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And fled, as he hears fince, to Burgundy.

War. Unfavory news; but how made he escape? Poft. He was convey'd by Richard, Duke of Glofter, And the Lord Haftings, who attended him

In fecret ambufh, on the Forest fide,

And from the Bishop's Huntsmen rescu'd him:
For Hunting was his daily Exercife.

War. My Brother was too careless of his charge.
But let us hence, my Soveraign, to provide
A Salve for any Sore; that may betide.


Manet Somerfet, Richmond, and Oxford.
Som. My Lord, I like not of this flight of Edward's:
For doubtlefs Burgundy will yield him help,

And we shall have more Wars before't be long.

As Kenry's late prefaging Prophecy

Did glad my Heart, with hope of this young Richmond:
So doth my Heart, mif-give me, in these Conflicts
What may befal him, to his harm and ours.
Therefore, Lord Oxford, to prevent the worft,
Forthwith we'll fend him hence to Britany,
'Tis ftorms be paft of civil Enmity.

Oxf. Ay, for if Edward re-poffefs the Crown,
Tis like that Richmond with the reft fhall down.
Som. It fhall be fo; he fhall to Britany.

Come therefore, let's about it fpeedily.


Enter King Edward, Glocefter, Haftings, and Soldiers.
K. Edw. Now Brother Richard, Lord Haftings, and the reft

Yet thus far Fortune maketh us amends,

And fays, that once more I fhall enterchange
My wained State, for Henry's Regal Crown.
Well have we pafs'd, and now repafs'd the Seas,
And brought defired help from Burgundy.
What then remains, we being thus arriv'd
From Ravenfpurg Haven, before the Gates of York,
But that we enter, as into our Dukedom?

Glo. The Gates made faft?

Brother, I like not this.

For many Men that stumble at the Threshold,
Are well foretold, that danger lurks within.

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K. Edw. Tush Man, aboadments must not now affright us:

By fair or foul means we must enter in,

For hither will our Friends repair to us.

Haft. My Liege, I'll knock once more to fummon them. Enter on the Walls. the Mayor of York, and his Brethren. Mayor. My Lords,

We were fore-warned of your coming,

And fhut the Gates, for fafety of our felves;
For now we owe Allegiance unto Henry.

K. Edw. But, Mafter Mayor, if-Henry be your King, Yet Edward, at the leaft, is Duke of York. for you no Mayor. True, my good Lord, I know lefs. K. Edw. Why, and I challenge nothing but my Dukedom, As being well content with that alone.

Glo. But when the Fox has once got in his Nose, He'll foon find means to make the Body follow. [Afide. Haft. Why, Mafter Mayor, why ftand you in a doubt? Open the Gates, we are King Henry's Friends. Mayor. Ay, fay you fo? the Gates fhall then be opened. [He defcends. Glo. A wife ftout Captain, and foon perfuaded.

Haft. The good old Man would fain that all were well, So 'twere not long of him; but being entred, I doubt not I, but we fhall foon perfwade Both him and all his Brothers, unto Reafon.

Enter the Mayor, and two Aldermen.

K. Edw. So, Mafter Mayor; thefe Gates muft not be fhut, But in the Night, or in the time of War.

What, fear not Man, but yield me up the Keys,

[Takes his Keys.

For Edward will defend the Town, and thee,
And all thofe Friends, that deign to follow me.
March. Enter Montgomery, with Drum and Soldiers.
Glo. Brother, this is Sir John Montgomery,

Our trusty Friend, unless I be deceiv'd.

K. Edw. Welcome, Sir John; but why come you in Arms? Mont. To help King Edward in his time of ftorm,

As every Loyal Subject ought to dc.

K. Edw.

K. Edw. Thanks, good Montgomery:

But we now forget our Title to the Crown,
And only claim our Dukedom,

'Till God please to fend the reft.

Mont. Then fare you well, for I will hence again, I came to ferve a King, and not a Duke:

Drummer ftrike up, and let us March away.

[The Drum begins a March.
K. Edw. Nay ftay, Sir John, a while, and we'll debate.
By what fafe means the Crown may be recover'd.
Mont. What talk you of debating? in few Words,
If you'll not here proclaim your felf our King,
I'll leave you to your Fortune, and be gone,
To keep them back, that come to fuccour you.
Why fhall we fight, if you pretend no Title?

Glo. Why Brother, wherefore ftand you on nice points?
K. Edw. When we grow ftronger,

Then we'll make our Claim:

'Till then, 'tis Wisdom to conceal our meaning.

Haft. Away with fcrupulous Wit, now Arms must rule. Go. And fearlefs Minds climb fooneft unto Crowns. Brother, we will proclaim you out of hand, The bruit thereof will bring you many Friends.

K. Edw. Then be it as you will; for 'tis my right, And Henry but ufurps the Diadem.

Mont. Ay, now my Soveraign fpeaketh like himself, And now will I be Edward's Champion.

Haft Sound Trumpet, Edward fhall be here proclaim❜d: Come, fellow Soldier, make thou Proclamation. [Flourish. Sold. Edward the Fourth, by the Grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, c. Mont. And whofoe'er gain-fays King Edward's right, But this I challenge him to fingle Fight.

[Throws down his Gauntlet,

All. Long live Edward the Fourth.

K. Edw. Thanks, brave Montgomery ;

And thanks unto you all.

If Fortune serve me, I'll requite this Kindness.
Now for this Night, let's harbour here at York:

[blocks in formation]

And when the Morning Sun fhall raife his Car
Above the Border of this Horizon,

We'll forward towards Warwick, and his Mates;
For well I wot, that Henry is no Soldier.
Ah froward Clarence, how evil it befeems thee,
To flatter Henry, and forfake thy Brother?
Yet as we may, w'll meet both thee and Warwick.
Come on brave Soldiers; doubt not of the Day,
And that once gotten, doubt not of large pay.


Rater King Henry, Warwick, Montague, Clarence, Oxford, and Somerfet.

War. What Counsel, Lords? Edward from Belgia,
With hafty Germans, and blunt Hollanders,
Hath pafs'd in fafety through the narrow Seas,
And with his Troops doth march amain to London,
And many giddy People flock to him.

K. Henry. Let's levy Men, and beat him back again.
Clar. A little Fire is quickly trodden out,
Which being fuffer'd, Rivers cannot quench.
War. In Warwickshire I have true-hearted Friends,
Not mutinous in Peace, yet bold in War,
Those will I mufter up; and thou, Son Clarence,
Shalt ftir up in Suffolk, Norfolk, and in Kent,
The Knights and Gentlemen to come with thee.
Thou Brother Montague, in Buckingham,
Northampton, and in Leicestershire fhalt find
Men well inclin'd to hear what thou command'st.
And thou, brave Oxford, wondrous well belov❜d,
In Oxfordshire fhalt mufter up thy Friends.
My Soveraign, with the loving Citizens,
Like to his Ifland, girt with th' Ocean,
Or modeft Dian, circled with her Nymphs,
Shall reft in London, 'till we come to him:
Fair Lords take leave, and ftand not to reply.
Farewel my Soveraign,

K. Henry. Farewel my Hector, and my Troy's true hope.



Clar. In fign of truth, I kifs your Highnefs Hand. K Henry. Well-miuded Clarence, be thou fortunate. Mont, Comfort, my Lord, and so I take my and bid adieu. Oxf. And thus I feal my Truth K. Henry. Sweet Oxford, and my loving Montague, And all at once, once more a happy farewel. War. Farewel, fweet Lords, let's meet at Coventry. [Exeunt K. Henry. Here at the Palace will I reft a while. Coufin of Exeter, what thinks your Lordship? Methinks, the Power that Edward hath in Field, Should not be able to encounter mine.

Exe. The doubt is, that he will feduce the reft.

K. Henry. That's not my fear, my meed hath got me

I have not stopt mine Ears to their demands,
Nor pofted off their Suits with flow delays,
My pity hath been Balm to heal their Wounds,
My mildness hath allay'd their fwelling Griefs,
My mercy dry'd their water flowing Tears.
I have not been defirous of their Wealth,
Nor much oppreft them with great Subfidies,
Nor forward of Revenge, though they much err'd
Then why fhould they love Edward more than me?
No, Exeter, thefe Graces challenge Grace:
And when the Lion fawns upon the Lamb,
The Lamb will never cease to follow him.

[Shout within. A Lancaster! a Lancaster! Exe. Hark, hark, my Lord, what Shouts are these?

Enter King Edward and his Soldiersi

K. Edw. Seize on the fhame-fac'd Henry, bear him hence,

And once again proclaim us King of England.

You are the Fount, that make fmall Brooks to flow,
Now ftops thy Spring, my Sea fhall fuck them dry.
And fwell fo much the higher, by their ebbb.
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