of July 4th.

Cavalry-33 captains and companies, 64 lieutenants, 33 cornets, 132 sergeants, 64 trumpeters—ag

Artillery-32 captains and companies, 63 lieutenants, 118 sergeants, 64 drummers and fifers, 862 privates-aggregate 1,139.

Arms, Accoutrements, &c.-37,210 muskets, 37,177 bayonets, 16,550 cartridge boxes and belts, 15,152 bayonet scabbards and belts, 11,952 brushes Right ascension at 9 h 6 m. 7 s. 103 d. 58 m. and picks, 38.170 spare flints, 37,570 ball cartridges, Declination north, 45 d. 17 1 2 m. 11,000 loose balls, 13,200 pounds of powder, 13,200 Angular distance from the sun, 22 d. 23 1 2 m pounds of rifle powder, 1,733 horseman's pistols, Time of setting, 10 h. 12 m. 58 s P. M. 2,941 swords, 2941 sword scabbards and belts, Time of rising, 1 h. 51 m. 42 s. A. M.|| 10,107 knapsacks, 9,265 canteens, 8,259 haversacks, "Till the opposition of the moon, the most favora- 557 drums, 570 fifes, 32 bugles or trumpets, 2 brass ble time for viewing the comet, will be in the morn-4 pounders, 32 brass 3 pounders, 15 iron 6 pound. ing between the hours of 2 and 3 30. On this morning (July 5ti) its appearance; in consequence of the absence of the moon, was much more extended than last evening."

The ship Octavia, Post, lately arrived at Sagg Harbor, with 1800 barrels oil, to S. & B. Huntting, from the coast of Patagonia. Captain Post reports that whalemen in general have not done very well the last season, owing to the boisterous weather: any of the ships have left the banks with only 500

bbls oil.

A few days since, says the correspondent of a N. Y. paper; I visited Swartwout's meadows, at Hoboken and Newark, and was much gratified to find nearly four thousand acres in a way of being completely reclaimed from a sunken salt weadow. Thirteen hundred acres are dry, luxuriant, and in a state of flourishing cultivation. I found corn, rye, oats, wheat grass, garden vegetables, &c. growing in abundance. I deem the improvement of these meadows one of the greatest works on this continent. Here are se ven or eight miles of stupendous embankments, sixteen feet wide at the bottom and five or six feet high. I am informed that the proprietors have made more than one hundred miles of ditch. Nothing like this has ever been done in the United States Nearly 100 cows are now kept upon these meadows which, five years ago, were sunken, dreary marshes, so soft and spungy, that a man could not stand upon them-Three hundred cows could be kept here, and the milk daily brought to this city.

A Rattle-snake about 5 or 6 years old was killed in Weston, N. Y. on the 25th June by Mr. John Bradley, and on opening it two large red Squirrels were taken from it, entirely ungastricated, and apparently but just


ers, 2 iron 9 pounders, 2 iron 24 pounders, 4 iron 32 pounders, 49 sponges and rammers, 50 ladles and worms; 44 trail handspikes, 42 lead aprons, 62 am. munition boxes, 22 tumbrils or powder carts, 33 setts harness, 3,006 round of shot and shells.

No returns having been received from the second brigade, that is not included in the foregoing calculation.

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ST. LOUIS, July 16. Arrived on the 9th inst. the Western Engineer, Major Long, Maj. Biddle, Mr. Graham, Mr. Swift, Dr. Jessup, Dr. Say, Dr. Baldwin, Mr. Peal, Mr. Sey


A description of this beautiful little boat has been given to the public.

Her equipment is at once calculated to attract and to awe the savage. Objects pleas ing and terrifying are at once before him—ar tillery-the flag of the republic-portraits of a white man and an Indian shaking handsthe calmet of peace-a sword—then the ap parent monster with a painted vessel on his back, the sides gaping with port holes, and bristling with guns Taken all through, and without intelligence of her composition and design, it would require a daring savage to approach and accost her with Hamlet's speech-

Be thou a spirit of health, or goblin damned,
Bring with thee airs from heaven, or blasts from

Be thy intents wicked, or charitable,
Thou com'st in such a questionable shape
That I will speak to thee."-

No. 3.1



Published, every Saturday, by JONATHAN ELLIOT, at five dollars per annum-payable in advance.

Contents of this No. of the National Register.

ORIGINAL-Remarks, &c. on Chatterton the Poet, 33-Editor's Cabinet, 48.

has so strongly excited our sympathies, as the wonderful but unfortunate Chatterton, whose life we shall endeavour briefly to sketch, for the gratification of such of our

SELECTED-Miscellany-Mad. De Stael's Portrait of the Mar- readers as may not have had an opportunity become acquainted with his history. THOMAS CHATTERTON was born at Bristol,

quis de la Fayette, 37-New Custom-House, at Calcutta, 39 -American Literature, 40-Evans' description of an Ame


rican Eagle, 41. Astronomy-Solar Spots, 38-The Co-in England, Nov. 20th, 1752, of obscure pamet. 39. South America-Venezuela and New Grenada, 42. rents. His ancestors for a century and a Foreign Affairs-France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, half had been the sextons of St. Mary RedSweeden, &c. &c. 43. Home Affairs-Various Items, 46. cliffe's Church, and his father, in addition to this, as it were hereditary employment, taught a free school in Bristol Young Chatterton In the present dearth of political intelligence, received no other education than what he we conceive it will not be considered unacceptable, could pick up at a charitable seminary, called St. Augustine, in his native city; his faOccasionally, to introduce scientific and literary es- ther having died either bofore or immediatesays, for the sake of variety, and to suit the severally after his birth, and his mother being too

poor to send him to any other school. In this school he learned merely reading, writing and arithmetic, which constitnted the whole circle of his literary attainments. In 1767 Chatterton became an apprenticed clerk to an attorney of Bristol, with whom he continued for a few years; which seem to have been principally employed in reading, ac

tastes of our readers. In a work like the Register, a melange of this kind, will we believe be attended with amusement as well as instruction, and cannot be displeasing to any, however devoted he may be to the mere study of political science. Variety is the charm of life—and to our young readers, we quiring knowledge, and preparing those pro

know it must, and will, he acceptable.

sciousness of superior merit. He thus alludes to himself in his "Story of Canyinge," which he ascribes to Rowley,

ductions, which he ascribed to Rowley, and which, afterwards, became the subject of so REMARKS, &c. ON CHATTERTON THE POET. much controversy, and such general interest, among men of letters. Before the age of The Deity has sometimes produced inteltwelve, with all the disadvantages under lectual, as well as physical prodigies. His which he laboured, he had gone through 70 designs are mysterious and inscrutable; but vols. of history and divinity, and had atwe do not doubt that his object, though tempted the strength of his poetical being in shrouded from our view, is wise and bene fithe composition of some verses which indicent. Some men have appeared, like me-cated future excellence, and evinced a conteors, to blaze for a moment and vanish for ever their career has been too short, and perhaps too unfortunate, to render their efforts so beneficial to the world, as the powers with which they were gifted would induce us to anticipate. We may, indeed, regret the termination of a life which has only extended to a few years, and which gave promises of great usefulness to society-but could we remove the veil of futurity and see the chain of events which were to follow, we would immediately recognize the wisdom and the mercy of that being before whom it is our duty to bow, with the most profound and deep-felt sense of reverence and submis


Among the intellectual curiosities that have figured, for a few short years, on the theatre of the world, we know of none that

"In all his sheepen gambols and child's play,
At every merry making, fair or wake,
I kenn'd a purple light of wisdom's ray;
He ate down learning, with the wastle cake.
As wise as any of the aldermen,
He'd wit enough to make a mayor at ten.”

Chatterton is described by his sister as having been gloomy, from the time he began to learn, till he commenced his poetical labours, when he became more cheerful. Beattie, in his beautiful Minstrel, has painted a real, and not an imaginary Edwin. The following lines will apply with peculiar aptitude to this extraordinary child, at this 'pez riod:

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