" To keep thee from the Tempest of the Field. any And that I'll write upon thy Burgonet, Might I but know thee by thy Houfe's Badge. War. Now by my Father's Badge, old Nevil's Creat As on a Mountain top, the Cedar fhews, any Storm, Even to affright thee with the view thereof. Old Clif. And from thy Burgonet I'll rend thy Bear, And tread it under foot with all contempt, Defpight the Bearard, that protects the Bear. Y. Clif. And fo to Arms, victorious noble Father, To quel the Rebels and their Complices. For R. Plan. Fie, Charity for fhame, fpeak not in fpight, you fhall fup with Jefu Chrift to night. Y. Clif. Foul Stigmatick, that's more than thou can't tell. R. Plan. If not in Heav'n you'll furely fup in Hell. [Exeunt. Enter Warwick. War. Clifford of Cumberland, 'tis Warwick calls; War. How now, my noble Lord? what all a-foot? But match to match I have encountred him, Enter Clifford. War. Of one or both of us the time is come. For 1 my felf must hunt this Deer to death. York. Hold Warwick: seek thee out fome other Chase, War. Then nobly York, 'tis for a Crown thou fight'st: As As I intend, Clifford, to thrive to day, [Exit War, York. With thy brave bearing should I be in love, But that thou art fo faft mine Enemy. Clif. Nor fhould thy Prowefs want praise and esteem, But that 'tis fhewn ignobly, and in Treafon. York. So let it help me now againft thy Sword, As I in Juftice, and true Right exprefs it. Clif. La fin Corronne les œuvres. [Dies. York. Thus War hath given thee Peace, for thou art ftill; Peace with his Soul, Heav'n, if it be thy will. Enter young Clifford. r. Clif. Shame and Confufion, all is on the rout, Fear frames disorder, and disorder wounds Where it should guard. O War! thou Son of Hell, Hath no Self-love; nor he that loves himself, Now let the general Trumpet blow his blast, To cease. Waft thou ordained, O dear Father, And in thy Reverence, and thy Chair-days, thus P 2 hall Shall to my flaming Wrath, be Oil and Flax. So bear I thee upon my manly Shoulders; Nothing fo heavy as thefe woes of mine. Enter Richard Plantagenet, and Somerset to fight. R. Plan. So, lye thou there: For underneath an Ale-house paltry fign, The Caftle in St. Albans, Somerfet [Exit [Sometfet is kill'd. Hath made the Wizard famous in his Death; Sword, hold thy temper; Heart, be wrathful still: Fight, Excurfions, Enter King Henry, Queen Margaret, and others. Q. Mar. Away my Lord, you are flow, for fhame a way. K. Henry. Can we out-run the Heav'ns? Good Margaret stay. 2.Mar. What are you made of? You'll not fight nor fly: Now is it Manhood, Wisdom, and Defence, To give the Enemy Way, and to fecure us Lf [Alarum afar off. you be ta'en, we then fhould fee the bottom Of all our Fortunes; but if we haply fcape, As well me may, if not through your neglect, We fhall to London get, where you are lov'd, And where this breach now in our Fortunes made, May readily be ftopt. Enter Clifford. Cliff. But that my Heart's on future mischief fet. Away [Exeunt. Away for your relief, and we will live To fee their Day, and them our Fortune give. Away my Lord, away, Alarum. Retreat. Enter York, Richard Plantagenet, War wick, and Soldiers,with Drum and Colours. York. Of Salisbury, who can report of him, R. Plan. My noble Father, Three times to day I hope him to his Horse, But ftill where danger was, ftill there I met him, But noble as he is, look where he comes. Enter Salisbury. Sal. Now, by my Sword, well haft thou fought to day; By th❜Mafs fo did we all. I thank Richard. you God knows how long it is I have to live; York. I know our fafety is to follow them, [Exeunt. |