. measure the not the Capacities of us that are young; you heat of our Livers, with the bitterness of your Galls; and we that are in the vaward of our Youth, I must confefs, are Wags too. Ch. Juft. Do you fet down your Name in the Scrowl of Youth, that are written down old, with all the Characters of Age? Have you not a moift Eye? a dry Hand? a yellow Cheek? a white Beard? a decreafing Leg? an inyour Wind creafing Belly? is not your Voice broken? about blafted fhort? your Wit fingle? and every part with Antiquity? and will you call your felf young? fie, fie, fie, Sir John. you Fal, My Lord, I was born with a white Head, and fomething a round Belly. For my Voice, I have loft it with hollowing and finging of Anthems. To approve my Youth further, I will not. The truth is, I am only old in Judgment and Understanding, and he that will caper with me for a thousand Marks, let him lend me the Mony, and have at him. For the Box o'th' Ear that the Prince gave you, he gave it like a rude Prince, and you took it like a fenfible Lord. I have checkt him for it, and the young Lion repents: Marry not in Ashes and Sack-cloth, but in new Silk, and old Sack. Ch. Juft. Well, Heav'n fend the Prince a better Compapanion. Fal. Heav'n fend the Companion a better Prince: I can not rid my Hands of him. Ch. Juft. Well, the King hath fever'd you and Prince Harry, I hear you are going with Lord John of Lancafter, against the Archbishop, and the Earl of Northumberland. Fal Yes, I thank your pretty fweet Wit for it; but look all you you pray, that kifs my Lady Peace at home, that our Armies join not in a hot Day: For I take but two Shirts out with me, and I mean not to fweat extraordinarily: If it be a hot Day, if I brandifh any thing but my Bottle, would I might never spit white again. There is not a dangerous Action can peep out his Head, but I am thrust upon it. Well, I cannot laft ever. Ch. Juft. Ch. Juft. Well, be honest, be honest, and Heav'n blefs your Expedition. Fal. Will your Lordship lend me a thousand Pound, to furnish me forth? Ch. Juft. Not a Penny, not a Penny; you are too impa Fare you well. Commend me to tient to bear Croffes. my Coufin Westmorland. [Exit. Fal. If I do, fillop me with a three-man-Beetle. A Man can no more separate Age and Covetoufnefs, than he can part young Limbs and Letchery: But the Gout galls the one, and the Pox pinches the other, and fo both the Degrees prevent my Curfes. Boy. Page. Sir. Fal. What Mony is in my Purfe? Fal. I can get no Remedy against this Confumption of the Purfe. Borrowing only lingers, and lingers it out, but the Disease is incurable. Go bear this Letter to my Lord of Lancaster, this to the Prince, this to the Earl of Weftmorland, and this to old Mistress Urfula, whom I have weekly fworn to marry, fince I perceiv'd the firft white Hair on my Chin. About it; you know where to find me. A Pox of this Gout, or a Gout of this Pox; for the one or th'other plays the Rogue with my great Toe : It is no matter, if I do halt, I have the Wars for my Colour, and my Pension shall seem the more reasonable: A good Wit will make use of any thing; I will turn Diseases to commodity. [Exeunt. Enter Arch Bishop of York, Haftings, Mowbray, and Lord Bardolph. York. Thus have you heard our Cafes, and know our And my moft noble Friends, I pray you all Speak plainly your Opinions of our Hopes, But gladly would be better satisfied, [Means: How, in our Means, we should advance our selves, To To look with Forehead bold and big enough,' Of great Northumberland, whofe Bofom burns With an incenfed Fire of Injuries. Bard. The question then, Lord Haftings, ftandeth thus, Bard. Ay marry there's the point: Bard. It was, my Lord, who lin'd himself with hope, Eating the Air, on promife of Supply, Flattering himself with Project of a Power, Much smaller than the smalleft of his Thoughts, Proper to Madmen, led his Powers to Death, Haft. But, by your leave, it never yet did hurt, That Frofts will bite them. When we mean to build, We first furvey the Plot, then draw the Model, What do we then, but draw a-new the Model In fewer Offices? or at least, defift To build at all? Much more, in this great Work, And wafte, for churlish Winters tyranny. Haft. Grant that our Hopes, yet likely of fair Birth," Should be ftill-born; and that we now poffeft The utmost Man of Expectation: I think we are a Body ftrong enough, Even as we are, to equal with the King. Bard. What, is the King but five and twenty thousand ? Haft. To us no more; nay not fo much, Lord Bardolph. For his Divifions, as the Times do brawl, Are in three Heads; one Power against the French, Muft take up us: So is the unfirm King In three divided; and his Coffers found With hollow Poverty, and Emptiness. York. That he should draw his feveral Strengths together, And come against us in full Puiffance, Need not be dreaded. Haft. If he fhould do so, He leaves his Back unarm'd, the French, and Welfh Baying him at the Heels; never fear that. Bard. Who is it like fhould lead his Forces hither? Against the Welsh, himself and Harry Monmouth. I have no certain notice. York. Tork. Let us on: And publifh the Occafion of our Arms. The Commonwealth is fick of their own choice, An Habitation giddy and unfure Hath he that buildeth on the vulgar Heart. Cry'ft now, O Earth yield us that King again, A CT II. SCENE I. Enter Hoftefs, with two Officers, Fang and Snare. R. Fang, have you entred the Action? Hoft MR. Fang. It is enter'd. Hoft. Where's your Yeoman? Is it a lufty Yeoman? Will he ftand to it? Fang. Sirrah, where's Snare? Hoft. Ay, ay, good Mr. Snare. Snare. |